"You're late. You are so late. Phoenix's late" a voice screamed, probably to alert my boss and the entire world that I was late. Guess who is the owner of the voice, one of my archenemies, Alisha. For some reason best known to her and her alone, she has sworn to conspire with everyone and everything (sometimes mother nature, with my clumsy moments) to make my life hell.
I cannot grasp though why she would want to waste her time on me as she was (in my opinion though) the very definition of beauty. She has a shoulder length blonde hair that was always in curls with no hair out of place, blue eyes, pointy nose, red lips and a slender, skinny figure that would put most Victoria's Secret models to shame. Why she hates me so much though was still a mystery.
" yeah I know" I said while rolling my eyes at her. I don't usually answer her, always ignoring her but I guess seeing mom and everything coupled with it had made me all too frustrated and emotional.
"get back to work ladies" my savior today coming in form of Caleb, said. He also doubled as my boss and friend and with long brown shoulder length hair which he always kept in a ponytail, killer green eyes, a mouth watering figure and a good, althetic height to die for, he was simply attractive. I secretly suspected that he was one of the reasons Alisha hated me so much. She had tried many times to woo Caleb with silly hand gestures, batting eye lashes but he just doesn't give her the time of the day. The fact that he would rather befriend the "weird girl", that being me, definitely petrified and annoyed her. If only I could tell her he was nothing but my best friend, my brother even but never my lover. Do not get me wrong though, if faced with a different circumstances with mom, I would readily go for him but now do I even have time to worry about love.
I sighed, already frustrated and that too so early in the morning. Way to go Phoenix.
" Are you okay Nixy. I have been calling you for some time there". I looked over to see my boss and best friend, Caleb, looking worried. I guess I zoned out and didn't hear him speak.
"Nixy, are you okay".Nixy, he always called me that. He claimed that that was his nickname for me. To him, it was simply unique.
"Oh i am fine. Sorry I am late though Caleb, just went to see mom" I said looking at him.
"Any developments Nixy? Is she okay" he asked still looking worriedly at me. He passed me some lime juice.
"None yet. Am alright though. No need to fuss over me. Really Caleb" I said, not really wanting him to worry.
"You look like you're coming down with something. Are you okay? You're so cold. Come into the kitchen for a moment. The kitchen's heat should help you warm up. Have you had breakfast yet" he said all in one breath.
"Nope but I am not........ "
" Don't even say it. You promised me you would not skip meals anymore Nixy. I am sure you made breakfast for mom this morning but you didn't have any yourself. What is wrong with you " he fumed. He only ever gets angry at me when it comes to my health. Well let's say when I got so sick from not eating or sleeping and continuously stressing out few months after mom went into coma, he made me promise I would not do that ever.
"I did eat dinner last night and am still full. I am fine Caleb, just a little out of breath"
" but.... "
" no buts Caleb and during working hours you are my boss and I am your employee so let's serve the people their breakfast now shall we. I can see three people already fuming mad that their breakfast isn't ready yet. I will just quickly get their orders and get them ready" I say all in one breath. The last thing I want is for him asking about the quantity of food I had for dinner as he would really get mad at my answer.
I walked quickly into the kitchen and doned my work apron. I quickly mixed the batter for the pancakes so I would just have to make them when someone ordered them. I also cut up some fruit for the fruit salad and started warming up the toaster for the French toast. When lunch came, I had to change the menu and start making carbonara and rice and spaghetti. The same went for dinner. Caleb's restaurant 'Nature's kitchen' served all meals from breakfast to dinner. It's hectic I know but it was my idea and it really got Caleb a lot of money.
The day went like that with me working the kitchen cooking and Alisha and another of our waitress, Caramel working the tables. What can I say, I really love cooking plus I used to work the tables but due to bullying and a complicated conspiracy to make my life hell, Caleb suggested I work the kitchen. So here I am, doing what I do best, cooking, while still getting paid for it in this fine establishment of Caleb's, "Nature's kitchen ".
Later in the evening, while I clean the tables and arrange everywhere, I am forced down memory lane. I always stay back to help clean and lock up after everyone's left just to delay going home to that house where all my fond memories were but today, it seemed like my mind has decided to play tricks on me.