Evelyn's POV
Despite everything He's done to prevent me from getting hate online I see their posts and whenever they mention me in a comment. I'll admit some get to me and others are just there. Tour had started back up again and our plane had just landed in Paris and we began walking towards the baggage claim surprisingly there hasn't been many fans here.
"Hey baby I'll be right back Steve's calling me. Are you okay staying here by yourself for a bit?"
"Yeah I'm good."
"Are you sure? I can always call him back later."
"Hun it's fine go."
"Okay I'll be back in a few."
He began walking away when they approached me. They didn't seem happy to see me. I gulped and I tried to walk away but I couldn't. It's like like my feet were frozen to the ground. I couldn't speak. All I could do was breathe and blink.
"Why are you here?"
"Guys she's clearly using him."
"Yeah. I mean who dates someone and then becomes their photographer?"
"That's not how it happened at all."
"Look at her hair. It's so blah."
I pick up a strand of hair off my shoulder, then just stared blankly at it.
I don't know why they're doing this to me.
I haven't done anything.
They hounded me for what seemed like hours and my body had enough and my feet unfroze and I begun to walk away with my arms out infront of me. One of the girls tripped me and my ankle twisted and they surrounded me. I saw a phone out of the corner of my eye.
Have they been filming the whole time?
I can hardly see straight due to my tears. I'm being called every name in the book. That's when I heard Sammy coming back.
"Hey! What are you guys doing to her?!"
He knelt down to me.
"Lyn, are you alright?"
I shook my head and pointed to my ankle.
"It hurts to move I think it's sprained."
"Whats wrong with you guys? She hasn't done anything wrong!"
"Sam, it's clear that she's using you. I mean who dates someone and then becomes their photographer? It's dumb."
"If only you knew the fucking REAL story!"
He snapped. The other girls were backing up slowly when he started to tell them off. Before I knew it Sammy's standing in front of me and I'm hiding behind him.
Why do they hate me?
He finally made the girls leave the airport and then he picked me up.
"Do you think you can walk on it?"
I put my foot down on the ground and winced at the pain.
"N-n-no i-i-it h-h-h-hurts t-t-too m-m-much"
"Im so sorry hun. I shouldn't have left you alone. This is all my fault."
"i-i-i-ts al-al-al-ri-ri-ght."
I'm stammering because I'm scared,upset,and in pain.
"What if they are outside?"
"It's alright it's okay. I've got you. I'm gonna get you out of here."
He carried me out of the airport and placed me in the car and drove to the hotel. He carried me up to our room and placed me on the bed. I saw that my ankle was swollen. Extremely swollen like a balloon.
"You need to ice it and elevate it. I'm calling Jesse to bring you ice."
"Thank you. I'm sorry I'm causing trouble Sam."
I began to cry again. I felt this was all my fault.
"Hey hey it's okay. It's not your fault. Okay? I've got you. I'm never leaving you alone like that again okay?"
He wiped my tears away and I hugged him like there's no tomorrow. He's rubbing my back telling me everything's gonna be ok and he kissed my neck.
"Sammy! Open up! I don't understand why you needed ice and bags!"
"Hang on I'm coming. I'll explain in a minute."
"Hey Jesse."
"Hey Ev- holy shit! your ankle! Guys what happened?!"
I told him everything. Jesse was fuming. Sam put a lot of ice in a plastic bag and wrapped in a towel then placed it on my ankle.
"Did you tell Steve about this yet?"
"No I haven't had a chance to. I didn't think about it."
"Ok I'll do it for you."
"Thank you Jess."
"No problem. I'll come get you when it's showtime."
Jesse left and Sammy finished tending to my balloon ankle he propped it up on a pillow and rewrapped the ice bag. He sat next to me on the bed and I put my head on his shoulder.
"Thank you Sam I love you."
"You're welcome hun. I love you too."
My ankle didn't hurt to the point where I needed painkillers but I hoped it didn't get to that point. I fell asleep shortly after Sam started to stroke my arm and twirl my hair.
I feel so vulnerable.
He's never seen me upset.
He's never seen me cry till now.