The guy in front of me was so handsome I couldn't help staring. When he offered me his hand to help me up I couldn't help brushing so hard. Immediately I took his hand I felt a sharp pain on my neck. It was like the pain wants me to get away from him.
I thanked him and left, I went upstairs and went to the mirror to take a look at my neck and it was more bad than I expected. The mark on my neck was all red including my skin. The pain was too much and my skin was looking like I was burned by a fire. I had to put ice on my neck to ease the pain.
I took my bath for the night and got ready for bed but I couldn't sleep. Why did the mark on my neck burn my skin when I was close to that guy earlier.
I remembered what my Dad said to me about leaving his palace and how I am a disgrace to him.
Maybe is time I find my way. I need answers, I need to know know who I am or what I am. What is this mark on my neck. I have so many questions I need answers to. I remember what my brother said about witches being in existence. I need to find one if I need answers to my question.
Is time I find my life, I started parking most of my stuffs that I could carry leaving others behind. I really felt bad for my brother, we never get to know each other. I left him a note saying I had to go and figure my life out since am not wanted here.
Being a princess is not my thing and I don't think it will be able to get along with my Dad. I left that night, getting pass the guards wasn't a problem for me since manipulating is one thing am good at.
The money in the account my mom left for me could get me a long way. I booked myself a hotel after walking around for a while. Immediately i settled down in my room I had to book a flight the next morning to the States. I will start over and figure my life out.
After settling down in my room I decided to take a walk. I turned my GPS on so it could track my location to avoid getting lost. After walking for a while I saw a wood, it Looks so dark and very quiet. But was this here when I passed on my way to the hotel because I didn't see or notice it.
If witches are hard to find maybe i might find one in the woods then she can answer my questions. Even though every part of this wood smelled nothing but danger I still went in. I kept walking in and I had no idea where to start looking for the witch. I heard they stay on trees or maybe there is an old hut sitting right in the middle of this place that's where witches normally stay.
After walking for a while I found out that I was lost, l kept feeling like something or someone is watching me. I turned my back to go back the same way I came in but I was totally confused. Then I heard a howl, wait what that was a wolf. Why did i not think this through before I went into the woods.
I ran when I had another movement behind me, I had no idea where I was running to I was just running for my life. After running for a while I decided to hide and take a deep breath. I took out my GPS and it was not even reading my location. So I am stuck here, in the woods with wolves which are probably looking for me since am a food to them. At that moment I regretted leaving my hotel room.
I was about taking another step when I felt someone's hand covering my mouth. I freaked out and wanted to shout.
"Hey calm down and don't shout if you don't want to be eaten by those" the person said pointing at the biggest wolves I have ever see in my life.
They where three of them and they kept sniffing the air to see if they can pick up my scent.
"Who are you?" I asked when the boy holding me finally released me. I couldn't see his face since every where was dark but he has a long hair. We could be the same age or so.
"Consider me as your friend but you need to keep low if you don't want them to find you" he said.
"Can you help me out of here? Am lost and I don't know my way out"
"How did you get in here on the first place" he asked
"I was looking for a witch, I know it sounds stupid but I need to find one" I replied him.
"Why do you need to find one?" He asked
"Because she might be the only one that might answer my questions" I replied him.
"Well sorry to disappoint you but witches don't stay here and how did you find this wood?" Who told you witches stay here because that person wants you dead" he said
"What do you mean by how did I find this wood, I just saw a wood by the side of the street and I just came in to find who am looking for" I told him and he kept staring at me.
"Follow me and be quiet if you want to leave here alive" he said and started leading the way. I followed him but something happened the mark on my neck gave out a little light this time around the pain was too much than the last one. I hissed in pain and covered my neck with my hand. Am beginning to think that my mark can detect danger. The more I followed him the more painful it becomes.
"Hey are you okay?" He asked when he noticed I wasn't following him again.
"Let's not go that way, I don't think is safe" I told him and he did not hesitate. We followed another way and the pain eased. After a walking for a while we were able to find a way out but he didn't come with me.
"Aren't you coming with me?" I asked him but he said he has an unfinished business with someone before he felt that i need his help out of the woods. I thanked him and he disappeared into the woods.
I turned and started heading back to my hotel, after walking a bit away from the street I turned to look at the woods one last time. But to my surprise it was gone, it was no longer there. But I just saw it like a few minutes ago. I went back to my hotel in a rush and closed the door behind me.
How can it just disappear like that, I had to slap myself a couple of times just to be sure I wasn't dreaming. I couldn't sleep all night, I got up very early the next day to head to the airport but before I left I went back to the Same direction I saw the Woods and nothing was there, it was just a busy street with people going to their various places. Dose it mean everything was all in my head. Was that the reason the GPS couldn't find the location.
I checked the map and there was no woods in that area, then what actually happened to me last night. I headed to the airport to not miss my flight but I couldn't get the woods, the long haired boy and the wolves off my mind.
I wasn't planning on going back to my mother because she already made it clear to me not to come close to her life again. So I was on my own, I will survive and I will go back to the palace but to show my dad that something good could come from me. I just need to find myself, know my purpose. And for the woods am going to do more research on that because what I saw was real, it was not dream.