All of a sudden i hear a possessive growl on the other end before Tates voice bellows through the phone making me pull it away from my ear.
"You wont go near him! Damn it I know what I said, but if I see yall in the same room without me or the Luna I will murder him!" Tate growls in his Alpha voice and even I shudder a little.
"Is this a bad time?" I ask as all I hear is breathing on the other line
"No sorry. Word of advice. Never have girls." he groans making me laugh. someone in his pack must like his girl, but isn't their mate.
"I just called to make sure we were on the same page as we have never really met."
"Okay what page do you want to be on." Tates voice is hard and back into Alpha mode.
"I understand from what I hear is that yall run by the book. I'm just trying to make sure my pack is safe." I state using my Alpha voice.
"I wouldn't be coming near your pack if we didnt need more space. Hell even my daughters aren't happy about this move. I dont want your territory and I dont want a war." Tate says still sternly.
"Okay. I'm good with your word. I just wanted to be on the same page Alpha Tate."
"I want your word Alpha Ethan. I'm bringing both my daughters and my Luna into your territory. I need your word they wont get hurt. I'd move heaven and hell for them." Tate growls and I realize how much he is trusting my pack bringing his whole blood family with him. He did say both. That confirms what Beta was saying on maybe another daughter. I wonder who she is? Why does no one really know who she is? Alphas pups are always known because if something happens to them they will move heaven and earth to avenge. Normally why family is off limits to pack wars.
"You have my word. No one will touch them here. We dont want war or a fight on our hands between us two packs."
"Good. Maybe my daughter will calm down now that I have your word." Tate laughs
"She doesnt trust us?" I ask unsure how to take that comment.
"Oh dont take it to heart. One doesnt trust anyone and the other is too trusting." Tate laughs.
" Are yall all set to move? Did yall need any help once getting here?" I ask thinking maybe if I'm friendly they will see we dont want war.
"Nope all set. my girls are last house to be packed for the first set coming over and everyone else can handle their own house. I'm sure it will be the same way once we get there." Tate.
"Sounds good. Why is your pups the last house?" I ask as my curiosity gets to me. If his girls have their own house, both are older pups than. I wonder why they aren't packed than.
"As I said that my one pup doesnt trust people. Shes not happy about the move and is fighting me on packing." He groans.
"When are yall leaving?" I ask so I have a time frame.
"So we will be finished packing today then leaving tomorrow morning. It will take us 3 days to get there." Tate explains.
"Are yall coming right over?"
"I figured that I'd let my group settle into their homes the first day then come over to you in 4 days from tomorrow. Does that sound okay?" Tate says then groans.
"Sounds good to me." Before I can say anything else Tate is speaking to someone.
"I swear to god. If you both dont stop whispering into each other ears imma chop them off! Leave her alone!" Tate growls and turns back to the phone.
"I'm sorry, Alpha Ethan. I need to go take care of a child! See you in 4 days." Tate growls hanging up the phone yelling as the line goes dead.
His girls just seem to push his buttons.... I dont know that I could ever have a girl... Then again. I'd have to find my mate first. Shaking my head I ignore those thoughts and send out a text to my Beta to know exactly when they are getting here.