The gods' persistent taunts haunted Robert's dreams, urging him to free his people. He woke up, drenched in sweat, his gray eyes gleaming in the darkness. This was not the first time he had experienced such a dream, and he couldn't shake off the feeling of restlessness.
The next morning, Robert ventured to the spring, clay pot in hand, to fetch water. As he returned to his hut, he spotted a massive snake coiled on the only path ahead, blocking his way. He carefully set the pot down and drew his sword, the sound capturing the snake's attention.
The snake's body tensed, its head rising to face Robert. Their eyes locked, the snake's piercing green gaze mesmerizing. Robert hesitated, daunted by the snake's enormity. He realized that killing it was not a feasible option, and his mind raced to find an alternative solution.
Robert's feet pounded the earth, his heart racing with every step. The snake uncoiled, its body slithering effortlessly across the ground, its eyes fixed on its prey. Robert's legs burned, his breath coming in ragged gasps, but he dared not stop. The snake gained on him, its pace quickening, its hot breath wafting up Robert's legs.
Desperate, Robert veered towards a towering tree, his hands grasping for holds as he scrambled up its trunk. He ascended higher, his eyes fixed on the snake below, its body coiling around the base of the tree. The snake's tongue darted in and out, its gaze fixed on Robert.
Robert readied his bow, an arrow trembling on the string. He released it, but the snake dodged, the arrow thudding into the tree bark. Another arrow followed, striking the snake's scales, but it refused to yield. Robert drew his sword, the blade glinting in the sunlight. With a swift strike, he sliced the snake's head, its body crashing to the ground.
But the snake still twisted and curled, its life force ebbing away. Robert shot another arrow, striking true, the snake's body finally still. Robert collapsed against the tree, his chest heaving, his eyes fixed on the lifeless serpent below.
Robert's eyes fluttered open, his gaze drawn to the leaf below, where blood droplets glistened like crimson tears. His legs trembled as he traced the blood's origin to a deep gash, courtesy of a splintered tree branch. With a deep breath, he grasped the splinter and yanked it out, wincing as blood surged from the wound.
He ripped his shirt, fashioning a makeshift bandage to stem the bleeding. The wound continued to ooze, so he added another layer, his teeth gritted against the agony. The leg grew numb, heavy, and useless, as if dead. Robert clung to the tree, his fingers white-knuckled, fighting the urge to scream.
After 80 minutes of rest, he surveyed his surroundings, spotting a settlement in the distance, children's laughter carrying on the breeze. The snake lay lifeless below, its threat finally neutralized. Robert's mind raced, planning his descent and his next move, his determination renewed.
Robert's determination to reach the southern nation drove him to persevere through the agony of his wounded leg. He climbed down the tree in increments, pausing to catch his breath and steady himself against the branches. The descent took two grueling hours, but he finally reached solid ground, exhausted and panting.
With the aid of a makeshift staff, Robert hobbled towards the nation, his progress slow and laborious. Four hours later, he arrived at the border, collapsing onto a stone to survey the peaceful scene before him. Women and children went about their daily lives, unaware of the stranger's presence. Only a handful of warriors stood guard, their eyes scanning the horizon.
One warrior, with piercing golden eyes and brown hair, approached Robert, spear at the ready. Robert gripped his dagger tightly, prepared for the worst. The warrior halted before him, their eyes locking in a silent standoff. Robert remained mute, unsure of how to respond, fearing his identity might be met with hostility. The warrior's gaze shifted to Robert's wounded leg, and he posed his question again, "Who are you, and what brings you here?" Robert's silence persisted, his eyes fixed on the warrior, his mind racing with uncertainty.