“My dear amazing mate:
Good morning and I hope you are doing well. I am not feeling that well today but maybe that is because I was very excited yesterday that I made friends for the first time in my whole life. People finally accepted me and I hope you accept me as well because you know there are many cases where mates just go with someone else because of many situations. I don’t know about you but I will accept you no matter what as you are my fated pair and I am fated to love you. I know most people say this is a life force and all but hey we are werewolves and mating is normal in our kinds. I think today’s dairy is long compared to what I always wrote for you…I just hope we meet soon.”
Your Alex."
Alexander closed his diary as he kept his diary in his bag while he wore his socks and shoes. He stood up and brushed his hair while he took his pony and put it on his wrist. Alexander wore his oversized sweatshirt over his black skinny ripped jeans as he glanced at himself in the mirror.
“I look like a kid” he huffed out to himself as he groaned rubbing his face while he grabbed his mobile and bag as he walked out of his house locking the door behind.
He quickly jogged down as he walked towards his university which was far but he wasn’t in the mood to cycle.
Alexander hummed his favorite tone as he looked at left and right as he crossed the road with everyone else. He ignored everyone and everything and just enjoyed his walk when someone bumped into him again making him stumble to the other side.
Alexander took out his mobile from his pocket as he quickly messaged Crystal ‘Can you please buy a sandwich and milkshake for me? I will pay you later’ as he kept his mobile back in his pocket and continued walking.
“Hey watch it” Alexander hissed out since the person clearly ruined his mood.
“Watch your mouth shorty” the boy hissed back as he glared at Alexander who suddenly flinched when he smelled forest and apple scent coming from the boy who stood next to him breathing heavily.
“JACE DE LEON GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE” Alexander's eyes widened as he heard the name when he glanced back up and looked at the boy who looked back at the person who called him.
“Ah fuck at this rate I will be caught in no time” the boy named Jace De Leon groaned as he scratched his head while he looked around to see an alley with a small wall.
“Catch ya later dumbass” Jace yelled laughing as he ran towards the wall and took advantage of his 6’7 height and quickly climbed up the wall and jumped on the other side.
“Jace” Alexander whispered as he came back from his thoughts while he saw the man who was catching him huffing all tired.
The man was 6’5 tall with muscular built. His face had facial hair while his jawline was sharp making his face cut look strong. His blonde hair was all messy with his yellow eyes making him look amazing but Alexander wasn’t into him even though he was checking him out.
“That fucker” the man who looked in his mid-30’s yelled as he walked away leaving a very scared and startled Alexander behind.
After taking few deep breaths Alexander finally calmed down as he started walking towards the university.
‘I couldn’t check Jace out properly. I hope he is my Jace because every time I meet any Jace they already have some other mate’ Alexander thought as he sighed shaking his head.
After a long walk, he finally reached his university only to see Keith frowning with Crystal trying to brighten up his mood.
‘He looks like a puppy’ Alexander giggled as he walked towards his friends when his heart started to beat louder. The negativity started to kick back again as he felt his friends will push him away soon for being an omega wolf.
“ALEX” Daisy yelled as she giggled while Alexander glanced at her. She stood at ft tall with her waist-length platinum hair tied up in a bun while her blue eyes shining brightly while she smiled at Alexander.
“Oh, hi Daisy” Alexander greeted softly as Daisy hugged him while Keith ruffled his hair.
“How is my little boy doing today?” Keith grinned as Alexander smiled shrugging his shoulder as he spoke in a low voice “never been better” which made Keith smile.
“I am glad you came because at least his mood got a bit better” Crystal chuckled which made Alexander laugh.
“He looked like a lost puppy” Alexander giggled which made Crystal laugh nodding her head in agreement while Keith huffed crossing his arms around his chest annoyed.
“Maya, Ruby, and Rei not here yet?” Alexander questioned as Daisy shook her head to a no.
“Ruby and Maya got their classes around 9 while Rei is already attending his class” Keith spoke as he gave Alexander a sandwich and milkshake.
“Thank you, I am really hungry” Alexander spoke as he sat next to Keith while he quickly started to eat.
“No problem but slow down or else you will choke” Crystal smiled as she patted Alexander’s head who nodded.
“Can you tell me how much is all this? So, I can pay you” Alexander questioned as he took another bite of his sandwich while Crystal shook her head in disappointment.
“It’s on us, right Keith?” Crystal questioned Keith who nodded his head while he wrapped his arm around Alexander’s shoulder who didn’t mind at all.
“Um if you say so” Alexander stuttered out as Daisy sat with them while she stretched.
“Sorry, I was busy messaging Rei” She apologized as they all didn’t mind at all knowing the mating bond blinds you sometimes.
“Um I have a question” Alexander whispered as he bit his bottom lips all nervous.
“Yeah, what is it?” Crystal said as she took out her mathematics book and started solving some questions.
“Um when you found your mate did, they um smell like a scent that you can’t smell on anyone else? I don’t even know if I make sense right now” Alexander sighed worried as he rubbed his forehead wanting to just know if that boy is his mate or not since he was waiting desperately for him.
“Yeah, when I found out Crystal was my Crystal, I could smell a chocolate plus strawberry smell coming only from her even though she was playing basketball and she said I am an idiot because she is sweating a lot” Keith spoke as he glanced at his mate all confused who shrugged her shoulder not knowing what was going around.
“Why couldn’t Crystal smell you?” Alexander questioned as he opened the straw and put it inside his drink while he took a few sips trying to control his emotions that were running like a roller-coaster.
“Because I am younger than Keith by few months and he just turned 16 at that time whereas I was still 15 and had 5 months before I turned 16” Crystal spoke as she sat next to Alexander and kept her hand on top of Alexander’s hand to calm him down.
“What about you Daisy?” Alexander glanced at Daisy who smiled at him knowing exactly how he was feeling right now since she was an omega as well and omegas usually felt insecure and lonely without their mates.
“I could smell a beautiful scent of vanilla from my mate whereas he could smell jasmine scent from me” Daisy described as she sighed when she felt a kiss on the crown of her head which made her open her eyes to see Rei.
“I met a guy with the same name as my mate and he smelled like forest and apples” Alexander suddenly spoke up knowing he could share anything with them and they won’t judge.
“WHAT!? Really?” Daisy and Crystal yelled in unison as their eyes shined in excitement and happiness for their friend.
“That’s great news” Keith spoke as the girls nodded their heads agreeing.
“So, your mate is a wolf, right?” Crystal questioned while Alexander hummed and answered back “Yeah and the boy I accidentally bumped into with the same name as my mate seemed like an alpha” as his ears turned red in embarrassment.
“That’s better news because now you would soon have him protect you” Keith spoke happily as he cared and seriously liked Alexander as his younger brother and wanted nothing more but to protect him since it was in his alpha nature.
“I don’t know maybe his is not my mate but with my mate's name” Alexander spoke all confused as he tried to explain which confused Keith, Crystal, and Daisy a lot.
“Can we know your mate’s name?” Daisy questioned shyly as she smiled at Alexander who nodded his head while he timidly answered “Jace” and suddenly covered his face with his hand all embarrassed as Keith, Daisy and Crystal laughed at his cute self.
“I got to go my classes will start soon” Alexander shyly spoke as he looked away while he made Crystal, Daisy, and Keith laugh knowing exactly what he was feeling right now since his whole face had now turned red. Rei glanced at his friends confused as he sat next to Daisy who leaned on his shoulder.
Alexander quickly rushed to his class all embarrassed. He had no clue what to do as he quickly entered his class and went to the back seat and sat quietly.
The room was filled with a loud noise the teacher wasn’t in the class so the students had all the opportunity to talk to each other whereas Alexander was all quiet because a few of his friends had no class and the ones who did were taking other subjects.
Alexander sighed as he looked around. No familiar face in the room. His little omega body wanted nothing more but to rest but he knew he got to pass just to keep his scholarship.
He rested his head on the table while he closed his eyes and waited for the teacher to walk inside the classroom.
"I am so tired" Alexander whispered to himself when the class bell suddenly rang startling him. He quickly took out his book when the teacher walked in. All his attention was now on the board where the teacher was explaining the lesson.
The classes went by quite fast as Alexander was now grabbing all the books he would need. He sighed as he started to walk towards all his friends who were sitting on the cafeteria chairs.
“Hi, guys” Alexander shyly greeted as he sat next to Crystal who hugged Alexander happily.
“You going for your part-time job?” Daisy questioned as she snuggled with Rei who was doing his work.
“Yeah, but I will leave in a bit because I feel tired” Alexander yawned as he rested his head on Crystal’s shoulder who didn’t mind at all.
“That is because you are stressing about your mate” Ruby shrugged her shoulders while she intertwined her fingers with Maya’s who was drinking water.
Alexander felt extremely good knowing he finally made friends with whom he can share easily. He knew they wouldn’t be like his family or old classmates who did nothing but abuse and bully him.
The bullies even crossed the line and pushed Alexander who got hit by the desk that had a sharp corner leaving him with a scar on his waist. The bullies later got suspended as Alexander waited to be 18 so he could move out as living in his hometown was getting harder and harder as days passed by.
“I know but I can’t help it. That boy is my mate and he is so handsome” Alexander giggled out as he hid his flushed face making his friends laugh at him.
“Not as handsome as me” Keith wiggled his eyebrows at Alexander who pushed Keith’s face away giggling.
“Obviously no one can compare to you” Alexander giggled out as Keith pulled Alexander to his side laughing.
“See Crystal my little man knows who is the best” Keith smirked as Crystal rolled her eyes at her mate annoyed by his behavior.
“Yeah…Yeah keep annoying him and I will help him beat your ass one day” Crystal huffed out as she crossed her arms around her chest. Anyone could tell Crystal and Keith had a small fight which now worried Daisy and Alexander seeing two alphas who are mates not talking with each other like they always do.
Since Rei and Ruby were betas, they understood that their friends would eventually stop battling, while Maya was a human who had no idea what wolf strength and alpha dominance meant.
“Rei, Crystal is being mean to me again” Keith half yelled as Crystal packed her stuff while she stood up and started walking out of the university while Alexander quickly stood up with Daisy as they followed her all worried.
“You both are mates so you both should stop fighting” Rei scolded Keith who shrugged that is when he noticed Crystal had tears in her eyes so he packed his stuff and quickly rushed to her side picking her up bridal style.
“Sorry princess” Keith whispered to Crystal who nodded her head wrapping her arms around as she rested her head on his shoulder which made Alexander smile.
Ruby glanced at her mate Maya as she nudged her to change the topic as Maya nodded her head understandingly.
“Hey, guys I was thinking tomorrow is a day off, right? So why don’t we go to ‘run awolf’ park?” Maya questioned as she loved going to that park with Ruby who was a wolf.
Humans weren’t allowed in that park unless they were with their wolf-mate since, in that huge park, wolves could transform and just run around freely.
“We have a day off tomorrow?” Alexander questioned not knowing about it as Keith put Crystal down while he pecked her lips making her smile.
“Yeah, because they are closing university for two days for renovations,” Rei said as he adjusted his circular glasses while he pulled his mate towards himself who was walking while texting her parents on the phone.
“I wanna go with you guys as well” Alexander whispered hoping his friends say yes since it was his first time going to that park also his first time hanging out with friends.
“Obviously we will go together and Crystal and I will come to pick you up as well” Keith ruffled Alexander’s hair whose mood brightened just by hearing Keith’s reply.
“Really? You guys won’t mind, right?” Alexander hoped they all don’t mind since he really liked them and they all were his friends.
“We are offering you so why would we mind?” Daisy said as she tilted her head while she joined arms with Alexander who didn’t mind at all neither did Rei since he knew Alexander already had a mate.
“I will pick Ruby, Rei, and Daisy as well” Maya spoke as she pointed at her car while Rei agreed since he only had a bike and not a car.
“Why not we use our bikes?” Ruby questioned as Alexander’s eyes widened hearing they all had bikes since it was his first time plus in high school, his bullies had bikes so he thought only cool kids have those even though that was wrong.
“You ever sat on a motorbike?” Crystal questioned as she gave pulled Keith towards the convince store as they all entered while she took them to the ice-cream section.
“No, it’s dangerous” Alexander whispered nervously which made them all laugh.
“I used to say that too but it’s fun” Daisy spoke as she picked her ice cream while Rei, Ruby, Maya picked their favorite ice-creams as well.
“I agree with Daisy” Ruby spoke as Keith took his favorite ice cream while he gestured Alexander to select one as well so Alexander took an orange lolly ice cream as Keith took it from it and took all the ice-creams to the counter.
“My treat” Keith spoke as they all nodded while they all walked out as Keith quickly paid and walked out of the store with a shopping bag in his hand.
“Okay let’s try that I think” Alexander whispered after thinking about it while Keith gave everyone their selected ice-creams.
“Yeah, and we will race in our wolves form to see who is better” Crystal smirked at Keith who smirked back as he answered, “I am always down for that beautiful” as Crystal’s cheeks turned red in embarrassment while she looked away and took small bites of her chocolate ice-cream.
“No, can I please skip racing?” Daisy groaned annoyed as she always lost since she hated running.
“Yeah, you can sit and take care of our clothes” Rei brushed Daisy’s hair behind her ear as she hummed happily while she replied “That would be easy” giggling.
“Want me to drop you at your part-time job?” Keith questioned as he saw Alexander looking at the time in his mobile.
“No, thank you. I want to walk since the weather is so good” Alexander said as Keith sighed replaying “If you say so” while he shrugged his shoulders.
“I will share the details in the group chat,” Crystal said as Alexander nodded his head while he waved at his friends “Okay bye guys” while they all waved back.
Alexander sighed as he walked towards the café where he worked. He wanted to be alone to think and also because he was nervous about tomorrow. He never went out with friends before so he had no clue what to wear or what to bring but he knew his friends won’t make fun of him.
‘I will ask Daisy later’ He looked around as he crossed the road while he scratched his neck.
Alexander wanted to meet his mate one more time and confirm it plus before he was too scared to look at his mate and check him out thus the only thing, he knew was that his mate was tall and had an aura of an alpha but he was also worried about him since he clearly remembered a scary guy chasing Jace.
The weather was getting better as the wind was making Alexander all relaxed. He knew handling a job with the university work would be hard for him but at the same time, he wanted to earn morning for his living. He was quite lucky that he had gotten a scholarship.
Alexander entered from the worker's areas as he quickly changed into his uniform while he wore his apron in the end. He kept all his belongings in the locker as he closed the locker and locked it while he walked out and stood in the registration area taking orders from the customers.
It was finally time for Alexander to go home but he was scared. He had changed into his clothes while he had grabbed everything yet he was afraid to go out since he didn’t want to meet his stalker.
Alexander took a deep breath as he calmed himself down and walked out of the café and started walking towards the places that were crowded. His heart beating faster as he felt another presence again.
His wolf insists were kicking in as he just wanted to transform and run for his life. He was terrified, frightened, scared but he still stayed still and didn’t panic. He reached his house as he saw the bodyguard sitting on the chair which made him sigh in relief.
‘Once again saved’ Alexander thought when he heard an unfamiliar voice in his head ‘Not for long’ which made him shudder in fright.
Alexander quickly rushed inside the building as he went inside the elevator and pressed 3 as he prayed to the moon goddess to reach his house safely. The elevator dinged as he rushed near his house and unlocked the door quickly going in and locking it.
He slid down the door as his heart was now thumping louder and louder. ‘He is a wolf’ Alexander thought as he closed his eyes and tried to break all the connections and mind link, he had with everyone scared when his mobile dinged startling him and making him scream.
He opened his mobile as he saw a message from Keith and Crystal on their friend's group which relaxed him knowing he got two alphas on his side who would risk their lives to protect him.
‘Don’t stress out that much and just wear casual clothes’ ~Keith
‘Enjoy your precious time with us’ ~Crystal
Alexander giggled as he quickly messaged Keith back knowing how Keith and Crystal must have felt his uneasiness since they were both alphas.
‘Okay thank you and I will make sure to enjoy’ ~Alex
The room’s window was open as Alexander's heart started to beat faster so he quickly stood up and closed it while he turned on the air conditioner. He went to the washroom and took a long shower to clear his mind.
He was scared but at the same time, he wanted to know who was the person following him. He just wanted to get rid of the stalker so he planned to tell his friends knowing that they would definitely help.
Alexander emerged from the washroom after half an hour, freshly showered and washed, and dressed in his pajamas. He sat on his bed as he planned to not eat since he had lost his appetite after what happened plus, he was scared which is why he just wanted to sleep the fear out.
He stood up from his bed while he took out his diary from his bag and quickly walked back to his bed. He closed the curtains and light while he turned on the side lamp and opened his diary to write to his mate.
The fluffy pen rubbed against Alexander’s cheek who enjoyed it as he thought of today’s event while he opened the page where he wrote in the morning. Each page in his dairy had two sections so he divided into morning and night for his mate.
“Dear amazing mate of mine” Alexander started as he giggled while he covered his body with the fluffy blanket as he quickly wrote a small note for his mate.
‘Dear amazing mate of mine:
I hope you are doing well. I bumped into a guy today and his name was “Jace de Leon”. Are you Jace de Leon? Are you my mate Jace? I could smell forest and apples coming from Jace de Leon, but I couldn't see his face because his half body was turned to the side and he was staring at a scary guy. I was also starring at the man but before I realized it, Jace de Leon had to run away so I couldn’t question if Jace de Leon is my Jace…Also I was getting stalked today again and it is getting scarier and scarier day by day so please meet me soon and protect me because this stalker is a wolf and I feel uneasy whenever he is near as if he wants to kill me. I am really scared babe…that stalker even communicated with me through mind link and that is why I am hiding in my room hoping this night goes by quickly so I can tell my friends and they can save me since you are not around. I am getting sleepy because I took a long warm shower while I was stressing about this situation and now my omega body got no power.
Good night my destined one,
Love you
Alexander closed his diary and kept it under his pillow while he dimmed the lamp. as He whipped away his tears closed his eyes hoping everything turns out to be better. After a few minutes Alexander had fallen asleep with tears still in his eyes but one thing in his heart that he meets his mate soon.