"ABBY! I'm not going to leave you---"
I heard my sister yell and curse. I shut my ears and ran upstairs. I was panicking and scared of my own little sister, Poppy. I promised to transform her into a beautiful young lady for her first high school party. I did her makeup for hours while she dozed off to deep sleep. But events didn't go smoothly according to my plan.
Turned out, I accidentally shaved her eyebrows completely while trimming her hair. Before she could even look at her reflection, I slipped out of her room. She was furious to discover a new set of sketched thin zigzag eyebrows.
I panicked and entered my room. My room was completely renovated. The old pink childlike furniture had been replaced with warm antique furniture. Dad suddenly became fond of antique things. He got a great opportunity to bring antiques into his house for renovating my room. I completed high school and since college was near my house, I was staying back with my family. My room hadn't changed for the past ten years. So renovating my room wasn't a bad idea.
I tried to find a place to hide. I checked all places right from bed to drawers. Either it was easy for Poppy to find me in that particular place or I couldn't fit. I paced around the room, racing my thoughts to all the hiding spots. I dug my nails into my scalp thinking deeply until I bumped straight into the large closet.
The wooden closet was antique and strange. The design carved over it was pleasantly good and mysterious. The design was ancient stick figures with traditional geometrical patterns. I contemplated on whether to hide in there or not.
Soon, I heard my sister's footsteps climbing the stairs. Her screechy high-pitched voice filled my ears. I couldn't confront her in that state. She would burn me alive if not pouncing over my beautiful eyebrows. So, I quickly held the door of the antique closet and yanked it. The door creaked and my ears bled from the squeaky noise it caused. I prayed that Poppy didn't hear it.
I hadn't moved my clothes in the closet yet. It was dusty inside. I bit my lip and inspected the space. I coughed and cautiously stepped in. Funny, I could easily fit into it with much space left. I quickly shut the door and listened carefully to Poppy's movements. She had already entered my room. I heard drawers and shelves open. I clutched my skirt tightly and quietly heard her destroy my entire room.
"Where the hell are you, Abby? Why did you do this to me?" She yelled and through a tiny hole in the closet, I watched her drop my stuff on the floor in anger. She deliberately pushed my favourite snow globe on the floor. I took a deep breath and witnessed it crash into a million pieces, right in front of the closet. Suddenly, her head turned towards the closet where I was hiding. She frowned and marched towards me.
Oh no! Sweat formed over my forehead when I saw her approaching me. Her face was red, mascara smudged and tear stains over her cheeks. Her curled hair bounced high as she stomped her feet. I gulped and took a few steps back. Before I realized my moves, I stumbled backwards.
I didn't know the closet contained so much space until I fell behind. My back hit a bunch of clothes which certainly belonged to a man. I felt cold, very cold. I rubbed my arms to provide me with some warmth. My nose filled with the smell of manly cologne.
How did this stuff end up in my unusually huge closet? Where was I? I tripped over something solid. I shrieked and fell right out of another door into an unfamiliar place. I heard various noises. My head hit the wooden floor and I looked up through half-opened eyes. A shocked handsome boy looked over me. I felt dizzy and nauseous. My hazel coloured eyes met his stormy grey ones for a brief second before I passed out.