"I did not ask your name girl, I asked where you live since I don't give a shit about your name," The boy from the other side of the closet said. I snapped back at him, "You don't give a shit about anything. It's not new. And I live in Abilene city."
"Oh, but wait seriously your parents - "
" - named me after my city. Isn't it cool?" I finished his sentence. "Believe me, it's ridiculous to be named after a place where you live," He stated. If he was beside me, I would have smacked him smooth on his face. "Why? Our family lives here from ages and I love my city. I am proud of my name and my city," I said in a firm tone. "Good for you," I heard him comment.
"Whoa... I forgot to ask about you. I never asked your name! What is it, 'boy'?"
"None of your business," He replied rudely. I scoffed and whined. "That's not fair! You know my name so I should too."
"Chill girl. I was just messing with you. Uh.. I am called Ted."
"Red? Bed? Dead? Sorry, I didn't hear you," I questioned because he literally whispered his name. He hesitated but repeated, "Ted Cullen."
"Oh, weird."
"What is weird in that?" He asked. His voice was laced with annoyance and irritation. I shrugged but later realized he couldn't see me. I face palmed and said dismissively, "Ah, well... nothing. It reminds me of that movie, Ted 1 and Ted 2. You know that adorable teddy bear in that movie who smoked. That name suits you though."
"I don't smoke and if I did, grandma will shove a fork up my arse," He said and I giggled. So he had a grandma? Sweet.
"So... "
"What?" He questioned. My voice trailed and I fidgeted with my shirt.
"What do we do now after arguing, annoying each other. I mean above all, we got to know each other which is positive but what should we do now?" I asked. I heard shuffling from the other side. "This is where we say goodbye and leave interrupting each other's lives. So, we can both live in peace," He said calmly. I quickly held the closet door intending to open it but thankfully, I didn't. I didn't want him to leave me. No, I meant I didn't want him to let go of this situation [if that sounded better] It was fun to annoy him.
"We just met now. I mean yesterday night technically, but still. Are you not curious about this closet?" I reasoned out.
"What? No? Now whose being ridiculous," I said in disbelief. I heard him sigh.
"What do you expect me to do? And what should we do?"
"Well..." I suggested him, "Y - you know, I always wanted to visit Norway. That would be awesome if - "
"I knew you wanted this. But, no. I don't have time to go touring with you." I pouted at the rejection of my wishes. "Come on, that would be fun...."
"Let's see about that later. But now it's time for me to go. I have work to do unlike lazy people out there who want to go touring around the world for free," He taunted. I rolled my eyes. He was going to leave now. I quickly called out, "Wait! Are you going to tell this to anybody or just keep it a secret since people will think we are lunatics or something."
"Nah, but I am telling my grandma. I can't hide a thing from her," He admitted. I couldn't supress a smile that was playing on my lips.
"Okay, see you later. Ta - ta," I said and peeked through a small hole in the closet door. Fortunately, he did not see me watching him because that would be creepy. I grinned and quietly watched him disappear into the darkness of the closet.