Caira's POV
I felt my heart beating as loud as a party drum as he approached the classroom corridor, oh my God!!, I was such a fool to drag a dress with him, what if he recognizes me and also kick me out of school the same way he did at the mall??.God I just started school today, I can't be kicked out because of my ignorance.
There was an aura of authority in him as he walked, I also recognized the guy behind him, that was the same person he was with at the mall, as he stepped into the classroom, there was noices of joy and excitement from everyone, I found myself asking, "who the hell is this guy,And why are they murmuring just because of his presence at school??
Jason watched lustfully as caira stood in front of the class, she looked so beautiful and hot, while watching her, he smirked occasionally as dirty thoughts came to his mind. he just couldn't wait to get inside of her.
"She was sure gonna taste good" me mumbled as he licked up his lips.
when she was called to introduce her self to the class, he watched carefully from behind as she swayed her big hips to the front of the class, he found himself lusting after her, she got such beautiful eyes and hot body that could turn any guy on. If he could only have her for one night, he will be fulfilled, But getting her isn't a big deal, he got what it takes, and 95% of the girls in camford highschool were nothing but bitches.
"I would definitely have her, no pretty girl has ever slipped through my fingers untouched" he said with a smirk.
Mikel walked into classroom with zack behind him, the noise was becoming unbearable, So he had to put on his headphone, upon walking into the classroom, he saw someone that caught his attention, she looked So familiar, it was the lady from the mall, he never knew that they were in the same school and the same grade precisely. Anyways, that was not his problem at the moment, so, he walked into the classroom and had his sit while everyone kept on staring like they've seen a ghost. Shortly afterwards, Mrs Jenny (the teacher) walked to Mikel table with a smile on her face, instantly, Mikel knew that she was coming to say something stupid.
"welcome back Mikel, I hope you will be stable this semester because you are in your final grades and your attendance really matters a lot, this semester, we're going to be embarking on so many field trips, wildlife camping and practical, so you need to be present if at all you wanna graduate high school" Mrs Jenny concluded with a smile.
"thank you for your concern ma'am, but I don't think me graduating highschool should be anybody's problem, So, I think you should mind your business if you still find your job useful" Mikel said not even sparing her a side glance.
"Mikel camford you need to start learning how to....
"can we just get on with what we have for today?" Mikel cut in rudely while Mrs Jenny walked away from his table looking quite offended, well he don't really care.
" This lady really needs to learn how to mind her business." Mikel mumbled lowly.
"alright can the new student now proceed" she said walking to the front of the class.
~ Caira~
I stood in front of the class almost shaking as I introduced myself, I announced my name and other information they need to Know about me and then I proceeded back to my seat. when I got to my seat, I found Mikel seating not far away from me, his seat number was 026, he was also staring at me intensely, I felt my heart beating really fast, could it be that he is trying to recall where he met me?
I quickly sat backing him, so he won't see my face, I wasn't ready to get kicked out again, or might probably end my life.
Soon, It was time for lunch break, So,. I decided to have a walk around the school, I admired every thing around me as I walked around the school, I still couldn't believe that I was in my dream school, I saw a beautiful building with an opaque glass, I could clearly see students eating inside the building, that must be the student's cafeteriate. I was already hungry, so I went into the cafeteriate, Mrs Dany had earlier told me that lunch is free for every student, so I walked to an empty table and had my seat, not long after I had sat down, a waiter came running to my table
"miss, please can I take your order" the waiter asked handing over a food menu to me
There was a list so many interesting meals, but I finally settled for a cup of coffee and fish.
"God is this what being in camford high school feels like?" I couldn't help but ask my self. students were being treated like royalties.
"I feel like never leaving high school" I said with a giggle. I was still sitting alone when one of the male students in my grade walked up to me.
" Hi beautiful" the guy said walkng up to me
" hello" i responded a bit nervous
"Can I share your table with you ?" He said still standing.
"Sure!" I responded while he sat down on the chair at the other side of the table.
" I'm Jason, do you mind telling me your name?"
"I'm caira" I said simply.
"That's such a beautiful name for an angel like you, I would really like us to be friends, I hope you're cool with that?" Jason asked again.
"okay" I answered again simply like I was being restricted to talking less
" alright dear, since we are now officially friends, you are invited to my house warming party" He said handing me an invitation card, I collected the card and read through it, it was an invitation letter for a house warming party, too bad I can't accept it.
' thank you So much for your invite, but I don't really attend parties" I said returning his invitation card back to him, there was an expression of disappointment on his face immediately I turned down his invite.
"why dear?, It's gonna be fun, and you know you are a new student So, you really need to socialize with others in order to make friends" Jason said, which really made a lot of sense.
"i... don't really know if I can make it...
"why don't you think you can make it to my party, or you don't trust me??" He asked with a shrug.
"no, that's not what I meant...okay, I will try my best to be there" I said in total surrender.
" alright dear, I'll just see you there" He said with a wink, as he stood up and left, leaving the invitation card on my table
Not long after he left, the canteen attendant came with my cup of coffee.
Jason smirked in victory immediately he left her table, it wasn't difficult talking to her, she was just as naive as she appeared.
"NOW LET THE GAME BEGIN". he said with a smirk.