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Lustful Taste

This is the combination of the most steamy stories you will ever find. Note: rated 18+. Readers under 18 do not read please.


The Bloody Moon

"In the ancient land of Chiapas, Mexico, a festival known as El que es LUNA, the celebration of the moon god, takes place. The locals believe in the power of magic during this time, but little do they know that an ancient curse is about to be awakened. As tourists from all over the world gather to witness the festivities, they will soon discover that there is more to this festival than meets the eye. Brace yourself for a tale of mystery, magic, and the dark forces that lurk beneath the red moon."


Tales of a vampire lord

In the quiet town of Crongers, where secrets lurk in the shadows, a forbidden love story unfolds. Meet Damian, a skilled hunter with a mysterious past, and Isabella, a captivating vampire with a dangerous allure. As their paths intertwine, they are faced with a choice between love and survival. Brace yourself for a tale of passion, betrayal, and the deadly consequences of a single, fateful kiss.


Spellbound Hearts

Rated 18+ Jane POV “Ahh! " I moaned out softly as Jake, squeezed my bøøbs roughly while pressing his huge frame on me, thereby pinning me to the wall. He squeezed my bøøbs was once more with his left hand while his free hand roamed down my body, to my exposed tummy further down and that send shivers down my spine when his hand got closed to my puṣṣy region. I was still putting on my clothes, a crop top, that exposed my tummy and a very short mini skirt that revealed almost all my thighs. Jake fingërs creeped it's way into my skirt and also my panties. “Oh shít! " I moaned loudly as I felt two of his fingërs deep into my honey pot. My mouth went wind open for a moan but he shut me up with a rough kiss, while still squeezing my bøøbs and now fingëring my puṣṣy! Gosh! I was going crazy with pleasure my whole body heating up. I ran my hands on his body, from his broad shoulder and chest down to his well carved packs, then up his chest again. He was still putting on his cloths and I want to feel his flesh, his hard, warm skin..so I forcefully unbutton his shirt, some buttons of his shirt even came off. I needed him like crazy! He was still kissing, squeezing and fingëring me. My whole body vibrating like a moving train and my hot pot producing sweet juice. “ Ahhh.. " I moaned into his mouth as he sucked on my tongue. After I had unbutton his shirt and ran my hands all over his chest and strong packs to my satisfaction, I moved for his pant. In a haste I unbuckled his belt. I needed that diçk. I need it now! In no time I had pulled down his pant and brought out his diçk from his boxer. His huge, long veiny member in my grip. I played with it as he kept on pleasuring me with his fingëring, squeezing and kissing. I stroked his diçk roughly and he groaned out removing his mouth from mine. He then kissed on the side of my neck, squeezing my bøøbs even more roughly as he pinched my nipplë. “ Ahhh! Fūck! " I moaned out. “ I want to füçk you now. " He breath on my neck. ” Füçk me. Make me your bitçh! " I moaned out... I let go of his diçk and he lift my skirt up my waist, shift my panties and inserted his, thick long veiny member inside of me. “ Fūckkkk! ...Oh Gosh!..." I started moaning loudly as he clapped on me with much force. Banging me in a standing position... My moans where loud but the music in the background clouded it. Yes we are at the party and Jake happens to be my boyfriend, well not official boyfriend though course I don't do relationship and I don't ever, fuçking fall in love. I am just with Jake for now because he is rich, handsome and a very bad boy. He is the most popular boy in school, as he is in the school football and basketball team. The quarter back and captain. Plus he can fūck as hell! I love sëx a lot! I am a bitçh! Some call me slüt but those are just the jealous hateful bitçhes. In truth they wish they were me. I am adored and worshipped so to speak. Always talked about. All the girls wish to be as pretty and hot like I am while all the boys want to fuçk me. Many of them jërk off with my hot pictures, hørny bastard! Well they are free to, I am the hottest bitçh! The queen of Berlian High school. Welcome to my world.


Seductive reverie

This is a compilation of the hottest sex stories you'll ever find. Readers be warned.


The Luna's legacy

In the heart of this dark underbelly, where danger lurked at every corner, I, a mere mortal, found myself drawn into a web of intrigue. It all started with a chance encounter, a fleeting moment that would ignite a flame within me, forever altering the course of my life. This is a story of passion and danger, where the ultimate dilemma between power and vulnerability unfolds. Join me on this journey as we navigate the treacherous waters of the underworld, where desires run deep and the price of love may be higher than we ever imagined. So hold on tight, for in this world of shadows, nothing is as it seems.


Seductive Desire

In a world where conformity reigns supreme, meet jane, a young woman who seems to have it all together. With her meticulously planned routine and perfect facade, she appears to be the epitome of a well-adjusted individual. But beneath her polished exterior lies a hidden world of doubts, fears, and vulnerabilities. Join jane on a journey of self-discovery as she navigates the complexities of life, seeking true happiness and authenticity amidst societal expectations. Get ready for a story that will challenge your perception of what it truly means to be "well-adjusted."


The cold hearted billionaire

Liam Carter, a billionaire with an insatiable appetite for pleasure, never believed in love or commitment. His life revolved around his carnal desires, seeking satisfaction wherever he pleased. But everything changed when he laid eyes on Lacey Sanders, a captivating woman who ignited a spark within him. Little did they know, their encounter at that party would set off a chain of events that would challenge their beliefs and redefine their understanding of love and desire.


Friends with benefits

Kathleen knew the only way to get her much deserved promotion was for her to take a desperate measure, so defying the office protocols she headed straight to the CEO's office and before the secretary could stop her she pushed open the door. "I'm sorry I came late sir please can you..." She stopped mid sentence when the man standing by the window turned around to face her. She opened her mouth in surprise and before she could say anything the secretary spoke up, "I'm sorry sir, she just barged in before I could stop her." The secretary explained apologetically. The man dismissed his secretary with a wave of his hands before fixing his gaze on Kathleen in a manner that suggested he was amused. She looked at him in confusion, wasn't the boss supposed to be an elderly man in his late sixties? "Ehmm..." she cleared her throat nervously and decided to try again. This wasn't the time to be wondering why the man in front of her looked so young and gorgeous. Desperate times called for desperate measures! She reminded herself before raising her head to look at him again. "Yeah?" Pete asked curiously. Kathleen swallowed nervously, "You're..." "Oh! I'm Pete Howells, your new boss."


The Royal Reflections

In this enchanting tale, the protagonist grapples with the weight of her royal lineage and the burdensome expectations placed upon her, yearning for a life of simplicity and normalcy: "Born into a world of opulence and fame, our young heroine finds herself at the intersection of two extraordinary worlds. Her father, the esteemed King of England, and her mother, a renowned model adored by millions, have shaped a life for her that seems destined for greatness. Yet, she yearns for something entirely different - a life of simplicity, far removed from the trappings of royalty and the spotlight that her mother's career brings. As the pressures of her birthright intensify, our protagonist grapples with an overwhelming desire to shed the shackles of her privileged upbringing. She dreams of living an ordinary existence, where her worth is not defined by her title or her mother's legacy. Determined to forge her own path, she embarks on a quest for authenticity and independence, seeking solace in the seemingly mundane experiences that define the lives of ordinary girls. In her pursuit of a 'normal' life, she finds solace in unlikely places - forging deep connections with those who see beyond her royal facade. Through their eyes, she discovers the beauty of simplicity, the joy of unburdened laughter, and the freedom to be herself without the weight of expectations. But as she navigates the delicate balance between her desire for an ordinary life and her duty to her lineage, she is faced with unforeseen challenges. The choices she makes will not only shape her own destiny but also have far-reaching consequences for the kingdom she was born into. In this captivating tale of self-discovery and the pursuit of authenticity, our young heroine defies the confines of her birthright, embarking on a journey to reclaim her own identity. Will she find the courage to forge her own path, or will the weight of tradition and expectation prove too heavy to bear?"



Amber's life was a constant battle against the darkness that consumed her. Growing up in a broken home, she endured the torment of an abusive stepfather and the indifference of her mother. But one fateful day, everything changed. After a harrowing encounter, Amber made the courageous decision to flee from her toxic environment. Alone and vulnerable on the unforgiving streets, she stumbled upon an opportunity that would alter the course of her life. A wealthy man, drawn to her resilience and determination, presented her with a contract that promised a substantial sum in exchange for her help in saving his drug-addicted son. With nothing left to lose, Amber took a leap of faith and signed the contract, unknowingly embarking on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery and redemption. As she delves into the depths of her own strength, Amber encounters unexpected allies, formidable adversaries, and uncovers shocking secrets that challenge everything she thought she knew. Through heart-stopping twists and turns, she learns that true power lies within herself. Join Amber on this gripping odyssey of resilience, hope, and the relentless pursuit of a brighter future.


Mystery and Betrayal

Year 2000. It was already the middle of the night. The night is peaceful, and the country road is too quite. It was dark and only the light that is coming from a post gives light on the road. There are no houses in the place, it was a distance away from the City. But the silence of the night was interrupted by the piercing sound of a car trying to stop and then followed by a loud sound of a car crash! A car crashed on the road barrier, the road barrier was wrecked! The car's front wheels are now hanging at the edge of a deep cliff! The car's windshield shattered, there are three people inside the car, the driver, a grown-up woman, and a child. The driver is unconscious and lots of blood trickled from his head to his face. The woman in the backseat slowly opens her eyes, her vision is blurry and she feels dizzy. A moment later, she felt the liquid trickled on her face, the woman touched the liquid. She takes a look at her palm, her eyes went wide opened when she realized it was blood! The woman felt like her dizziness faded! She looked outside the car, it was dark! The woman looked ahead of the car, with the help of the car's headlight, she realized that the car hit the road barrier and they are on the edge of the cliff! " Oh, God!" She blurted out! She looked at the child beside her, there's lots of blood that trickles from the child's forehead to her face. "My God!" The woman blurted again! Her entire body is trembling! She doesn't know what to do! She looked at her husband in the driver's seat. He is also unconscious! "What to do?! What to do?!" The woman is confused about what to do! They are on the brink of death! The car might fell to the bottom of the cliff! If that happens, it would be impossible for them to survive. But she still tries to be strong! This is between life and death, and her family's life is on her hand! " Dear, wake up!" the woman tries to wake up the child. "Wake up please!" the woman felt weak but she still tries to wake up her daughter. The child slowly opened her eyes, "M-Mom..." The child mumbled. The woman felt a little relieved when she heard the child spoke. "Move." The woman said. "You have to get out of the car!" The woman opened the car's door, "She gathered her strength to push the child out of the car. "Ahhh!" The woman cried! Fortunately, the car has not fallen yet! The woman's breathing increased! She is panting due to the nervousness that she felt. Beads of sweat pop out on her forehead. She tried to calm herself before she slowly moves closer to her husband, who is still unconscious. "Honey, wake up!" The woman begged her husband in between her sobs. "Honey!" She called again, but her husband is still unresponsive. Meanwhile, outside the car. "Help..." the child mumbled. She wants to help her parents but she just couldn't do it. She felt helpless, but the child had hope when she saw a man's silhouette coming to her. The man walks closer to her and he stands near her. It was dark, and the man stands against the light. All the child could see, is his silhouette. The child opens her mouth. She tried to speak but there's no voice came out from her mouth but the movement of her mouth says, "Help..." The child wanted to reach her hand to the man, but she was weak to do it, all she could do is to move her fingers. The man turned his back away from them, instead of helping them! The child's mouth moved again. "Help..." Her mind is telling her to move but her body refuses, the child's eyes slowly closed until her world went dark. She doesn't even witness how the car fell into the bottom of the cliff with her parents inside it!


A Tale of Ambition

Embracing the Melody of Destiny. As the harmonies of life unfolded, my dreams wove a symphony of purpose. Encountering my best friend Zara, I sensed a cosmic connection, propelling us towards a shared greatness. Yet, witnessing her struggles with a daunting equation, a tinge of concern washed over me. Zara's relentless pursuit of her dream college evoked admiration, but a flicker of doubt arose, questioning if she was stretching herself too thin. After bidding Zara farewell, I ventured homeward to discover my little brother Max engrossed in the mesmerizing glow of the television. Our playful banter soon transformed into a discussion about my unwavering passion for music. Similar to our mother, Max struggled to grasp the depth of my aspirations to become a superstar. Nevertheless, undeterred, I adorned my casual attire, grasped my guitar, and embarked on a journey to the train station. Strumming the chords and serenading the air, my heart spilled forth through my music, beckoning a small crowd to gather. Their shower of compliments became a chorus of affirmation. In that moment, a woman approached me, captivated by my angelic voice, and urged me to enroll at the illustrious Delgado Music School. Yet, a formidable barrier loomed before me – the daunting hurdle of exorbitant tuition fees. Returning home, I encountered my mother's disapproving gaze. She had unveiled my clandestine performances at the train station and confiscated my cherished guitar. Pleading with her proved futile; her resolve remained unyielding. Overwhelmed with defeat, I pondered the uncertain trajectory of my life. Academia eluded me, and athletic prowess evaded my grasp. Singing, the balm for my soul, now seemed to wither in the face of hopelessness. Amidst the mundane task of washing dishes, Nick's music permeated the background. Hastening to the living room, I beheld Max engrossed in a video of Nick's captivating voice. Despite his taunting, I couldn't help but admire Nick's talent, and my dreams of gracing grand stages were rekindled. In that transformative moment, I recognized the worthiness of my dreams. Even if no one else comprehended their magnitude, an unwavering conviction surged through me. I knew, deep in my core, that I must pursue my musical passion. The path ahead may be arduous, but I resolved to leave an indelible mark on the world's stage and manifest the superstar I had always envisioned.


Loved by A Demon King

Shadows of Fate Unveiled within the realms of the ethereal Maelstorm kingdom, where Demons and Dark Magic intertwine, the captivating tale unfolds. Cheng, the prodigious third son of King Osvaldo, harbors an enigmatic secret - he is possessed by a malevolent demon, bestowing upon him the power of Dark Magic. Haunted by this unholy alliance, Cheng becomes a harbinger of destruction, instilling fear in the hearts of all who reside within the palace walls. Rejected by society, he remains isolated, bereft of companionship, devoid of friends, bodyguards, and maids, as their trembling hearts dare not serve him. Yet, amidst the shadows of trepidation, emerges Tatiana, resolute in her quest to rekindle the forgotten bonds of friendship with Cheng. She endeavors to infiltrate the palace, and against all odds, achieves her goal of becoming a servant. However, as she enters the depths of the palace, a chilling revelation awaits her - the boy she once knew, now consumed by a ravenous demon. Will Cheng recognize Tatiana, the beacon of his childhood love? Can he muster the strength to battle the demon that resides within, shielding Tatiana from its malevolence? And ultimately, who is responsible for the sinister possession that has befallen Cheng? Embark on an extraordinary journey, where romance intertwines with the arcane forces of Dark Magic, suspense hangs in the air, and the enigmatic secrets of the Maelstorm kingdom are brought to light. As the tapestry of fate unfurls, discover the depths of love, the resilience of the human spirit, and the timeless battle between light and darkness. Will Tatiana's unwavering devotion triumph over the shadows that consume Cheng's soul? Join us in this captivating saga, where the answers lie shrouded in mystery, waiting to be unveiled.


The Billionaire's obsession

Sure, buckle up for an intriguing twist in the story! Just when Camilla thought she had made her decision, a mysterious stranger enters the picture. This enigmatic figure seems to hold the key to a hidden truth, one that could change everything. As Camilla delves deeper into the billionaire's world, she uncovers a web of secrets and manipulation. The billionaire's obsession takes a dark turn, revealing a dangerous side that Camilla never anticipated. With each passing day, the stakes get higher, and the lines between right and wrong blur. Meanwhile, the stranger offers Camilla a glimmer of hope, promising a way out of her predicament. But can she trust this person? Is their offer genuine, or is it just another trap? Camilla must navigate a treacherous path, where betrayal lurks around every corner. As tensions rise and the clock ticks down, Camilla's courage is put to the ultimate test. Will she find the strength to stand up against the billionaire's obsession and protect her own well-being? And what sacrifices will she have to make along the way? Join us on this thrilling ride, where loyalty, love, and resilience collide. Discover the shocking truth that lies beneath the surface and witness Camilla's journey as she fights for her freedom and the well-being of her mother. Get ready for a page-turning experience filled with suspense, unexpected twists, and a finale that will leave you breathless.


Lustful Fantasies

This is a compilation of the hottest sex stories you'll ever find. Readers be warned.

RomanceTrue LovePlayboy

The mafia sex slave

I sat cuddled on the floor, the room was a bit dark and there were others teenage girls like me. There was fear written in all our faces. Who couldn't be afraid in this situation? We all have been sold. Sold to a sex house. Men come here and purchase us like items, they buy us and take us to their houseses to warm their beds for them. I couldn't have been here. No I shouldn't be here. It was my wicked step father. That man sold me out, he is so wicked, I thought I could bear his wickedness until I'm old enough to leave the house but unexpectedly he sold me out like an item. He is the most wicked man on Earth. The most wicked.


In Love with the Playboy

All her life, she has kept away from the opposite sex. But they want is to fulfill the ultimate goal while she still wants to remain chaste and holy. Its not awesome to have five hot following you around because of a bet and they want your virginity. I tell you, its not. Its scary. Meet Bailey Hadid, nerdy Bailey with the glasses. Last year at high school and she expects it to be normal just like every other kid but this is different all because of a bet. Wait, What bet? The bet ongoing between five friends. The first among the players that takes Bailey's virginity will win the bet and of course, there had to be pictures to prove it. And its not gonna be easy for Bailey when the players are the hottest guys in school and they want to fulfill their last goal, to get into Bailey's pants. V-destroyers on patrol. With these five friends determined to win the title of The Ultimate Virginator, will our Bailey make it out alive with her virginity? What's gonna happen when they all cross paths in order to win her V-card because of a bet? What if one of the players falls in love? Will someone's heart get broken?

EmotionRomanceTrue Love

Her Addiction

if Love is a drug, then I want to be high on you forever. If Love is a crime then I wanna be your victim but if Love is an Addiction then I wanna get insanely Addicted To You. Brianna Anderson hasn't met anyone that caught her interest. Well, all that is about to change in the course of one sexy night. Meet Liam Paige, wealthy and cute are his characteristics coupled with fact that he's great in bed making him a sex freak. They meet in a very unusual way involving a one night stand. Will she flip his world making him realize that there is more to just sex or will he flip her on his bed instead? He's desperately Needs A Fuck while She's Bad At Love.


The Rejected Mate

Rayna isn't a normal werewolf. She was born a sacred wolf: a wolf with white fur, stronger senses, and powers. Some might say that she is has a gift from the Moon goddess herself. When Rayna meets her mate: the most feared alpha on the earth, everything goes downhill from there. Read on as Rayna faces situations that no one else should face. Just because she is different.

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