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Chapter 4

The look on my Dad's face was something else, he looked like he could kill me if possible, I wanted to laugh but I had no choice but to maintain myself since I had so many eyes on me.

The first person I saw was my brother talking to some people, I think he is actually welcoming them. I walked over to him and tapped him slightly at the back since he had his back on me.

"What on earth are you wearing Mia?" That was the first thing he said to me before he scanned my whole body with his eyes.

"A princess dress, specially made by me, what do you think?" I asked him with a big smile, turning around so he could see the dress more properly.

"Mia, you look like you are going to a night club instead of a ball dance and Dad is not going to like this" he said with a sigh.

"Is that all you have to say about my creativity, hello I made this although i used an already designed dress but I still gave it a new look" I told him.

"Mia, princesses dress moderate not like this but I know you did this to get Dad angry" he said

"Well am not a princess and I don't wish to be one" I told him ignoring the fact that he caught me on my own plan.

"Mia, you are a princess and nothing can change that because you have the royal blood" he said

"Whatever, I need a drink" I said to him and left to get myself a drink. One my way back I was confronted by my unsmiling father. Immediately i saw him I bowed greeting him like every other person will do.

"Your highness, I trust you are having a great evening" I said to him with a big smile on my face.

"As a matter of fact am not, what on earth did you do to your dress? Aren't you ashamed of yourself?" He asked

"Well, Dad am not ashamed because this is how I want to dress, so don't try to turn me into a perfect and spontaneous princess because am not any of those" I told him leaving him more speechless.

"Now you listen to me young lady is either you do as I say or you leave my palace, I am fine having only your brother as a child" he said and walked out angrily. Did he just say that to my face without blinking, well maybe he is just angry. I went to offer my brother a drink since he was the only one that cared enough to talk to me in this place. Every other person is looking at me like I have two head which is very annoying.

I found him standing all alone but he was distracted by something or should I say someone. He was staring at a girl, she is so beautiful, I guess my brother is in love. The way he stared at her.

"Don't stare too much or you might be caught" I said to him.

"Am not staring" he said as he denied staring at her.

"Don't worry am not going to tell but since you like her why don't you go and talk to her, maybe get to know her well" I suggested for him

"No that is a bad idea, what if she hates me, what if she rejects me?" He said

"Hey relax, am not saying you should ask her to be your girlfriend am just saying you should ask her for a dance and is a perfect time since the music is about to start. Maybe while dancing you guys can get to know each other but don't do anything stupid you both are still young for that"

"Mia, sometimes I see you as a mom figure than a sister" Andrew said

"Well, am supposed to look out for you and that is what am doing. Now go before someone takes that dance from you" I told him and he turned to leave but stopped and said

"You know you should ask Dad for a dance, maybe you two can also get to know each other. I know you might see him as a bad person but I think he is doing anything a king will do to make his kingdom happy"

"Whaaaaaat, by making his daughter's life miserable?" I asked making a funny face.

"Come on Mia, you know what I mean" he said and waited until I agree I will dance with my father or should I call him my old man, he is going to fry me if I ever called him my old man or even old king. I laughed to myself as I imagine how his face will look if I called him that.

"Fine I will ask our old man for a dance" I said calling him that name when I couldn't hold back my laugh anymore. But my brother wasn't laughing with me instead he was just staring at me. Do you know how it feels like to crack a joke and you are the only one laughing, I wanted to scream that on his face but I decided to respect myself. I could read his face already, I don't need him to tell me what he has to say.

"Fine i won't call our precious father an old man and you can go" I said pointing my lips.

"That's a good girl" he said petting my head like he will do to a dog before he left. I wanted to tell him not to do that again that am not a dog but before I could say anything he was gone.

I went in search of my father and found him still speaking and welcoming some guest. He was speaking to a particular king when I came and he noticed the king staring at something behind him and he turned only to see me. I greeted both of them and the other king standing beside him said something.

"Young lady are you lost?" He asked

"No your highness I came to ask my father for a dance" I replied him.

"Your father, you mean king Eric Wilson is your father" he said looking at my Dad with a questioning eyes.

"Yes he is my father" I replied him

"You never told me you have a beautiful daughter Eric" he said to my father who was not giving me a friendly look at all.

"Thank you your highness" I replied him, I felt my face turning a shade of pink. No one ever called me pretty before.

"I love your dress princess.......???" He said asking me my name.

"Mia Wilson" I replied him. Mean while all this time my father wasn't saying anything. He just stood looking at me.

"Mia, that's a lovely name" I smiled and thanked the King.

"So father can we dance?" I asked again but instead he told the king that he was coming and dragged me out of the ball room and all the way to his study room.

"What is wrong with you? Why are you disgracing me in front of my guest?" He asked

"I don't understand, asking my father for a dance how is it a disgrace" I said to him

"It is a disgrace because you are the one asking, as long as you won't do as I ask you to, you are no daughter of mine and don't go round telling people am your father cause am not" he said not even caring if that hurt me or not.

"So that's all you have to say, I told Andrew this was not going to work but instead he insisted on dancing with you so we could get to know each other. I never knew my own father will call me a disgrace" at that moment I wanted so much to say something mean to him but I still had a little respect for him but what he said next made me lose the last respect I was holding on to.

"I don't care whatever you have to say I don't want to know you, in fact I don't want you close to that ball room if possible leave my palace, I have had enough of you" he said and turned and left leaving me standing alone in his study room. I felt tears trying to escape my eyes but I had to hold it back, I told myself that his not worth my tears and this beautiful makeup I spent so much time doing just to look good.

Am glad he already made it obvious that am not wanted. I left his study room and decided to go to my room. On my way back to my room I decided to peep through the window of the ball room to see if I could see my brother but instead i saw my Dad being asked for a dance by that princess I saw in Andrew's room and he accepted and he was smiling sweety at her.

Out of everything that occurred with my Dad non of them got me so angry as this did. I asked him for a dance and he called me a disgrace but he is here dancing with her. I wish you both will trip and fall right on your faces. And that happened immediately they both fell down on their faces but that didn't calm down my anger. I decided to go have some fresh air outside the palace to see if I could be calm.

On my way out I wasn't looking so I bumped into something that was hard and I fell down. What earth was on the way, I looked up to see a someone standing in front of me.

"Are you okay?" Wait it was not a thing I bumped into but a person. Someone with the sweetest voice i ever heard.

"Yes am fine" I replied him as he helped me up. The young man in front of me is so handsome I almost thought maybe God sent his angle to me.

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