The divine voice resounded in Robert's mind, "Save the people of Jingle Nation, it's an order! Free them from slavery." The wind died down, and Robert tenderly wrapped his father's body in a cloth, placing his head on his shoulder. He carried the lifeless form to the nearby cemetery, dug a grave with a hoe, and laid Sir Louis to rest. With his finger, he etched "Lord Louis" on the grave.
Robert vowed to avenge his father's death, "I'll kill Harold and behead him, Father. That's my promise to you, not to the gods." He mourned by the graveside until dawn, then sought out a flower tree in the bush, planting it beside the grave as a symbol of his love and respect.
With a heavy heart and a determination burning within, Robert set his sights on the Scorpion Nation, ready to face whatever lay ahead to rescue his people and honor his father's memory.
Robert dug a large pit in the cemetery, carefully laying the deceased Jingle Nation people to rest. He then gathered the lifeless bodies of the Scorpion Nation warriors and set them ablaze, declaring, "They don't deserve a burial, they deserve to die twice." With a burning stick, he ignited the pyre, watching as the flames consumed the enemy's remains.
After tidying up the cemetery, Robert ventured into the forest to gather materials for a shelter. He constructed a sturdy hut in a secluded area, using wood and palm fronds to create a safe haven. The task took four hours, and as night fell, he started a fire outside his hut and roasted the antelope he had shot earlier.
The surroundings grew quiet, the only sounds being the insects' shrill chirping and the distant barking of bush dogs. The air was heavy with the smell of blood and roasting meat. Robert savored a quarter of the antelope, storing the rest in his hut. Before retiring to sleep, he surveyed his surroundings, ensuring his safety in the darkness of the night.
The next morning, Robert emerged from his hut, stretching his arms and yawning lazily. Despite the ants' persistent stings, he had enjoyed a good night's rest. He ventured to the nearby farmland, relieved to find it intact and abundant with mature grains and corn. Harold's warriors had spared the land, leaving the crops untouched. Robert gathered as much as he could carry and returned to his hut.
He spotted a clay water pot outside a burnt house, miraculously unbroken. Robert filled it with water from the spring, his bow, arrows, and daggers at the ready. Back at his hut, he roasted corn for breakfast, the aroma filling the desolate air.
The silence was deafening, a stark contrast to the once-thriving community. Robert felt like the only soul left, surrounded by the eerie sounds of crickets. Sleep brought no respite, as he lay awake, one eye open, vigilant against potential threats.
The world seemed dark and cruel, driven by power-hungry individuals who sought to colonize, enslave, and exploit the vulnerable. Greed and ambition consumed them, leaving destruction in their wake. Robert yearned for a world where people lived in harmony, sharing the same mind and heart. A world where peace and love reign supreme, free from the shackles of selfishness and oppression.
Robert's thoughts lingered on the world's imperfections, yearning for a utopia where mistakes were acknowledged and rectified, hate was replaced with love, and leaders prioritized their people's needs. Yet, he knew this ideal world was mere fantasy, even the animal kingdom and nature itself faced struggles.
As night fell, Robert prepared for sleep, his weapons at the ready. He lay down, eyes partially closed, alert to the slightest sound. The full moon cast its silvery glow, and a black wolf emerged from the shadows, circling Robert's hut. The wolf's sniffs grew louder, detecting the human scent within. Robert's eyes gleamed in the darkness, his body tense, as he grasped his arrow and aimed at the wolf. The arrow flew, striking the wolf's neck, but it managed to escape, the arrow lodged in its flesh.
Robert remained still, listening intently, his senses on high alert, prepared for any further threats that might lurk in the darkness.