Evelyn's POV
"GET MY GOOD SIDE!" Amanda screeched
"Guys if you don't shut up I'm gonna end this" I calmly said.
Max and Axel came running out of my house knocking Lexi into my pool. Sophia and Amber ran over to Lexi to help her out of the pool while Jenna,Melissa, and Amanda brought the dogs back inside
"Wait! Lex stay in the pool!"I ordered.
"Ev I'm soaked and I don't have extra clothes."
"Dude you can BORROW some of my clothes that are in my bag." Amber offered.
"Okay okay fine. "
A few seconds later Sophia and Amanda were chasing each other around the pool for whatever reason and then bumped into me and I dropped my camera on the concrete
"Uh oh uh So-Sophia? W-we-sho-should go." Amanda stammered.
"Well it was so nice of you to have us BYE!"
"WE'RE BROKE!" Both yelled in unison.
"I think Ev's mad." Amber mentioned.
"I wouldn't say mad. I'd say she's livid." Lexi replied.
"Yeah... I'd say that too Lex." Agreed Amber.
Lexi's mom came to pick everyone else up not long after my camera shattered on the ground.
I ran up to my room and pulled out a shoe box I'd been keeping money I'd gotten from my birthday last year,shoved it into my bag,and walked to the store to replace my camera. Yeah I could have called my cousin Makayla to come pick me up but I wanted to cool off a bit and I didn't want to bug her on her last day here before she goes back home to Greece. I finally reached the store then I walked down the aisle with cameras. I asked where the camera I was looking for it and they said it was sold out. I had to go to a different store because of that. The second store I went to didn't have it also. It took me a while but I found a store that thankfully had it.
It took me a bit to find it since I had never been to this store before. When I finally found the cameras I saw a tall figure.
Hold on.
I know that leather jacket!
Somebody I never thought I'd see was standing RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME Sammy Martix is in my presence and in front of the camera I need. I pinched myself thinking I was dreaming but I was wide awake. I ducked into the aisle next to the cameras.
Okay it's okay.
Take a deep breath.
He's just a normal person.
Just go up to him and ask him to move.
I kept staring at him.
I took out my phone and pretended I was texting someone. Then I pretended I was looking for something. Then he spoke.
"Where the hell are you? I've been staring at the same cameras for 15 minutes! I probably look stupid! No I don't know where I am!"
He put his phone away then took it back out when it started ringing.
"Hello? Yes Steve. I'm in Tampa. No I didn't forget about rehearsal. Ew. I hate that radio station. They always find a way to ruin the interview. Also don't they twist people's words? Ugh. This is in how many months? You're telling me this now? Yeah you have a point. Whatever. I'll be there later."
I found the confidence in me to walk into the aisle. I took a deep breath and stood on my toes. I tapped his shoulder.
"Um excuse me I need to get that camera. Can you move please."
I smiled brightly while pointing to the one I needed.
"Oh I'm so sorry!" He replied.
"No worries, thank you."
I picked up the camera and as I was about to leave the aisle he stopped me.
"Hey by the way,I'm Sammy."
"Hi Sammy! I'm Evelyn I'm a huge fan!"
"Aw thank you honey it's nice to meet you."
As I'm trying so hard not to fangirl in front of him we begun talking more until his photographer came by us.
"Hey Sammy thanks again for stopping here. I really needed to replace that old thing."
"You're welcome it's really no problem."
"So who's your friend here."
"Oh my bad! Jason this is Evelyn. Evelyn this is my photographer Jason."
Jason held out his hand for me to shake.
"Hi it's nice to meet you Jason." I responded.
"It's nice to meet you too. So what kind of photos do you take?"
"Well I take pictures of everything really."
"I'd love to see some of your photos sometime if that's alright with you."
"Yeah sure!"
Fortunately for me the card didn't break so I didn't lose anything.
"Awesome! Sam I'll be right back Steve's calling."
After Jason left the store for a moment Sammy and I resumed our conversation.
"So how did you end up here Evelyn?"
Uh oh..
"Um well you see it's a funny story kinda and kinda not.. My friends came over to my house for a photoshoot and two of them were chasing each other around and crashed into me and my camera fell on the concrete and broke."
"Oh man. I'm sorry about that."
"It's alright. Luckily I'm able to get a new one."
"I'm having a show here tonight if you're not doing anything would you like to come and be my guest so we can hang out more?"
Wait did he just invite me to his frickin sold out concert?!
"Yeah! Sure!"
"Yay! Here put your number in my phone and I'll text you when I'll get you"
He handed me his phone and I typed my number in and the Jason came back.
"Sammy we gotta go.Steve needs you for rehearsal."
"Alright. Bye Evelyn! It was nice meeting you I'll see you later! OH AND BRING YOUR CAMERA!"
"Bye Sammy!"
Did I really just meet my idol AND get invited to his concert as HIS guest???.
There's no way that just happened!
I'm seeing shit!
Did I accidentally do drugs?!
Holy fucking shit!
I gotta chill.
I walked over to the register and paid for the camera.
"Here you go. Have a nice day."
"Thanks! You too!”
I walked out of the store and started walking home. I put an earbud in and started playing music as I walked.