In this enchanting tale, the protagonist grapples with the weight of her royal lineage and the burdensome expectations p...
Chapter 1
"Hi guys my name is Mia and this is my story" I was sitting in front of the camera trying to record my project just like the literature teacher demanded.
"Mia!!!!!!!" I heard my nanny calling, I know it was time to eat breakfast and to get ready before the school bus gets here.
I choose to ignore her because I was not feeling too good to go to school but no one wants to listen to me. They think I was giving excuses to skip school.
When I said am not feeling fine I did not mean physically, I meant emotionally. Things haven't been so great for me at all.
"Young woman, why aren't you answering your name"? My mom asked barging into my room with a furious expression on her face.
"Don't you know how to knock"? I asked her totally ignoring her look.
"What did you just say?" She asked coming close to me.
"I said don't you know how to knock or do you just intrude people's privacy" I repeated looking her straight in the eye.
"So you have grown wings to talk back at me right?" She asked dragging me by the hair but I pushed her. She fell back and was surprised by my action.
"Don't ever drag me like that again, am not the small Mia you used to know. This Mia right here is ready for anything." I told her as I took my school bag and headed down stairs.
I went to the kitchen to see if I can grab something to eat. I was about turning when I felt something hitting my head. It was my mom she has broken a plate on my head.
Did she just break a plate on my head. I felt something liquid running down my face and when I touched it was blood. I head screams around me but I was feeling dizzy. Then I felt something deep like something controlled my body and I headed straight for the kitchen knife and went after her.
I wanted to make sure I damaged her stupid face so no modeling company in the whole of America will ever want her again. But she was fast enough to block it making me stab her hand instead.
"Mia!!!!! please stop this at ones. What have come over you?" I head my nanny saying. Then it felt like the spell left. What just happened, I looked around to see my mom on the floor with her hands bleeding. She looked scared but what is she scared of and why is she bleeding. I looked at my hand and saw a knife with blood dropping out of it.
What have I done? I stabbed her but I didn't do it?
Before i know what was happening the police was at my house already and I was arrested.
As they took me away I saw my mom being treated by a doctor and she did not even think twice before telling the police to make sure I never come out of the cell that they should make sure I died there.
"Miss, what's your name?" One of the officer asked me.
"My name is Mia" I replied him
"Who is that woman that you stabbed to you?" He asked
"She is my mom" I replied with my head down
"How old are you Mia?"
"Am fifteen years"
"Why did you stab your mom Mia knowing you will be punished by the law?"
"I don't know what came over me, she broke a plate on my head and before I know it I was with a knife and she was already bleeding"
"Wait she broke a plate on your head?" He asked
"Yes" I replied him before he even noticed I was bleeding. He stood up and left when he came back he brought a first aid kit with him and tended to my wound.
"Mia can you tell me more about your mom?" He said like more of a request.
"But everyone knows her, she is a well known model" I replied him. My mom is a model who care nothing about anyone but herself.
"I know everyone knows her as a model but I want to know her as a mother not a model" he said.
"Okay, what do you want to know?" I asked him
"What was your relationship with her like"? He asked.
"We don't get along, we are more like enemies. All my life she was never there, all she ever wanted was to get more beautiful for her modelling business. I was raised by my nanny because she was never around. I barely see her and we totally lived like a stranger until last year she started hitting me for no just reason. Whenever she had a bad day she will say that I caused it" I told him
"What about your dad?" He asked
"I think is better you ask her that" I replied him not wanting to be the one to say that part. A woman who left her marriage for her career. She didn't even consider her children.
The officer took me back home and requested to see my mom who was not happy to see me at all.
I was told to go upstairs since they have something to discuss. I went to my room restless not knowing what they are talking about is killing me with curiosity.
My life has never been as I expected, my mom got married to a well known king in England she wanted to be a model but the king needs a queen beside him. My mom was pregnant when she gave birth it was a twin, I and my brother. We were just few months old when my mom fired for a divorce and she took everything she wanted but my father wanted my twin brother leaving me with her.
At least that's what my nanny told me since she has been close to my mom. She said my mom never said why she left her marriage. She only said she wants to live her dream. I loved my mom so much but she was never there for me.
On my graduation I waited to see my mom but instead i saw my nanny, she has been the one there. My mom just cared about her weight, how to look beautiful, how to buy the latest outfit and impress the world.
I grew up without my mother's love. When I turned twelve she started acting weird towards me. She kept telling me that my father rejected me and she took me that I should worship her for that.
She said she regretted not leaving me in the mother less baby or even still sold me out. Those where the words I heard all my life growing up with her. Being rejected by my father and being hated my mother.
My mom ones said she will send me over to my father ones I turned sixteen that was there agreement. And I will be sixteen in few months. Am scared, I don't want to jump from frying pan to fire. I do normally Wonder how my brother is doing, am sure he is having his best life.
But if you ask me I want to stay here with my mom even though we don't get along I can just avoid her and maybe until am ready to fend for myself. Growing up I never lacked anything.
Since the day my mom took me my father has opened a separate account under my name where he pays in money every month for my up keep.
But my mom never gave me an access to it, she said not until I turn sixteen. I heard a knock on my door and when I opened the door it was my mom and the officer standing beside her.
I stood staring at them because they were not saying anything, then my mom sighed.
"Start packing young lady you have a flight to catch tomorrow morning" she said with a mean face.
"What? I thought you said I won't go until am sixteen and is still like two months away" I replied her.
"Well I change my mind anything to get you away from me" she said and left.
"Hey, you don't look excited about going to see your father. And I heard you were an infant the first time you met him" the officer said.
"I see him everyday on TV and that's enough for me. He doesn't want me so why should I stay with him" I said nearly screaming at the officer.
"Am sorry Mia but no matter what he is your father and nothing can change that. You can just go maybe it won't be that bad after all your dad is a king which makes you a princess and every girl your age will love and wish to have your life" he said.
"Then they are stupid, I don't want to be a princess, I don't want to be called a freak by my friends, I don't want this life" I told nearly in tears.
"Am sorry Mia, but you don't get along with your mom and your dad is the only person you can stay with. And am sorry if your friends think that you are a freak. But what really matters is what you think about yourself that's all" he said before he left.
I just want to live a life like a normal girl, not the daughter of a model or some princess.