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“My lovely mate:

Good morning…more like good afternoon. I'm going out with my friends for the first time. I'm not sure if I look fine, but they advised me to dress casually, which I am doing. Keith and Crystal have wanted to travel by motorcycle, but I am afraid to do so. I mean, it's my first time, so I'm hoping I don't make a fool of myself. Do you prefer cars or motorbikes? Since you are my only family, I will enjoy anything you enjoy. Ok, I'm getting late, so I'll tell you about today's outing later.

I adore you.

You’re Alex”

Alexander kept his diary on his pillow, with his pen perched on top of it. He let out a sigh and relaxed, closing his eyes. Because of the silence, the sound of a clock ticking could be clearly heard.

The silence was quite relaxing as Alexander stayed in his moment. He was tired yet excited for his first outing.

Alexander's room was brightened by the bright light from the window as he checked his outfit for the day. He was dressed in a purple oversized sweatshirt and grey sweatpants. His hair was pulled back into a tight low ponytail, and he wore sneakers to complete his ensemble.

Alexander laughed heartily as he hummed a tune and rechecked his tiny shoulder bag for his wallet, mobile, headphones, and chewing gum. He sighed and paused as he continued to stare at the dairy.

“Should I do it or not?” Alexander pondered his own thoughts as he shrugged his shoulders and slid the dairy into his small shoulder bag, along with his beloved purple fluffy pen.

Alexander heard a lovely melody and saw Keith calling him, indicating that he was downstairs. He quickly fixed his hair and sprayed perfume as he closed the zip on his bag, which he wore as he walked out of his small apartment, closing and locking the door. While jogging towards the elevator and pressing the button, he kept his house keys in his bag.

The elevator door closed as Alexander walked inside and pressed the ground floor button. He waited a few seconds before hearing another buzz as the door opened.

The fresh beautiful air hit his face as he sighed when he saw Keith using his mobile while he was waiting for him on his motorbike.

“KEITH” Alexander yelled as he waved at Keith who laughed waving back at him.

“Hey, lil bud” Keith gave Alexander a helmet as he helped him to wear it.

“Oh, hey Rei, Daisy, Maya, and Ruby” Alexander greeted them as he saw them all sitting on the bikes.

Daisy was sitting with her mate Rei while Ruby was sitting with her mate Maya that is when Alexander noticed Crystal not around making him frown.

“Crystal not coming?” Alexander questioned as Keith helped Alexander to sit since it was his first time while he helped him to adjust.

“Crystal will be waiting for us there.” Daisy laughed as Rei started his bike and zoomed ahead of Maya, who quickly drove her motorcycle after him, scaring Alexander.

“She got an urgent matter to attend but will come soon,” Keith spoke as he held Alexander’s arm and wrapped it around his body.

“Is everything all right?” Alexander inquired, concerned, as he buried his face in Keith's back, who seemed unconcerned.

“Everything is fine, so hang on tight,” Keith joked while he smirked as he prepared to speed his bike towards their destination.

Keith accelerated his motorcycle towards the awolf park, while Alexander clutched him tightly and closed his eyes. As he covered his face on Keith's back scared, his breathing became heavy and his hands that clutched Keith's shirt became white.

The wind blew, and it reached Alexander's shivering body. Unlike Keith, who was an alpha wolf, his frail body could not handle it.

Keith parked his motorcycle after a few minutes of driving to find Alexander's hands gripping his shirt tightly. Keith was concerned because he could tell Alexander was afraid.

Keith spoke soothingly while keeping his warm big hand on top of Alexander's small cold ones. "Hey buddy, we're here so you can relax now," while Alexander opened his eyes and let go of his hold, looking around to see his friends.

“That was scary,” Alexander said, which made Keith laugh because of how cute his friend is. Keith was 6'7" and Alexander was 5'4", making Alexander appear to also be a kid.

Keith said as he helped Alexander down, "I'll bring my car so I can take you home later." Keith got off his bike to assist Alexander, whose legs were trembling with terror.

“No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I'll get used to it,” Alexander said as Keith extended his hand in front of him, and Alexander grinned while he held his hand.

“It's fine if you say so, just keep in mind that you can tell me anything.” Keith smiled as he assisted Alexander in walking towards the park's entrance.

“Guys, come on or we won’t get a good spot” Daisy spoke as she huffed crossing her arms around her chest while she pouted making Alexander giggle.

“COMING” Alexander yelled as he pulled Keith towards their friends.

“Woah, it’s so pretty” Alexander spoke as he looked around amazed. It was absolutely beautiful, the trees that were dancing because of the wind, the fresh air, all the wolves playing with their family and friends made Alexander’s day.

“You never went to this park?” Maya questioned as she saw Alexander’s expression remembering she had the same expression when she first came here with her wolf mate.

“No, I was always busy and I never had friends before” Alexander didn’t want anyone to worry about the fact that he was bullied and abused in his hometown so he left leaving all the memories behind.

“Well, now you have us so we will take you to many places” Rei spoke as he kept his hand on Alexander’s shoulder while Alexander thanked him “Thank you, that means a lot”.

“This location is perfect.” Daisy and Ruby guffawed as they looked around and saw that their place was in the corner, with several trees on the other side, giving it the appearance of being in a forest.

“We brought one camp so we can take turns changing into our wolf form and later human form because we all cant strip infront of others just to transform” Keith spoke as Rei showed the camp bag to Alexander whose eyes shined in happiness.

“Thank god because I was worried about that” Alexander giggled since he was very insecure about his body.

Daisy laughed as she stretched and said, "I'll transform, but I'm not going to race."

“Fine, but at least cheer for me babe” Rei laughed as he tugged a hair strand behind Daisy’s ear who giggled hugging his arm while she spoke “I will always cheer for you”

“I wish I was a wolf so I could run but I am happy at least I have a mate” Maya spoke as she hugged Ruby from the back who pecked her lip while she spoke, “and I love you a lot” which made Alexander smile while he hoped he meets his mate soon.

When a wolf reaches the age of 16 and has a human mate, a tattoo appears on the human's body, signaling that they have a wolf mate and should wait for them. When Ruby turned 16, she got a tattoo of Maya's name on her wrist, while Maya got a tattoo on her collarbone telling her that her partner is a 16-year-old wolf.

Maya and Ruby put a mat on the grass while Rei and Keith made a small camp. After a few minutes, they were all done as they all sat and relaxed.

Keith’s mobile dinged as he checked his message and replied while he laid down on the mat waiting for his mate while Alexander laid next to him staring at the sky covered with clouds.

“HEY GUYS” A yell was heard as they all turned around to see a couple walking towards them as Keith sat up so Alexander followed his steps.

Alexander watched them as they all greeted each other. He didn’t know them so had no clue what to do.

The boy had an alpha aura around him that is why Alexander was scared of him so he hid behind Keith hoping he doesn’t mind.

“Little buddy you don’t have to be scared. He is my friend” Keith laughed as the girl sat on the mat and gestured her hand forward for Alexander to shake while she introduced herself “Hi, I am Aleena and I am a human” as Alexander nodded his head.

“This is Alexander and he is an omega so he is a bit shy but once he gets used to you, he won’t run away” Keith introduced Alexander as the boy now sat next to her mate.

“Hi I am Zain and I know that you are scared of me because I am an alpha but you don’t need to be nervous, shy, or scared because I am just like Keith” Zain spoke as Alexander nodded his head while he shook Zain’s hand who smiled.

“But I am way better” Keith laughed which made Alexander giggle and hum agreeing while Zain smiled seeing the little omega happy again.

“Where is Crystal?” Alexander questioned as he smiled closing his eyes while he took a deep breath in and later let it out since he felt really good. He had a very weird feeling in his stomach that something good was about to happen.

“She is coming. Mr. grumpy is parking his bike” Aleena laughed as she sat with Daisy who giggled while she showed Aleena some pictures as they were best friends.

“Who is Mr. Grumpy?” Alexander stared at Keith who sighed laying back down as he mumbled “My friend” while Alexander made an ‘oh’ face.

“Why is Crystal with him? Aren’t you worried?” Alexander questioned yet again which made Keith laugh seeing how worried Alexander was.

“No, he is a childhood friend of mine. He is now distant from all of us and keeps silent, but we are still friends,” Keith explained, as Alexander felt relieved after being concerned that Keith and Crystal might have had another fight.

"So, Crystal stayed back because she went to get him?" Keith hummed at what Alexander said as he answered "Yeah, he doesn't come out to hang with us much. He's more of a distant type. I told Crystal to get his butt here," which made Alexander giggle.

“Hey stop talking behind someone’s back” Alexander suddenly froze as he heard the voice. His body trembled while he could smell apple and forest again. He quickly looked who said that as he saw the guy who he bumped into…Jace de Leon.

“Hey baby” Crystal greeted as she pecked Keith’s lips which made Alexander’s ears go red while he averted his gaze.

As he checked him out, Alexander watched Jace sit next to Keith. Jace was somewhat taller than Keith, and his sleeveless shirt showed tattoos. His broad, sturdy shoulders and body were nothing in comparison with the body of Alexander. His black messy hair was wrapped in a top-knot shot with a few white highlights, and his eyes were a beautiful shade of orange.

“Uh, stop staring at me,” Jace said as Alexander's face flushed and he averted his gaze, his heart racing in response to Jace's low, husky voice, which sent shivers down Alexander's spine.

“S…Sorry…I am sorry” Alexander shyly apologized when he saw Crystal sitting next to him, so he hugged her and hid in her as she looked at Keith, puzzled.

“You okay buddy?” Keith chuckled as he ruffled Alexander’s hair who pushed Keith’s hand away giggling while Jace just watched him.

“Oh, by the way, this is the friend who is very annoying and his name is Jace” Keith introduced as Jace rolled his eyes looking away while Alexander just stared at him.

“And Jace, this is Alexander and he is my little baby” Crystal laughed as she squeezed Alexander in for a hug who pushed Crystal away while he fell on Rei’s lap who chuckled poking Alexander’s nose.

Alexander sat as he excitedly held Jace's hand with his eyes shining while he questioned “Can I see your collarbone?” which made Jace raise his left eyebrow annoyed.

“No, and don’t touch me” Jace spoke through gritted teeth as Keith held Alexander’s waist pulling him back.

“What’s with you, buddy?” Keith questioned and now all of their friends’ eyes were on Alexander.

“My mate’s name is Jace so I just want to check” Alexander spoke shyly as he played with his fingers.

“There are tons of Jace in this world” Jace spoke in a ‘duh’ tone while Alexander shook his head and spoke, “My mate is a wolf” which made Jace even more irritated than he was.

“Tons of wolves with name Jace” Jace spoke as he looked away from Alexander who now said “I can smell an amazing fragrance of forest and apples coming from you” as Crystal and Daisy glanced at each other knowing they smelled a beautiful fragrance coming from their mates in the past.

“JACE HE COULD BE YOUR ALEX” Keith yelled excited as all his friends agreed which made Alexander feel shy.

“Shut the fuck up. I have no mate” Jace growled as his fangs grew while he glared at Alexander who flinched.

“Keith, grab Jace” Crystal spoke as Keith grabbed Jace who now fought him so Rei and Zain helped Keith to hold Jace who half-yelled “Hey let me go”.

“Maya and Aleena please check Alexander’s collarbone quickly” Crystal spoke as she helped Keith, Zain, and Rei to hold Jace down since Jace was way stronger compared to them all.

Maya and Aleena exchanged glances with Alexander, who had dragged his sweatshirt down a little from his shoulder to reveal the name tattoo. Maya hummed in agreement as Aleena said, "Jace's name is written very beautifully."

“OK, Alex, double-check Jace's collarbone.” As Maya spoke, Alexander cast a look at Crystal and Keith, both of whom nodded, and Alexander grinned at them.

Alexander crawled up between Jace's thighs, touching his shirt, when Jace screamed in his alpha voice, "HEY DON'T YOU DARE FUCKING COME NEAR ME," causing Alexander to back away, his body shaking in terror.

“S…Sorry, you can let him go” Alexander spoke in fear as he backed away while Jace smirked.

“No, Alex, you can't back down just because he used his alpha voice on you” Daisy glared at Jace and kept her hand on Alexander's shoulder as she felt his body trembling in terror.

Keith encouraged Alexander, who hummed as he sat between Jace's legs once more. Alexander flinched as Jace glared at him yet again when Alexander drew Jace's shirt down a little, revealing ‘Alexander’ written perfectly on his collarbone.

“YOU REALLY ARE MY MATE” Alexander cheered happily as Crystal smiled at her friends knowing Jace found a perfect mate.

“There are tons of Alexander in this world” Jace laughed rolling his eyes while Alexander tilted his head confused as to why Jace was pushing him away.

“Alexander, what is your last name?” Crystal questioned as Alexander answered her all confused “Edward why?”

“No, your last name is de Leon” Keith laughed out making everyone laugh as Alexander’s face turned beet red in embarrassment.

“SHUT THE HELL UP!” Jace screamed angrily as he pushed everyone away, causing everyone to fall, including Alexander, who fell on top of Jace.

“I’m sorry” Alexander apologized as he sat on Jace’s waist who rolled his eyes.

“Get off of me, shorty,” Jace said as Alexander dropped, twisting his wrist and flinching in pain.

“Jace, he is your mate” Ruby spoke as she hoped Jace listens to one of them.

“Are you sure? “Just because his name is carved on my collarbone and he smells like roses and strawberries don't mean I recognize him as my mate,” Jace grumbled as he played with the grass.

“He is your mate,” Aleena spoke up as Zain agreed, understanding how an alpha reacts to a mating bond.

“You can’t reject him” Daisy exclaimed angrily, but Jace kept his cool, not wanting to start a bigger battle with Rei by frightening her.

“I, Jace de Leon, refuse to accept Alexander Edward as my mate.” Alexander's eyes welled up with tears as he remained still, not saying anything, as he saw Keith punch Jace, but Jace deflected his punch.

“Is it possible for you to tell me why you're rejecting me?” Alexander pondered, tears welling up in his eyes, ready to fall if he didn't stop them.

“Yeah” Jace raised all of his bracelets as he displayed the name 'Richa' written on his wrist, indicating that Jace had two mates from whom he could choose anybody, and he chose Richa.

Tears poured down Alexander's cheeks as he got up and hurried away, heartbroken. As Jace was about to set his bracelet, Keith punched him, causing him to fall.

“RICHA LEFT YOU. SHE IS MARRIED TO A HUMAN BOY SO WHY DID YOU REJECT LITTLE ALEX?” Keith growled as his fangs grew while Jace growled back.

“My life…My wish” Jace smirked as he looked away angrily as he groaned because of pain when Keith saw Crystal, chasing after Alexander, who had bolted in the direction of a densely packed forest.

“If anything happens to my little Alexander, I will kill you Jace de Leon” Rei spoke angrily as Jace growled at him while Keith growled back supporting Rei.

Daisy was now also crying seeing everyone fight as Maya and Aleena were calming her down. Ruby stayed with Rei as both the betas were angry as to what Jace did to a little omega.

Alexander kept running because he just wanted to vanish. He felt worthless, unwanted, despised, and a slew of other emotions he couldn't put into words because the only person he imagined would love him had rejected him.

The heartbroken boy stumbled as he cried, unsure of what to do or where to go. He hoped and continued to live because he wanted to meet his mate, but now that mate had rejected him, there was no purpose for him to live.

The only person Alexander awaited was Jace, and he hoped to receive all of the affection he had been missing from him since his birth. Alexander had been loved since he was an omega wolf, but when his parents discovered that his wolf was hated and low ranked, Alexander's life was turned upside down.

Alexander tried everything he could to please his family, but he still came up short. He earned medals, positions, and other accolades, but he was eventually humiliated by his parents and bullied by his classmates.

Jace was the only person who could have given him enough love to make him forget all of his previous misery, but he was unlucky in that he was rejected by Jace, who didn't seem to care or be hurt in the least, unlike Alexander, who felt as though his soul had been taken away.

The wind blew past Alexander's hair as he opened his ponytail and pulled his hair annoyed at himself. He internally screamed as tears continued to pour down his cheeks.

“I have nowhere to go now” Alexander cried out as he hugged himself.

“ALEX” A yell was heard as Alexander knew that voice belonged to Crystal as he just ignored them all shaking in fear.

“ALEXANDER WHERE ARE YOU?” Another yell was heard as Alexander ignored Crystal’s voice while he just remained quiet while he cried.

“There you are” Crystal said as she continued “Oh, my baby” Crystal hugged Alexander who hugged her back and cried in her arms.

“Crystal, I have nobody. I have no one to call home” Alexander cried as Daisy glanced at Crystal who linked her mind with her mate Keith.

‘KEITH…GET YOUR ASS HERE. ALEXANDER IS CRYING A LOT’ Crystal spoke through mind-link as she kept on hugging Alexander when she saw Keith running towards them.

“Lil buddy” Keith whispered as he sat next to Alexander and pulled him towards himself while he cupped Crystal’s cheek with his one hand as he wiped away her tears.

"Look, buddy, Jace is a moron, so ignore him and give him time," Keith said as he rubbed Alexander's back, who was sobbing in Keith's shoulder.

Alexander screamed out, whimpering and crying, "Keith, I have no one!"

“Yeah, I know Jace rejected you but you have Crystal. You have Daisy, Rei, Ruby, Maya, Aleena, Zain and you have your family plus you have me” Keith spoke as he squeezed Crystal’s hand who was crying as well but making sure not to let her voice out since she was worried about Alexander.

“I have no family” Alexander cried out as Crystal ended up sobbing while Keith chuckled pulling her in for a hug as well.

While hugging Crystal and Alexander, Keith spoke “Babe, what exactly do you mean?”.

“My family rejected me because I am an omega male with a female wolf,” Alexander explained as Crystal released Keith and pulled Alexander in for a hug.

“Don’t you live with your parents?” Crystal questioned as Alexander shook his head while he sniffed trying his best to stop crying.

“No, I moved out when I turned 18 because they were being extremely abusive,” Alexander exclaimed, trying not to concern his concerned friends.

“I won’t let anyone harm you ever again I promise” Keith spoke as Alexander saw Keith’s fangs grew telling him that Keith was angry at his family.

“I promise I won’t let anyone of your family come near you. We are all your family now” Crystal spoke as she wiped away her tears smiling.

“But…But the only person I waited for so long and thought of a family rejected me. He hates me. I am all alone” Alexander spoke as he wiped away the tears with the back of his hand.

“You have us so you aren’t alone” Keith spoke as he pecked Crystal’s lips while he hugged Alexander who giggled while crying.

“Now be strong and get up. I will beat the hell out of Jace if he uses his damn alpha voice on you again” Crystal spoke as she stood up dusting herself.

“Don’t scold him. He didn’t do anything wrong. I just came at the wrong time” Alexander sighed as he wiped away his red puffy eyes while he stood up.

“You came at the right time. His human mate is married to another human” Keith growled remembering how much of a big scene Jace created a few years back.

“But why did he reject me?” Alexander questioned all confused as Keith sighed glancing at Crystal who shrugged not knowing the answer as well.

“Well, I don’t know. Let’s not let this Jace ruin our family time together.” Crystal grumbled trying to brighten up Alexander’s mood.

“I agree besides I still need to show you my amazing wolf form and make sure I win” Keith spoke as he smirked standing up while he showed his muscles making Alexander giggle.

Alexander wiped away his left-over tears while Keith kissed the crown of his head. Crystal and Keith held hands as they walked infront of Alexander who followed them behind quietly. He was depressed because of rejection yet angry because Jace had no reason to reject him.

“Here we are” Crystal spoke as Alexander glanced up to see his friends when Daisy stood up and ran towards Alexander hugging him tightly.

“Don’t run away from me ever again” Daisy cried out making Alexander giggle as he hummed nodding his head while he did pinky-promise with Daisy who smiled.

Alexander confidently walked towards Jace as he sat next to him while he faced him confusing his friends.

“I, Alexander Edward, reject you, Jace de Leon, as my mate,” he said with a slight smile as he crawled over where Daisy sat. He closed his eyes and laid his head on her lap, forgetting about his worries because he knew Keith and Crystal, as well as Daisy, Rei, Maya, Ruby, Aleena, and Zain, would still have his back.

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