Evelyn's POV
I woke up a few hours later and saw a note.
"Love I'm sorry I had to go to the show. I didn't want to wake you. I'll be back soon. xx Sammy."
I looked at the time and saw it was almost 9:30 meaning he should be finishing his set soon. The swelling on my ankle had gone down a bit and it didn't hurt as much to move or put pressure on it. I opened my phone to see a video posted 2 minutes ago. It was of the girls at the airport hounding me and then Sammy coming to my rescue. All the comments were defending me. I'm shocked at the response. Everyone's worried about me making me wonder.
So was it just that group of girls that hate me?
Everyone was telling them how wrong they were but one comment stood out to me more.
"What is wrong with you 6? What makes you think it's ok to attack and innocent and defenseless girl?! She's done nothing to you. She's done NOTHING wrong. You don't even knew her at all! You tripped her, making her hurt her ankle. I can't believe this. You think it's funny to attack someone just because she's dating your idol? What kind of fans are you?"
This girl has been telling them off for almost and hour. Her name is Emily. And other girls I'm assuming they're friends we're backing her up. Their names are Aimee,Nilsa, Jennifer, Angelina, and Molly. To thank them. I opened my dms (Sorry Shawn) and saw they had made a groupchat for me called "The Photography Queen Ev!"
I clicked on the message.
*Private Message with Groupchat*
Evelyn:Hi Loves! I saw your comments and I just wanted to say thank you for all the love! it means the absolute world to me!
Molly: Okay whoever is playing a prank again please stop.
Evelyn:Hahaha it's actually me!
Evelyn: It still hurts a lot but it doesn't hurt as much to move or put pressure on it and the swelling went down a bit.
Amiee: Evie I hope you get better soon we love you.
Evelyn: Thank you I love you girls too.
I need to show them how thankful I am. Then an idea hit me.
Evelyn: Loves I'll be right back. I need to ask Sammy something. Do you all live close to each other?
"EvelynRose added Sammy_Matrix to the chat."
Evelyn:Okay loves I'm back! Sammy tell them!
Sammy: Ev and I both want to thank you personally so we want to invite you guys to the show in your state and you can hang with us backstage.
Molly :AHHHH!
Evelyn: I'd like to hang out with you all the day of your show and also if it's alright with you can you send me your numbers?
All: Yes!
*End of Private Message*
I snuggled with him and fell asleep with a smile on my face.
Weeks past and it was finally time for that day. The day I get to thank those girls in person. Sam had meetings all day about upcoming tour stops so he dropped me off at Aimee’s house and he said he'd pick us up on the way to the concert. I walked up to the door and rang the bell.
"Hi! Are you Aimee?"
"Yes that's me! Hi Evelyn! Come in please!"
I walked into the living room and I saw all the girls.
"Hi loves!"
"Evelyn! You're actually here!"
"Hi! Someone pinch me I think I'm dreaming."
"Sweetie you're not dreaming I can assure you."
I let out a big smile and continued my thought.
"Okay uh..I’m not good with names so can you introduce yourselves please?"
A few minutes later I knew everyone's names.
"Okay. I think I got it now so what do you girls wanna do?"
"How long do we have?" Nilsa asked
"Well Sammy's in meetings all day and he said he'll pick us up on his way back."
"Do you guys wanna go to the mall?" Angelina. replied.
"Sounds good! We can see a movie too!" Jennifer yelled.
We all gathered into Aimee's car and began our journey to the mall. The car ride was so much fun! We were all singing and dancing in our seats the whole time. The first thing we did we did was go to see a movie.
"Can we see Storm?"
"Jenny! I wanna see My Love though!"
While Aimee and Jennifer were bickering about movies they wanted to see I came up with a solution.
"Okay so it's 10:00 we have plenty of time we can see both movies now just at different times. Storm is about 3 hours so how about we see My Love first. Oh by the way. I hate horror movies."
"That's works for me."All girls agreed.
I went over to buy the tickets for both movies. One at 10:30 and the other at 12:00.
"Ev let us pay for the tickets please you're our guest for the day." Nilsa offered.
I'm not letting them pay for tickets I can't.
"Girls I insist! You'll need your money for for merch tonight."
"We're not winning this fight are we?" Angelina mentioned.
"Nope!" I replied.
We got our popcorn and found our seats and got ready for movie one to start during the previews I decided to text Sammy
Sammy's POV
The first of many meetings of the day ended when I got a text from Evelyn.
*Text Message with Evelyn*
Evelyn: Hey hunny! Are you in a meeting yet?
Sammy:Just got out of one. What're you and the girls doing?
Evelyn: We're at the mall seeing movies and then shopping.
Sammy:Wait you're at the movies?! I swear if you're seeing what I think you are..
Sammy:Evelyn Addison Rose!
Evelyn:Two can play that game. Sammy Grayson Matrix.
Sammy: :(
Evelyn: Calm yourself. I'll take you to see them another day. Okay?
Evelyn::Gotta go! Movie's starting! Love you!
Sammy:Love you too
*End of Text Message*
The morning was filled with meetings about international tour dates. Some places I've been to. Some I haven't been to. And I thought about Ev's family in Greece and how she'd probably like to see them. So made sure Greece was at the top of our list. Other meetings were about merch. Others were songwriting sessions. Hours later I was finally done with my meetings. Time to pick up the girls.
*Text Message with Evelyn*
Sammy:Hi love I'm done with my meetings. I'm coming to pick you all up now
Evelyn:Okay! I'll see you soon!
*End of Text Message*
Evelyn's POV
"Girls! Get ready if you're not already! Sammy's on his way!"
While we were getting into our new outfits I thought about the day I had. These girls that defended me became my friends. I felt like I've known them for years. 20 minutes later all of us were ready and Sam was waiting outside.
"Hey girls! How was your day?"
"AMAZING!"Aimee yelled.
"We went shopping!" Jennifer added.
"And we saw two movies!" Angelina shouted.
"No spoilers! I know what you saw!"
We all started laughing about our day until we got to the venue.
"Sammy we gotta get you to soundcheck in about 5 minutes.”
"Okay Ricco. Girls do you wanna take pictures now and then head over to soundcheck?"
All girls agreed and I took photos of the girls with him. Then we headed over to soundcheck.
"Hey Ev?"
He scanned me up and down looking at my new outfit. I had on black jean shorts and a blue crop top that had roses over it
"You look beautiful."
"Thank you Sammy."
I started to blush because I'd never worn these kind of clothes before. I don't know why but I felt like trying something different. The girls and I were enjoying soundcheck. We were all dancing and singing along and I took photos of us all having fun. I saw Jason out of the corner of my eye and he approached me.
"Hey Ev. I've noticed how hard you've been working and I know that you have some friends here so I'm giving you the night off. Have fun!"
"Thank you Jason!"
Having the night off meant that I could enjoy the show in the crowd not as a photographer not as a girlfriend but as a fan.