"Hey, You up?" Palmer screams through the door.
"Shut up. I'm sleeping!" I growl back at her.
"Cam! Seriously! It's time to wake up." Palmer says getting pissy.
"Go away!" I groan not sure why she hasn't left yet.
"Cam!" She growls trying to muster all her authority.
"No!" I growl back.
"Damn it! Wake your ass up. Alpha wants to leave in 10." Palmer screams through my door and I ignore her still upset we are having this meeting.
""Damn it Cam! Dad will have our asses if we aren't in the fucking car in 5 minutes!" Palmer screams again with me still ignoring her as I hear a door slam. Thinking I won until I hear the noise I didnt want to hear. Stomping....
"Cameron Lupus get your ass up, dressed and in that car in 2 minutes or I'm coming in!" Alpha yells and I slam open the door stomping out the house.
"Fine, but I'm not happy about this!" I growl and Palmer starts laughing her ass off.
"You were ready the whole damn time?!" Palmer says still laughing really hard as I get in the van.
"Hey guys. Good to see ya." I laugh at the guys dumbfounded faces.
"only you could get away with that!" Jewel laughs slpping her mate so he picks up his jaw. Alpha walks outta our house grumbling about daughters, and gets in the van with Luna.
"Now please dont act like children!" Alpha growls looking at me in his mirror. Anyone else would cower with the look but I just laugh.
"Love you too dad." i laugh as he grumbles more and starts driving outta our area.
We drive about 10 minutes and a car starts following us.
"Alpha." Dalton says getting closer to Jewel.
"No worry. Alpha Ethan sent one of his Sentinels so nothing happened with his members that didnt know yet." Alpha says but I look behind us closer and lean in the back.
"Be on guard. I dont trust them." I whisper for the 3 to hear and turn back in my seat leaning over to Palmer.
"If something happens you get mom and dad out. I'll handle the rest. Got it?" I whisper in her ear.
"What about you?" Palmer asks concerned.
"I'll handle it." I state with authority in a whisper.
"Do you think something will happen?" Palmer asks looking around every which way.
"I just have a weird feeling." I whisper back. My wolf has calmed down sense we got to this town and I'm not sure what's going on.
Before I can think more Palmer mind links me.
"Do you really think something is wrong?" Palmer
"I dont know. My wolf has been going crazy the minute we got to town." I answer seriously.
"Well fuck so what do we do?" Palmer asks.
"I'm not-" im cut off as Palmer adds Jewel, Dalton, and Lawrence into the mind link.
"What's up?" Jewel asks.
"Cam's wolf has been going crazy." Palmer states.
"I'm sure theres another reason for this." Dalton says being the thinker of this group.
"I dont know. I just know we need a plan." Palmer says as I realize that's why she linked them.
"Okay. What's the plan?" Lawrence finally speaks.
"All I've decided it Palmer needs to get mom and dad out no matter what else happens."
"Okay so Palmer and i can get Luna and Alpha out. Dalton and Lawrence can help Cam." Jewel says.
"No. Palmer and you get mom and dad. Dalton and Lawrence will clear a way for you guys. I will handle the rest." I answer with authority.
"I'm not leaving you on your own." Lawrence growls
"I can handle it. Got it!" I growl ending the link. My eyes clear and I see Luna looking at me.
"What's that about?"Luna asks as she notices all the others still in mind link.
"Nothing mom. How far away are we?"
"We will be at their clubhouse in moments." Alpha.
"Sounds great." I bite out as my wolf starts going crazier.
"I'm serious be nice!" Alpha growls.
"Always!" I laugh seeing him roll his eyes.
"For you, mom and dad, I'll be on my best behavior." I smile sincerely.
"Good because we are here." Luna says as we pull up to a huge clubhouse like ours.