"Oh My Gosh.....Mikel you're really killing me, faster please, ohh!!" Zoey moaned out in pleasure as Mikel drilled her a*s real bad.
They were both in Mikel's room, the sound of the music in Mikel's room was high enough to prevent Zoey's loud moans from being heard by anyone outside the sitting room, not like anyone really cares about him having sex in his room, but just to ensure that Zoey doesn't disturb any one's peace with her loud moans which was really getting on Mikel's nerve.
"Faster Mikel, oh my goodness!!!" Zoey screamed in ecstasy as Mikel f*cked her hard through her a*s hole. Unfortunately, their fun got interrupted when they suddenly heard the door flung open, they both turn around in an hyper speed just to see Mikel's sister, Dianna standing at the door.
"Oppps !!! Sorry but mum would like to see you down stairs." Dianna said but Mikel shot her an angry stare.
"I'll just get going then." Dianna shut the door when she saw the angry look on Mikel's face.
Immediately Dianna left, Mikel stood up leaving Zoey alone on the bed.
"Mikel !! Are you leaving??" Zoey asked.
"You can leave Zoey, we're done for the day." Mikel stated coldly.
"But I'm not satisfied yet." Zoey squealed.
"Seriously? Do you ever get satisfied?" Mikel asked her but needed to seduce him all over again, so she stood up allowing the dulvet fall freely from her chest, she walked to Mikel and stood in front of him, making sure that he gets a better view of her plummy boobs, but Mikel simply walked past her, leaving Zoey in shock.
Mikel headed straight to the sitting room to know what his mother have important to say, when he got to the sitting room, he sighted his mom and Dianna watching a movie, they turned off the TV immediately they saw him walking downstairs.
"You sent for me?" Mikel asked his mom.
"Yes dear, I just want to inform you both that your dad will be coming back home tomorrow, and he will be permanently home with us, he won't be residing in China again, because he just found a suitable assistant manager to run his companies in his absence, he is now coming over to Korea to manage the school and other companies he owns in Korea!!! Isn't that great news?" Mrs camford asked in excitement.
"I don't think that's a good news mum." Dianna answered with a frown.
"Really? Is that what you have to say? Mikel what do you have to say?" Mrs camford asked Mikel.
"I rather not say anything mum, dad is free to come over. But if you don't mind, I am having a very important photo shoot in 2 hours, and I will like you to excuse me." Mikel said as he walked away, leaving his mum and Dianna in the sitting room. It was obvious that he didn't like the idea of his dad coming back home to run his school. He have really been enjoying his dad's absence until he heard the annoying news of his dad coming back home, but don't get him wrong, he don't hate his dad but he just prefer him to be away from home for a while. Mikel felt like his dad's presence at home and in school was only gonna restrict him from so many things. He perceived trouble coming.
Zoey sat on Fifi's bed crying, she took a day off from the Camford's mansion to enable her cool down her head for a while because she didn't like Mikel's new attitude towards her. She cried profusely with a bottle of alcohol on her left hand.
"C'mon sweetie, stop drinking, you'll only end up hurting your self." Fifi said snatching the bottle of alcohol from Zoey's hand.
"Fifi just let me be, I've made a lot of sacrifices for Mikel and he still doesn't care, do you have any idea on what it took me to get a job as a secretary at the Camford's mansion? When I first saw Mikel's picture on a cosmopolitan magazine, I fell in love with him, I promised myself that I would have him at all cost....but I needed a very good opportunity to live with the Camford. I thought of schooling in Mikel's school, but I was already done with high school, fortunately for me, I came across a vacancy for the post of a secretary at the Camford mansion. It took me a lot of effort to convince my dad to get me a job at the Camford's mansion. With the help of my dad, I was able purchase a fake college CV and get a job as a permanent secretary at the Camford's mansion. I was so excited when I was given the opportunity to stay permanently at the mansion, which was what I always wanted. I could have probably been in college by now, but I chose to work for Mikel. Just take a good look at me Fifi, I am the daughter of a multi billionaire, yet I am working for Mikel all in the name of love. I left all the wealth and royal treatment in my dad's mansion, just to chase after a heartless guy." Zoey said amidst tears.
"I understand your situation Zoey, but I'll advise you to let go of Mikel, so you won't lose both Mikel and your future at the end. Mikel is 19 and you're 22, I don't think it's proper to date an underage guy and Mikel is nothing but a playboy, he doesn't have the heart to love any girl, he would only end up breaking your heart. I think you should find your self a matured guy who loves and cherish you." Fifi said patting Zoey's hair.
"I've gone a long way Fifi, I can't back out now, I must ensure that Mikel fall in love with me and any b*tch who comes in between us shall pay dearly!!!" Zoey concluded angrily.
The next day
At the Camford's mansion
Mr Camford's car packed in front of the house as his wife and daughter came out to welcome him joyfully.
"It's so good to be finally home honey." Mr Camford said walking into the house.
"Yes dear, every one missed you so much, it's so good to finally have you back home." Mrs Comford answered with a smile.
"Speaking of the everyone, I am quite certain that someone is missing, where is Mikel and why isn't he here to welcome me?" Mr Camford asked at the top of his voice hoping to hear Mikel's response.
"He should be in his room, he is not feeling too well." Dianna said trying to cover up for her brother. But Mr Camford sensed that she was lying, so he steadily walked straight to Mikel's room and pushed the door open and met caught Mikel playing a video game on his phone.
"Mikel, I can see the reason why you can't come and welcome me, you are too busy with your b*tches online." He said standing in front of Mikel.
"Welcome back home dad." Mikel said placing his phone down.
"While I was in China, I got so many reports on you, hardly ever being present in school and not ever participating in any class activities. How true is that??" Mr Camford asked but Mikel only kept mute, starring directly at his father.
"Well, I am fully home now, and as long as I am your father and the CEO of your school, I would make sure you become responsible or you don't get to graduate highschool until you're, trust me Mikel." Mikel's dad concluded with a stern look.