Caira's POV
After I saw Becca off I went straight to the bathroom to wash off the stream lines of tears on my face, I really needed to focus on resuming my new school next week, I went to my mum's room and met her dressing up like she was going out, when she saw me, she lightened up a bit like she had been expecting me.
"Mum, are you going out?" I asked upon opening th door.
"Yes dear, not just me, but the both off us." she replied smiling.
"To where exactly?" I asked taking my seat on the bed.
"You Know Caira, you would be resuming your new school next week."
"Yes mum, I am aware." I said calmly.
"And like we both know, the Camford High School is not a place for poor or average live kid, I don't want my daughter to feel inferior in the midst of other rich students, so I think we need to get you some new dresses." she said still busy with what she was doing.
"Mum, but nothing is wrong with the old one, they are perfectly fine." I answered sincerely.
"Don't get me wrong dear, I am not saying that your old clothes are that bad, but you would be meeting with so many rich kids whose dad or mum are probably senators, rich business men/women and I don't just want you to feel so unfortunate in the midst of your peers, because you are not able to meet up with their standards, I don't what you to feel the vacuum of not having a dad." she said lovingly.
"Mum, you know I don't really care about impressing anyone, but if you insist, then it's fine by me." I said with a shrug.
"Perfect!! But that's not all, guess what dear?" mum said said excitedly.
"What mum?" I asked tiredly.
"We will be shopping for your dresses at the Glamorous unisex stall."
"Mum!! We can't shop there, that boutique is only for the rich, their clothes cost a fortune and we can't afford that." I said alarmed, the Glamorous unisex stall was a mall for the rich, because their clothes were hell expensive, only celebrities and models could afford their dresses.
"Don't worry about the money my dear, I just got paid today, my salary would be enough to get you two or three dresses, now go changed." she said pushing me out of the room gently.
Mikel and Zack were both seated in the car, Zack controlled the steering wheel while Mikel was at the back seat, Mikel had an urgent call at one of his modeling agency, so he had to select some new clothes for the photo shoot. After a long drive, they arrived at the Glamorous unisex stall. They packed at the packing lot and both stepped down as they headed into the main building.
It took me and mum a lot of effort to get to the Glamorous unisex stall but we finally got there. There was lots of beautiful and classy dresses at the mall, as we walked along the hall way, I saw some one that caught my attention, it was Mikel Camford! OMG!!! He was looking so hot and handsome, he was also with someone else. I noticed every one in the mall, turning around to take a look at him, some were even taking pictures of him, I was still lost in admiration when my mum called out.
"Honey!! I think you should check out this dress." she said holding out a long pink gown.
"No mum, I'll do the picking my self." I said in response.
I saw a very beautiful short gown that caught my attention, it was dangling inside an opaque glass with lights around it. Finally I have found the perfect dress I for me, when I opened the glass and took the dress out, there was a price tag written boldly on it "$150" Gosh!!! It was so expensive, I was still busy admiring the dress when someone grabbed the dress from my hands slowly, I turned swiftly to see who it was, it was Mikel!! He was standing so close to me, his fragrance was so killing, I have never been so close to a celebrity before, I felt like hugging him but I just had get hold of my self in other to avoid being embarrassed by him.
I was still dumbfounded by his sight when he started walking away with my dress, I quickly rushed to collect my dress, if it was any other dress, I would have just let it go, but this is the only dress that caught my attention and I really need him to give me back my dress.
Mikel saw a very classy dress that he thought would suit his sister Dianna, her birthday was in a week time, and she had been really pestering him about getting her a birthday present, he doesn't want what happened last year when he forgot to get her a birthday present to repeat it self again, he was about going to get the dress when he saw a lady came out of no where and took the dress, he wasn't bothered at all, he simply walked up to her and took the dress from her gently, not minding what she would say or do, the lady seemed to be shocked by his guts as she stood dumbfounded and watched him walk away with the dress, he was only few steps away from her when she suddenly ran to him.
"Sorry mister, that was my dress." I said nervously.
For a while he stopped to look at me, then he turned and kept going without saying anything, I got irritated and followed him up.
"Hello, I am talking to you." I repeated again but only he ignored me and kept on going, I got so paranoid as I hastened my footstep and stood in front of him.
"Please hand over my dress right now, or else things are gonna get really crazy." I said as I grabbed the dress really tight.
"How much do you want so I can pay you off?" he stated calmly but I felt really annoyed by this statement. What did he take me for? a beggar?
"I don't want your money, I only want my dress back." I said with a frown but only dipped his hands in his pocket and brought out a huge sum of money.
"Take this for your troubles." he said giving me the money, but I got even more angrier.