"Shshh..." I hushed but he continued to bang. I leaned on the closet door and sighed. "Fine, tell me what you want."
"I am suffocating over here and I will break the door if you don't let me in," He threatened and I frowned.
"No you wouldn't - "
"I would if you don't let me in, girl. Besides, it's dusty and stinking over here," He complained.
"Aww, poor baby. Wait a minute." I opened my drawer and took my perfume. I took off the lid and I silently unlocked the closet door. I opened the door a little and he stood up. Before he could pull the door open, I sprayed the perfume right on his pretty face and slammed the door shut.
"This should help to freshen the atmosphere and clear your little brain, so you remember my name and not call me 'girl'," I stressed on the last few words for emphasis and smirked. I heard him cough.
He sneered, "Jasmines are smelling worse than the actual stink. How can you spray it around your body? It is meant to kill cockroaches."
"Very funny." I snorted and sniffed the perfume bottle containing the lavender coloured liquid. It smelled alright to me. That cow probably didn't have a good taste. "Anyway, I asked you where you live but then you dozed off to sleep."
"That was because of the crap you were spitting out of your face hole."
"Face hole? Seriously? Your vocabulary is strange and weird just like you. But whatever, tell me where you live so that I know that you aren't my next door neighbour who is pulling pranks on me," I said and he replied,
"You still think this is not real? Where do you think I live?"
I slid down the door sloppily and sat on the floor. I stretched my legs and stared at my feet. I shook my legs lazily and guessed, "Umm... I don't know. Something from 'N' I suppose. Wait, do you live in North Korea? But you don't look Asian!"
"Really, girl? You got serious mental issues - "
"No you are nuts, 'boy'," I argued and looked behind at the closet door. He did not say anything. I sighed and we both were silent. Minutes passed by and my eyes were glued to the closet. Finally, I got up and dusted my clothes. I gently knocked on the door and I apologised softly, "Fine, I am sorry for blabbering and all. I would try to not talk unless it's required. Now, come on, we need to figure out what's happening here for real."
"Okay then, I live in Norway. Where is your place?" He asked. My eyes widened at the mention of Norway. Whoa! We lived miles away. How could this closet be connected to Norway directly?
"Hey, are you still there?" I heard him ask me. I snapped out of my thoughts and calculations. I replied, "Yeah, Norway is... cool. I mean cold. How can you survive there in this winter? Those cold dark shivering nights and - "
"I know exactly how the atmosphere is over here. And thanks for your concern. If you can just stop talking and proceed with the question I asked you, it'll be good. Or else, I'll knock this door off and come straight to you. I'll pounce over you and seal your face hole with duct tape."
I gulped and stuttered, "S-sorry for the second time. I-I... wait. What was your question again?"