Alice's POV
I still have 20 minutes before Seth arrives. I stared at myself on the mirror. My eyes were a little bit puffy and red though my nose looked fine. But I guess no one would know how much I cried before going here and pretended everything was at its normal ways.
Picking up my make up kit, I reapplied them on my face. Covering any evidence of pain streaking down from my eyes earlier. All I had to do was my job. I could not fail since I owed this much to my previous boss and to the man who almost became my father. I didn't want to disappoint him in any way possible so I would endure my personal issues and set them aside for me to deliver good service to my new boss.
I almost cringed at my thought. I still couldn't understand how destiny or coincidence works. How could of all the companies in the world would Seth ended up here where I build my life?
Shaking my head to clear my head, I jump at my seat when I saw the very personification of my unease. He was wearing a formal suit, looking insanely gorgeous and prim. I stood suddenly to bow my head avoiding any eye contact as of the moment.
"Good morning, Sir", I greeted him with formality. I stayed bowing before him waiting for any movement or word that would come out for him to greet me back or state a command. Whatever.
"Why the hell are you greeting me that way?", his voice sounded like thunder boomed on the room.
"Is there any matter with the way I am greeting you a pleasant morning, Sir?", still not looking up. Another moment pass, I stayed on my position but not until I felt strong fingers pushing my chin up forcing my head to meet his level. I was not sure why am I not having any energy to banter out some reluctance to fight him or sway my face away from his touch while it burnt my from the insides.
"Yes. I've got a big problem if the girl I want greet me like a King she couldn't reach", he whispered softly. His voice made my eyes open wider in shock. I was getting nervous about his words. Impossible.
"W-What?", I wanted to scold myself for how weak I sounded. Just when I thought I was drained from all the negativities that ate me from the past.
I saw his jaw clenched before his eyes soften and released me from his light touch.
"Never mind. Just prepare the things needed for the first meeting of his day", he said turning to walk to his own desk. He expertly hang his coat on the back of his chair and surprisingly begun to work seriously checking and reviewing documents on his table.
"Do you need something, Alice?", I saw him signing the approval sheet for the next month's project.
"None, Sir", he then nodded and continued what he was doing. Deciding that I, too, had to set the conference room for the meeting which will begin in an hour, I walked briskly out of the door.
Just do what you have to do. I reminded myself.
My heels kissed the marble floor when I strode through the conference room. I placed all of the files on the table and checked the projector, laptop, lightings, air conditioning, and I even checked the windows and chairs to make myself busy which I think was effective since I lost track of time. If Seth hadn't spoke behind me, I wouldn't notice that the meeting was about to start in any minute. I replied him a 'yes' when he ask me if everything was working just fine.
Soon, before he could probe about anything else people entered from the doorway making little noises. I was glad they came because I didn't know anymore excuse not to look at his eyes. I knew he was trying to catch my line of sight. He wanted me to look directly at my eyes. But I couldn't.
I would be doing every single thing he says about doing my job but not meeting his orbs that seemed to be deciphering my secrets. It was dangerous and it was unnerving.
Everyone sat. The department heads listened attentively to what the reports presented. The conference was smooth. It was done quickly since minimal problems had been encountered and the next conference was set next month to see the improvement and status of improving the companies' marketing strategies. I wished for it to be a long discussion though. I didn't want to go back to the office and be alone with my boss.
Though he hadn't done anything... yet, I just can't stay there while he was trying to figure out what was wrong. Well, that was what I was feeling. I could almost sense this from him. I wondered if this was what they call as connection.
"Miss Alice, stay", he commanded when attempted to leave my seat beside him. Everybody almost emptied the room and those who heard the boss abruptly stopped and looked at us.
Some of them held pity on their eyes and some held confusion.
"Do you need anything else for this minutes and discussed matters, Sir?", I asked him. My eyes drifted on the way he gripped his pen tightly against his palm.
Suddenly, the tension inside the room felt heavier. The air was colder or was it just my imagination. The room, too, was empty aside from us.
Me standing holding a notebook, a pen and folders.
Him, sitting, holding his pen but the way he gazed at me made me hold my breath even tighter.
I could smell danger.
"Drop the 'Sir'", his words barely came out through his gritted teeth.
"But, Sir—"
"One more sir and I would find better ways to correct that mouth of yours, Alice", he slowly stood towering over me.
"Look at me", he commanded. I bit my lower lip to stop them from trembling. I was vulnerable right now. I was emotional and if this would continue, I would probably burst out and explode. I couldn't and shouldn't.
"Please at least look at me when you say my name", his fists were clenched. He was almost pleading.
"I can't" I was surprised at how honest my words were.
"Why?", he was breathless trying to understand the situation.
"Please, let's just work peacefully", I tried escaping him, taking hurried steps away from him. It was me again running away from him since he came back. And just like all those scenes I've read and watched from romantic movies, a firm hand stopped me earlier than my escape.
"Did you cry?", his tone was almost accusing. I shook my head trying to deny it all.
"You cried. Why? Did something happen?" he squeezed my arm lightly and my heart throbbed harder. The pain of the reality I couldn't deny myself was too much. I shook my head again and again.
"Al—", he tugged my hand but stopped when he managed to get me to face him.
"You're crying. Why? Please tell me, Alice", I shook my head again. My tears were hot on my skin and I couldn't form any word to disagree with what he sees.
When I was about to open my mouth to speak, he pulled me harder and covered me on his warm embrace which brought me another wave of a reminder how I missed him and hate him and love him and everything else.
Why do I have to love this man?