School bell was heard ringing signaling students it's lunch time.
As usual, Yoongi and Jimin walked to the canteen to get food on reccess time.
On their way to the canteen, "Where are they?" Yoongi asked Jimin, not seeing any of their friends around.
"They probably eat first since we're late." Jimin answered and shrugged.
When they're at the canteen, as they saw their friends at the table they usually eat, they walk to their friends with foods in their hand after buying food hat as prepared by the canteen.
"Where were you just now? We waited for you a for long time. So we decide to eat first." Taehyung said, anticipating an answer.
"Jimin... Aren't that too little for you to eat? No wonder you're so short." Jin teased Jimin, repaying on what he did the other day.
"Shut up will you?" Jimin yelled at Jin while playfully chocking and hitting him.
All eyes at the canteen were pinned to them, chuckling on their sillineas.
They slowly back out from they fight as them being embarrassed.
After a little while, everyone took their eyes off of them, and continued eating.
"Well, we went to meet our homeroom teacher because we didn't do all our homework." Yoongi said as he pulling his chair for him to sit. Jimin also sit beside Yoongi to eat.
"Guys, you know what? I-I know you won't believe me. But... I think I.. saw a mermaid last night." Yoongi said to all his friemds, with expectation in his eyes.
"Are you still going on with that? Is your head okay or gotten worse after the hit?" Jimin asked pointing towards his head. They all laughed at Jimin's joke.
"I'm not! It's true." Yoongi replied while frowning, frustrated on their reaction.
"Hyung, are you crazy? How could they exist? They're just a stories for kids. How old are you?" Jungkook said to Yoongi with a chuckle.
"Fine!! No one believes me." Yoongi said, snapped with all of his friends and continued eating his food.
The school bell rang again telling the students that school has ended.
While the others are excitedly packing to return home, Jimin approached Yoongi with his bag on his back.
"Hyung, let's go home." Jimin said to Yoongi with a big smile.
"Oppa~ let's go home." HyeJung interrupted, linking her arm with Yoongi's arm.
Jimin's smile faded, giving a glare after seeing her showing up out of nowhere.
"Yah! HyeJung! Don't just interrupt he's going home with me." Jimin said to HyeJung, cutting of their linked hands.
"Oppang~ lets go." HyeJung begged Yoongi with being cute, ignoring Jimin.
"No way." Yoongi replied coldly and rolled his eyes.
"Hear that? Satisfied? He's going with me. Lets go, hyung." Jimin said, pulling Yoongi and rolled his eyes too on Hyejung.
Yoongi just kept silent all along and follow Jimin wherever he took him.
After a while walking, Yoongi arrived home after parting ways with Jimin.
"Who are you?" Yoongi asked to a girl who's still standing in front of his aunt's restaurant since morning.
"Hello? Can you hear me?" Yoongi asked again to the girl while waving his hand in front of her eyes.
She didn't even blink, whilst looking at the inside of the cafe.
"Are you.. okay?" He asked the girl as for she seemed strange.
The girl looked at him but just kept quiet, blinking t im with a lank face.
Suddenly her stomach growling was heard. "Why don't you get in and eat?" He said, gesturing for her to go inside.
The girl face lighten up like an excited puppy. "For free?" She asked excitedly, going into the cafe.
"Are you idiot? Of course not." Yoongi replied stopping her from entering.
The girls face was shocked and sad at the same time.
"But... I don't have money." She said pouting, rummaging in her pocket.
'I'm so dumb to not bring the golds' She thought, thinking she could buy foods with the gold.
"Then go home and ask your parents. Didn't they cook for you?" Yoongi said harshly. The girl was offended by Yoongi's words.
Then Yoongi's aunt saw he talked to the girl and walk to them.
"what's wrong, Yoongi?" His aunt asked, opening the restaurant door to take a peek on them.
"She wants to eat for free." He answered with frustration, pointing at her.
"You should talk to her properly." His aunt said again, hitting his head.
He then groaned in pain, touching his head where he was hit.
"Are you hungry?" His aunt asked gently patting her hand on the girl's back.
The girl nodded while looking at the ground, hands clutching on her stomach.
"But you don't have money?" His aunt asked again. She noded again.
"Where is your parents?" His aunt asked once more, holding on her shoulder.
"They're in the sea." The girl blurted out, in the midst of crisism
'Wait... I'm not supposed to say that!!! Idiot!!' She screamead in her heart, covering her mouth as she blurted out things she should never tell.
"Ohh... It must be hard for you. Do you have anyone to take care of you?" His aunt ask to the girl with concern and worry.
'Good... Somehow it worked out.' She said in her heart again, cleebrating her covering.
"N-No..." She said while pretending to cry, wiping her tears with her finger
'Good, good.' She thought, as her strategy is working successfully.
"Then why don't you stay with us?" His aunt offered her with sympathy as her concern and worry arise.
"Aunty, why did you offer a stranger to our house? We don't know where she's from. What she said is true or not." Yoongi complained.
"It's alright, aunty. You don't have to." The girl said and walk away.
She walk and walk again following where her legs brought her.
'Where should i live? I can't go back to that restaurant now.' She wondered l, lost in her thought and finally arrived at the beach.
"Home sweet home. There's nothing like home." She sat there with a smile and finally slept at the beach.
"Hey... Why are you sleeping here?" Someone spoke, tapping on her shoulder.
She opened her eyes and saw Yoongi sitting beside her and a jacket on her body.
"Are you awake?" He asked after seeing the girl open her eyes.
She then nodded and get up to sit, to have a comversation with Yoongi.
"Hey... It's true?" He asked, filled with regrets and sorry.
"About what?" She replied, confused while rubbing her sleepy eyes
"About what you said at the restaurant." Yoongi said.
"Yes..." the girl said about to cry,reminded on her parents.
"Don't cry. I-I'm sorry." Yoongi said being panicked, trying to clam er down.
"Lets go." Yoongi said again, pulling her arms to walk woth him.
"To where?" She asked him, tilting her head in confusion.
"Shut up and follow me." He replied, dragging her around.
"What's your name?" Yoongi asked the girl while walking.
"Mi-" She paused, thinking if shd could tell him her real name.
'Wait I can't tell him my name right? It might be weird.' She thought..
"Mi... mi.. mi.." She looked at the lamp to find a name and thought of light.
'Bit? I don't think that's right. Myeong? Yes. That would do.'
"Myeong SunHi. Yes, Myeong SunHi." She answered.
Suddenly, Yoongi stopped walking and slowly let go of Sunhi's hand.
"Here we are." Yoongi said, looking at a not-so-big house.
"This is..." SunHi said with a smile on her facevwhile looking around the familiar place.
"Yes, my house." Yoongi said to her, smiling.
Yoongi then entered his house and said "aunty, I have brought her..."
His aunt quickly ran to him to welcome her.
"The girl?" She excitedly asked.
"Yes." He replied with a nod.
"Where... is she?" His aunt said, raising her eyebrow looking for her.
"Hey, stop hiding behind my back!" Yoongi said to SunHi who was standing behind him with her small height.
"I'm shy." SunHi said, still hiding behind him.
"Just show you face." Yoongi said feeling annoyed.
She showed her face, still standing behind Yoongi.
"What's your name?" His aunt asked SunHi while smiling awkwardly.
"Myeong SunHi." She answered also smiling awkwardly. Yoongi just gave up his life on the awkward atmosphere.
"You guys must be hungry, right? I have cooked. Luckily, I accidentally cooked more than usual." Yoongi's aunt said and put the dishes filled with food.
"What is this?" SunHi asked pointing to the food.
"Seaweed soup." Yoongi's aunt answered.
"This?" SunHi asked again.
"That is bulgeogi." Yoongi's aunt answered.
"Woah... bulgeogi isseo? When did you buy them?" Yoongi asked.
"You forgot my restaurant sell bulgogi? Luckily we have a little bit leftover." His aunt answered.
"And... this?" SunHi asked again.
"That is kimchi." Yoongi answered.
"Seriously, you didn't know these foods? What did you eat all this time? Are you foreigner?" Yoongi asked, confused.
"Seeweed." SunHi answered.
Yoongi face palmed out of stress.
"Do you know this?" Yoongi asked pointing towards steamed buns.
"Rice?" SunHi replied.
"Let's just eat." Yoongi's aunt said.
They all finally eat in peace.
After they eat, Yoongi asked "but, imo. We only have two rooms. Where would she sleep?" His aunt just smiled.
"Your room?" She said.
"What? Are you crazy? I don't want to sleep with her." Yoongi replied.
"Yo, roommate." SunHi interrupted teasingly.
"You shut up!!! Don't ever dream." He said, snapped with SunHi and his aunt.
SunHi and his aunt chuckled on his foolishness. "Then, sleep on the coach." His aunt said.
"Fine!" He replied, his aunt gave him a pillow and a blanket.
His aunt walked SunHi to Yoongi's room that is now her room.
After she settled in her room, Sunhi bathed. She was too tired and sleepy to do anything. So, she went straight to sleep.
Naked... Yes, naked.