Chapter 7
Lucas sensing his boss' foul mood scheduled the meeting as fast as he could via zoom since it was a weekend and no one was at the office.
During the meeting, Cole found out that it was Ethan that saved her and thanked him for saving his girlfriend, thereby claiming Mariana.
Ethan on hearing that decided to lose any bit of feelings he might have had for her thinking that she already belonged to someone else and Cole was his childhood buddy. It would cause a rift between both of them if he decided to futher what he felt for Mariana.
Cole, after the meeting, reflected on the fact that he just called Mariana he's girlfriend. He sat in his office daydreaming about what it would feel like to have Mariana as his. With the thought in mind he decided to move over to where she was, so as to be able to be close to her and start the process of making her his girlfriend.
He called Lucas back in and told book a flight for him to San Diego and move his work files and document there as he would be moving there too. As Lucas was about going about this new instruction, Cole got a call from his mom inquiring about the whereabouts of Mia. Apparently, she had tried contacting Mia on hearing what Cole did but her search proved futile. She then decided to ask Cole of her whereabouts who in turn denied having any knowledge on it.
She was left with no option than to scream at him and order him to go back to the _____ mansion right away.
Cole, knowing there was no way he could ignore a direct command from his mother, decided tell Lucas to reschedule the flight and get his personal chauffeur to drive him home, and at the same time work on accomodations details and the rest for his stay in San Diego. He aslo decided to use this chance to break the news of his move to he's parents.
On getting home, he successfully convinced his mom on not knowing the whereabouts of Mia by presenting a sob story on how he woke up and could not find only to find out later that she had ran off with his belongings.
His mom, being an emotional woman, was spurned and regretted bring Mia to lay with him. Cole then told her his plan to move out of the city to San Diego.
His mother strongly opposed but he was able to convince her that he was going on work basis and would be back as soon as he was done over there. She then gave him her blessings and held him on a promise to allow her sort his accomodation details and call her as soon as he gets settled.
Cole knowing there's no way to change the woman's mind obliged and told Lucas to forget about his accomodation as his mother would handle it.
He left the _____ mansion and went straight to the airport to board first class.
Meanwhile at San Diego, Mariana was just ending a call with her family. They had called to check up on her and be sure on how she was faring.
She told her mum about the incident that happened at the club who I turn was worried and offered to ask Alex's family to send bodyguards to protect her over there. Mariana had to calm her down and assure her mother that she was fine with the help of her sister. They were successful but her mom told her to much more careful next time. They ended the call as and promised to call each other as soon as they can.
Mariana decided to take a stroll having been inside all day and also to get more acquainted with her environs. She dressed up and stepped outside, enjoying the feel of the fresh evening breeze around on her skin. Inhaling deeply she began her stroll with her thoughts resurfacing. She got to a park with lots of people around as it was a weekend and they had the same thoughts as hers on their mind: to enjoy the stress free day.
She sat on one of the benches on the park as she looked at those around her ranging from old couples to young married couples with their kids to lovers and pets.
Her mind went back to one person, Alex. She imagined what life would be like if he was still alive. She knew they would be married by now as they were already engaged. She imagined if they would have kids already as he had always wanted a large family having grown up alone. He loved kids so much and was good with them. She wondered what he would have thought of her current promotion, if he would have moved with her? Tears clouded her vision but she blinked away determined not to let them fall. Her mind steered back to the person she saw in the store and she wondered who that was. Why did that person look so much like him?, she thought to herself. Maybe it his doppelganger, she mused as she tried to convince herself to believe it. But deep inside she did not believe it. She was sure he was alive and that was him but she didn't know how to prove it or even find him again. She was so deep in thought that she didn't notice the old couple in front of her. She felt a pat on her shoulder only then did she realize them.
The old lady smiled warmly at her and told her that they were on a date and wanted a photo. She asked if Mariana could kindly take a photo of them to which she agreed immediately.
The woman stretched the camera to her. After a few shots, she returned the camera and the couple moved on to continue their date.
She stared at them as they left and wished things were different.
Having stayed in the park and watching people for a while, she decided to get back home and begin dinner preparations.
On her way home, she got a call from Cole, who had already landed, saying that he was in her town and was wondering if he could see her and probably have dinner together. She gave him her house address and hung up the call wondering what brought him to San Diego. She decided to assume he came in because of a work related issue. She began to increase her pace so as to get home quicker and receive him properly when he arrives.