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Chapter 6

Troy watched Camryn out of the corner of his eye as she drove them over to her parents’ house. She had insisted on picking him up for dinner. He had a feeling it was to escape the house. A full Covic family could be…overwhelming. If she gripped the wheel any harder it was going to pop off.

“You’re quiet,” he said, just to get some conversation going.

“I don’t have anything to say.”

He’d bet there was enough going on in her head. “Why did you hang up on me last night?”

“I thought we were done.”

“You don’t say good-bye when you’re finished with a conversation? Most people do.”

She stared straight ahead.

“It was just a compliment, Cam.”

“Well, you don’t have to give me compliments.”

Now he wanted to. “Boyfriends say nice things to their girlfriends.”

“You’re not my boyfriend.”

She needed a team of massage therapists and a stiff drink. “I thought we were supposed to break up after the wedding.”

She glanced over at him with a look of pure Pittsburg steel.

“Look, Cam, I’m nervous as hell, too.”

Her shoulders tensed as she pulled into her parents’ driveway and cut the engine. She stared at the house like it was going to eat her. “Last chance, Troy. You might need to be committed after this.”

He needed to be committed now. But after learning what that ex of hers had done, Troy was going to make this fake relationship work for the next week even if he had to literally propose to her. “You look nice.”

She did, too. She had her hair back in a ponytail, rare for her. It showed off her cute face. A knee-length white sundress hugged her waist and hips.

“Stop it, Troy.”

He got out after her. Lord, the woman could not handle a compliment. “I'm serious, Cam. I don’t say things I don’t mean.”

She paused on the porch at the front door and turned. He couldn’t see her eyes behind her sunglasses. “Did you mean it before or after Heather told you the things Maxwell said?”

She was too intuitive for her own good.

He stopped. Gently grabbed her arm, guilt needling his gut. “Camryn…”

“Enough,” she ground out. “Let’s go.”

And she opened the damn door to hell before he could even rebut. He sucked in a breath and stepped inside, too.

The entire clan was here, including her two aunts and uncles. It smelled like Baba’s sarma recipe was cooking, stinking up the house with cabbage and minced meat. He hoped they’d made something else, too, because his stomach couldn’t handle that now.

Camryn stopped just inside the doorway to close the door behind him.

Mom rushed over and patted his cheek. “Oh, Troy. You made it.” Her apron showed she was making cucumber soup in addition to sarma. Disgusting. Cucumbers belonged in salad. Give him another twenty years, and he’d still hate Serbian food.

Mom looked around him. “Camryn, where’s your boyfriend?”

Now or never. “That would be me,” he said loud enough for the whole living room to hear so he wouldn’t have to repeat it. If the statement bore repeating, he may bust out into hysterics.

The Covic house had never been this quiet. He was sure of it. Damn. If this was all it took to shut them up, he should’ve done it sooner.

Her mother looked from Camryn to Troy to Camryn again. “No really. Where is he?”

He plastered the stupidest grin on his face he could muster without making his teeth hurt. He wanted to run home like the scared kid he used to be. He kissed Mom’s cheek and took Camryn’s hand, only to find it shaking, so he kissed her hand, too.

Her mom backed away from them as if they were plagued by leprosy. Any second now, she’d whip out the Clorox and make the sign of the cross.

Troy led Camryn by the hand deeper into the living room and found an empty chair. After sitting, he pulled her into his lap. The fact she'd let him said wonders about her anxiety level.

He looked around the room. Yep, everyone still staring—check. “Come on, guys. It’s not that shocking.” It totally was. If he were one of them and someone had told him they were a couple, he’d react the same way. He looked up at Cam’s profile. She was intently staring at Heather as if to save her. Who’d save him? “I told you we should have said something about our relationship sooner.”

Her wide gaze darted to him, understanding dawning. “Yes, perhaps we should have.”

“Cam here wanted to wait until things were more serious before announcing it to the world.”

Yjaka Mitch laughed. All eyes shifted to him. Then he laughed again, his round belly jiggling worse than the Easter Jell-O mold. By the time he was done, Troy was tempted to find a respirator.

Nervous laughter followed from the rest, like a hazardous contagion.

Camryn’s shoulders sank.

Troy brought his hand up to rest on her back.

“You had us going there for a minute,” Kuma Viola said. “How’d you get Camryn there to partake in the act? Too funny. I thought she was born without a funny bone. When do we eat?”

Tetaka Myrtle belched, then hiccupped, patting her chest as if that had ever helped her digestion in the last thirty years.

Baba came into the room from the kitchen, leaning more heavily on her cane than when he'd last seen her. “Dinner in ten minutes.” Her gaze focused on Troy and Camryn when no one stampeded to the dining room. “Camryn, get off that boy’s lap before you break him.”

Obediently, she stood, but he pulled her back down.

Mom glared at Heather and Justin. “You said to act normal. You said to be open-minded. Is this funny to you?” Mom obviously didn’t think it was a joke. “You knew about this, you two?”

Justin put up his hands in surrender. The lucky guy still had a chance to escape the family. He wasn’t married in yet. “I found out yesterday. Don’t blame me.”

Dad stared at Troy and Cam, shaking his bald head in disappointment. It’s not like they'd robbed a damn bank. “This is just a joke, right? The real boyfriend’s coming later?” He looked too hopeful for Troy to break his bubble.

Fisher rose slowly, methodically, and handed Emily off to his wife, Anna, whose jaw was resting solidly on her thighs. His hands fisted and flexed, eyes narrowed to slits.

Troy had been expecting any variety of responses from his best friend, but anger wasn’t one of them.

He’d had enough. It was time to get past shock and onto the interrogation or they’d be going in circles until their flight to Colorado tomorrow. Standing abruptly, he caught Cam by the waist before she could fall, bent her over his arm, and smacked his mouth right to hers.

Her eyes flew wide, panicked, and she emitted a mewl sound of surprise.

It was, unceremoniously, the least romantic thing he’d ever done. It was no way to properly kiss a woman, even if it was Camryn. He had warned her yesterday they’d need public displays and to prove themselves. At least now they'd gotten the first awkward kiss out of the way.

And awkward it was.

“Oh, God. My eyes are burning,” Justin declared. The jerk.

Troy tilted Cam upright, held her arm to be sure she wouldn’t pass out in shock, then sat back down with a plop.

Camryn remained standing, eyes focused on the Orthodox crucifix on the wall above the fireplace.

Even Jesus was crying.

Baba sat in her recliner, assessing the situation. “Why did Troy just kiss Camryn? He can’t be that hard up.”

Troy’s jaw dropped as he focused Camryn, who had finally snapped out of her haze. She looked at Baba, brows furrowed, and swallowed. To any lame person, she seemed just like she always did, poised and calm. But her fists were tight knots, fingernails digging into her palms, proving she wasn’t unaffected.

“That was not a nice thing to say.” Troy gnashed his molars, determined to defend her since no one else seemed to want to.

The crowd was silent. Baba had been downright cruel. He loved the old woman, all of them, in fact, but her tongue could be sharper than a sword.

Yjaka Harold piped in before Baba could retort. “It would appear that Troy is Camryn’s boyfriend.” He scratched his head, his thinning black comb-over not moving an inch.

Baba’s gaze sharpened as she looked between the two of them. “My hearing must be going.”

“No, Baba,” Heather said. “It’s true. I think they make a lovely couple. It’s about time.”

Everyone looked at Heather as if she’d just done the Electric Slide butt-naked. Including her own fiancé, who tried to cover up his shock with a nod. Hell, even Troy couldn’t mask his doubt.

Fisher stormed out the front door. A slam reverberated through the house and settled in Troy’s chest.

Baba laughed in the wake. Laughed some more. “Heather, what in Sam’s Hill are you going on about? Your eyes must be going along with my hearing, you twit. I mean, look at her.” She pointed to Camryn, and the room commenced in unison to stare at her. “My granddaughter is pretty, but she’s not in his league.”

Troy sucked in a harsh, sudden breath. Through the years, he’d grown used to the family teasing him about his good looks. Teasing Heather about hers. Teasing each other for one thing or another. Yjaka Harold’s comb-over. Tetaka Myrtle’s constant indigestion. Kuma Viola’s purple lipstick. Fisher’s dimple. Mom’s overuse of salt. Dad’s bald head.

And Camryn…for, well, everything.

He'd never noticed until now just how hurtful their words of jest could be. Camryn was the smart, logical one. More of a mother to them, in a sense. She’d matured way faster than her siblings combined. He'd never thought to wonder if all this bothered her, because nothing seemed to bother her. Camryn protected those she loved, but who protected her?

As he looked at her now, spine rigid and chin up, it would appear the same old, same old. Except the corners of her glazed eyes were down and her eyebrows were ever so slightly drawn together, indicating the barb had hit its mark. Her jaw ticked as she swallowed.

Baba, her family, was ramming home everything her ex had said.

From his position in the chair, Troy took her hand and squeezed, his chest tight with something close to pain and regret, despite him not having been the one to hurt her. She didn’t respond, and her skin was cold, probably having lost circulation twenty minutes ago. Had any of them bothered to tell her all her redeeming qualities? She had too many to count.

“She is pretty, Baba. And too good for me.” If there was any truth to the lie they were telling, it was that.

Her gaze dropped to the floor as she removed her hand from his. After clearing her throat, she mumbled, “Give me a minute to wash up for dinner, and then I’ll help you set dinner on the table.”

Calm as ever, she walked to the staircase across the room, proceeded up the steps, and only after he heard a door close did the chatter commence.

It was all white static in his ears, but he heard none of it. Didn’t want to. He rose and glanced out the window behind the couch. Fisher paced in the front yard, strides pure pissed off. Troy dropped his gaze to Heather, who was chewing on her lip in obvious nervousness.

He shook his head and addressed the room, disappointed in the whole Covic clan. “Camryn and I are together. It’s not a joke or up for discussion.” Period.

Before they could make him any more irate, force him to say something he’d regret, he strode out the front door to face Fisher. Trying for the nonchalance he didn’t feel, he sat on the top step of the porch and waited his best friend out.

Birds chirped. A whippoorwill cooed. Squirrels scurried. Rabbits hopped between hedges. Sun filtered through maples leaves, creating irregular-shaped shadows on the pristinely cut lawn. The scent of fresh cut grass blended with roses from the bushes in the Covic’s side yard while the sun began its slow descent west, turning the sky pink and purple.

To think, it had started as such a nice day.

Fisher whirled on him within seconds from the base of the porch, his dark brown eyes narrowed to slits and dialed to maim.

Before his friend could throw a punch, Troy raised his hands. “No black eyes for the wedding, man.”

Fisher’s wide jaw slackened as he stood erect. He ran a hand over his short, wavy brown hair. “How could you not tell me, Troy? How?” He paced to the curb and back again. “Camryn? Really?”

There was no logical or safe way to respond, so Troy wove his fingers together and looked down, focusing on one of his shoelaces that was beginning to fray. Time to replace them. Such things reminded him of his youth where new clothes and looking decent were not commodities.

“Did you run out of women in Milwaukee? You had to fuck with her instead?”

Okay. Well, shit.

Troy ground his teeth. “You were given a very big surprise today, so I’m going to let that one slide. But even I have a limit, Fisher.”

“She’s not just some girl. Not a toy. Dating isn’t a game to her.”

“I know that,” he roared, standing. Heart pounding, pulse tapping his temples, he dropped his hands on his hips and eyed a planter with red begonias to avoid saying anything more. He forced in a lungful of air for reprieve.

“How…” Fisher blew out a breath, crossing his arms and lowering his tone. “How long has this been going on?”

Troy pulled the information Cam gave him from memory. “Since last January. I was in Chicago and stopped by to say hello. Things…evolved.”

“Evolved,” Fisher dully repeated. “Evolved?”

Troy skimmed a hand down his face. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.” Not that he could have, seeing as he'd just found out himself yesterday.

“This is not okay.”

When Troy opened his mouth to argue, Fisher raised his hand.

“This is not okay with me.”

“I’m good enough to be your best friend, but I’m not good enough for her. Is that it, Fisher? She deserves better than a construction worker with a drunk convict father?”

Fisher shut his eyes and lowered his head as if apologetic or realizing his mistake. The lean muscles in his tall frame were still locked beneath his fitted blue tee and dark denim as he stood motionless, though.

Time ticked to a slow crawl.

Troy figured, after some contemplation, his friend would deny the statement, set things right between them. But he didn’t, proving the real truth. Troy wasn’t good enough. He’d never be good enough. He wasn’t genuine family, not by blood, and he’d come from nothing, rendering him nothing.

Twenty years of brotherhood and friendship petrified to dust before his eyes.

Acid and dread ate at his abdomen. The family would always side with Camryn, if it came down to it. They’d choose her. They surely would when the wedding was over and they “broke up.”

He’d be alone.

“We're talking about Camryn, for God’s sake,” Fisher said, finally breaking the eviscerating silence. “She doesn’t get attached easily. When you leave her, and you will, it will kill her.”

He couldn’t tell Fisher the truth, including how Camryn was going to end their fake relationship, not Troy. Fisher had been his best friend nearly his entire life, as much a brother as DNA would have tied them. He didn’t know anything about what was really going on, so his words cut so much deeper than anything Troy's drunk of a father had ever uttered.

“Give me some credit, Fisher. Cam’s different. This is different.” It was all he could say, the only legit argument he had.

Fisher shook his head and balefully stared at him. “So help me God, you better think very hard about what you’re doing. And while you do, keep clear of me for a while.”

Troy watched him walk around the side of the house and out of view, taking all hope with him.

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