While Yoongi walk to take order, a customer grabbed his hand.
"Yoongi, do you have a minute?" He asked.
"Jin hyung? But I have work to do." Yoongi replied.
Jimin passed by to take order for other table, the customer grabbed Jimin's hand too.
"Jimin, Yoongi. Can we talk for a while?" Jin asked.
"Sure, what is it?" Jimin and Yoongi said.
"That girl is cute. Where do you get her?" Jin asked.
"You think she's a doll? I can pick her up whenever or wherever i want to?" Yoongi said.
"She's pretty right, Jimin?" Jungkook ask.
"Yeah. She's pretty." Jimin answered.
"Even if you all are my friend, it doesn't mean i need to tell you everything." Yoongi said calmly and continued to work.
"I need to go to work too." Jimin said and went to work.
SunHi then came to deliver their orders to the boys.
"Here is your order." She said, putting down the tray and put the plates of food onto their table.
Jin just stare at SunHi's face with admiration and we.
Later that evening, all the customers done their eating and exit the restaurant.
They were closing the restaurant, their aunt were cooking at the kitchen.
"SunHi, Yoongi." Their aunt called for them from he kitchen.
"Yes!!!" They both replied.
"Can you two please go to the market and buy some groceries? I made a list for you." Their aunt said.
"Alright." They both amswered.
"Hyung, can I come along?" Jimin asked Yoongi.
"Let's go." Yoongi said.
"Market? What is a market?" SunHi asked to Yoongi and Jimin.
"Are you even a human? You don't know market too?" Yoongi replied to SunHi while face palmed.
"What?! You don't know market?" Jimin asked.
"No..." SunHi answered.
"It is a place where people buy things." Yoongi simply answered.
While at the market, SunHi curiously looked around the market.
"Whoah... I guess this is what market looks like." SunHi whispered to herself, amazed looking at the market.
"Did you say anything?" Yoongi asked, Jimin looked at SunHi, curious about what she said.
"Nothing." She replied.
"Is it just my imagination? Well, whatever." Yoongi said.
"We have to buy...ermm... tofu. Jimin, go find tofu." Yoongi said.
"Ne!" Jimin replied while saluting Yoongi.
"SunHi, you stay with me or you'll get lost. You don't know this place." Yoongi said.
"Here, hold my hand." Yoongi said again, coldly avoiding her eyes and blushed.
SunHi smiled and take Yoongi's hand.
Jimin came back with tofu and said "Yoongi yah, why are you holding her hand?" Jimin asked.
"If I don't, she will get lost." Yoongi said.
Jimin just glare at them and pout out of jealousy.
"Next... we need noodles." Yoongi said to SunHi and Jimin.
"What is this?" SunHi asked Yoongi.
"That is a snack." Yoongi answered.
"Is it delicious? Can I have one?" SunHi asked.
"Whatever." Yoongi replied.
"Then, I want this, this, this and this." SunHi said and took everything that she thought delicious into the trolley.
"There's seaweed!!! My favourite. Can I have it Yoongi?" SunHi said.
'C-cute... This is... the first time she said my name.'
Yoongi said in his heart while blushing.
'Wait... no no no.' He said in his heart again, regained his self control.
SunHi took the seaweed and said "woahh... this look delicious." While pointing at dried squids, and take 4 packs of it.
"Hey, SunHi. Don't you think it's too much?" Jimin asked to SunHi.
SunHi put the dried squids back. She only took one instead and stop taking random snacks.
After they done, they went back home.
"Aunty, we're back." Yoongi said. "Woahh... there's so many snacks." Yoongi aunt said.
"This childish girl who put them all in the trolley." Yoongi said while patting SunHis head.
Yoongi's aunt chuckled and took the plastick bags in Yoongi's and Jimin's hands.
"Thabk you, Jimin for helping them." Yoongi's aunt thanked jimin on Yoongi and SunHi's behalf while smiling politely.
"No problem. I'll always help my bestfriend, Yoongi." Jimin said.
"You're so lucky, Yoongi to have a good friend like him." Yoongi's aunt said, praising Jimin.
"It's already late. Don't you think you should be at home, now?" Yoongi's aunt said.
"Well, then I'll go home. Take care, aunty." Jimin said while bowing politely.
"Why were they being sweet at the market?" Jimin said while walking home.
He kicked a pebble on the road, sighing.
"I thought I had a chance. But..." Jimin said and ran to his house out of frustration.
He opened his house door, "mother, I'm home." He said to his mom.
"Welcome back." His mom said while cooking at the kitchen.
"Yah!!! MyunHee, how long are you gonna take to cook a single dish? If I don't love you I would have hit you to death." His drunk father said while watching television with alcohol bottles arround him.
Jimin ignored his parents and went to his room.
He went to bath to clean and relax himself at the same time.
After he bath, he throw himself on bed to sleep, but he can't sleep.
He reminded on his life instead.
'Why is my life like this? It's all fucked up. Why should it be like this? I hate this.'
He asked himself and cried softly and quietly so that his parents didn't hear him.
After he cries his heart out, he finally fell asleep.
In the morning, Jimin's alarm clock rang.
Jimin woke up to the sound of he alarm and went to bath.
After that, he wore his clothes and checked for his money in his wallet.
'Fuck that old man... he took all of my money.' He said to himself.
He searched for his money all around his room. But nothing founded.
His mom passed by his room with beaten up, bruised face.
"What are you searching for?" His mom asked while covering her bruise on her face.
"Nothing." Jimin answered.
"Your money? He took it. I'm sorry... I tried to stop him but I couldn't." His mom said and break to tears.
Jimin say nothing and walk out of the room.
"Jimin... take this money. Don't tell your father."
His mom whisper to him and hands the money to him, he took it and walk out of the house with silence.
Jimin went to Yoongi's house and went into Yoongi's aunt restaurant.
"Aunty, is Yoongi inside?" He asked Yoongi's aunt.
"Yes, he's inside, still sleeping." Yoongi's aunt answered.
Jimin went inside his house and wake yoongi up.
"Yoongi, wake up! Let's hang out!!!" He jumped on his body and shouted at yoongi's ears.
Yoongi jumped from sleep out of shock.
"Hey! you don't have to shout like that. If you do it again, I'll kick your ass." Yoongi warned Jimin.
"Move!" Yoongi said, pushing jimin side onto the floor.
"Alright, alright. Hurry up and get ready." Jimin replied.
Yoongi get ready as Jimin told him, then they walked out of the house, but stopped by yoongi's aunt.
"Where are you two going?" She asked. "We're going to hang out together. Why?" Jimin asked.
"You should take SunHi too. She have to be familiar with new places and try new things." Yoongi's aunt said.
Yoongi and Jimin both sighed and walk to Yoongi's room to wake sunHi up.
"Hey, SunHi... wake up." Yoongi said while shaking SunHi's leg, but it didn't work.
He take a water bottle and pour it on her face.
She wakes up "what?" She asked, confused.
"What is this for?" She asked again.
"Get ready." Yoongi said, throwing the bottle onto her bed.
"Why? Do I have to?" SunHi said.
"No you don't have too. You can walk around smell like a shit with a pyjama." Yoongi said sarcastically.
"Fine... I'll get ready." SunHi said, giving up.
She get up from her bed and went to bath, then after she done bathing, they all went to a park.
"What is that animal?" SunHi askes pointing to a dog.
"It's a dog." Yoongi said.
"Woahh... It's so cute and fluffy. I want to cuddle it." She said while patting the dog. The dog swung it's tail while jumping excitedly.
Then, they continued their walk.
"Woah... It's a cute baby. Can I hold it?" SunHi said, after she saw a cute baby that were smiling brightly when she saw Sunhi.
"Sure." The baby's mom answered.
SunHi carefully hold the baby, suddenly Yoongi smiled warmly looking at SunHi and the baby.
Without he realized, he blushed.
'She's so cute. How can she be so cute with kids? Wait... what am I saying?' Yoongi said in his heart.
After that, they continue walking, "that's ice cream isn't it?" SunHi asked while pointing at an ice cream truck.
Without hesitation, Yoongi bought ice cream for them.
'I felt like a useless invisible trash here. Aren't I'm the one who asked them to hang out?' Jimin said in his heart.
They enjoyed spending a lot of time together going to amusement park, arcade and watching movie.
After they done, they went back home, then they went to bath and went to sleep.