Cole, on Seeing the Mariana, the woman he has always dreamed and desired sitting beautifully and all dolled up in front of him, he couldn't help staring at the angel in front of him and he kept praising himself for being smart as he chuckled.
Cole kept looking into her beautiful face,as his eyes swept through her face to her plum pinkish lips that were wet and looked like it was begging for a kiss. Cole didn't stop himself when he beheld the sight of her boobs that were neither small nor big. He subconsciously swallowed a lump of saliva. He only came back to reality when Mariana asked why he chuckled and he told her that it was because he never believed that a day like this will come when both of them will hangout together.
Seeing Mariana Shaking her head, Cole asked her why she did that and she pleaded with him not to be offended and we went out together. Cole knew that whatever made her to sigh was because of Alex and that also saddened him, since he couldn't keep to his promise to Alex to always make sure that Mariana is happy no matter what and at all cost.
They drove silently to the starlight cinema to see movies.
When they got to the cinema, they parked their cars and went to join the queue to get popcorn and our movie tickets.
After getting popcorn and tickets we went into the theater and waited for the movie to begin.
At exactly 3pm, the light in the theater was turned off and the spotlight on the stage was left on. The only source of light in the darkened theater was the light from the projector and spotlight on the stage which everyone was watching from.
We settled the a movie titled Pride and Prejudice which is written by Jane Austen.
"Pride and Prejudice" is a classic romantic novel written by Jane Austen which happens to be Mariana best screen writer. It was first published in 1813 and has since become one of the most beloved works of English literature. The story follows the protagonist, Elizabeth Bennet, as she navigates issues of love, class, and societal expectations in 19th century England. It's a timeless tale that has been adapted into numerous films and TV series. Jane Austen's insightful storytelling and character development makes pride and prejudice a perfect movie to be seen by lovers.
After the movie came to an end Mariana and Cole visited the park for sight seeing.
Pine Grove Park is one of the best Patrick's for sight seeing as the environment is always bustling with live. The place has this natural air that gives people some kind of peace. Cole thought that this place was the best place for Mariana. He took Mariana to the sitting area where older people were there.
While they were seated there, passers-by seemed to get attracted to them and mistook them as lovers. They also complimented their beauty and wished to have a beautiful couple like them.
Meanwhile, Cole was happy about what he heard while Mariana was sad about that.
After the hangout, Cole took Mariana back to Beth's mansion.
In Beth's mansion, Beth and Choice were seen setting the table for dinner.
They were discussing the possible outcome of Mariana's hangout.
Their chatting was interrupted by a loud screech which came from outside. Choice eagerly rushed to the door to see who came back.
She saw Mariana coming out of Cole's Lamborghini trunk and walked towards the door. Before Mariana could even get a chance to press the bell the door was swung open by Choice.
Mariana walked into the house with a gloomy face as she walked past her mom and sister and made her way up to her bedroom.
Choice and Beth exchanged glances as they were surprised at her behavior and wondered what must have happened during the hangout. Choice quickly headed to Mariana's room to enquire about what happened at the outing to make her have such behavior and also bring her down for dinner.
Choice went into Mariana's room and saw her sitting beside in front of the mirror, sobbing softly.
Choice comforted her and led her to the dinning room for dinner.
Beth was found sitted on the dining waiting for them to arrive. When Choice and Mariana had taken their seat they said their prayers and began eating.
The atmosphere in the dining table was so glomming and quiet as only the sound that could be heard were the clink and clattering of metallic utensils coming from the table. They all picked at their food and ate slowly and without much appetite, Mariana's sadness was evident in her eyes.
After a long dinner, Beth asked the housekeeper to clear up the dining room. She turned and asked Mariana how her outing went and why she came back sadder than how she left. Mariana who have been staring at her phone lifted up her eyes and tried responding to her mom but tears blinded her. She sobbed while her mom and Choice comforted her.
When she regained composure of herself, she told them how interesting the outing went and how everything was okay but her mom wasn't convinced and asked her why she came back home sad if everything was okay.
“Mariana, I want you to understand that we are trying to help you and we want you to get out of this depression and face the reality. How could you say the outing went well when you came back home sadder than you left” her mom probed her.
Mariana explained that everything went well. “It's just that a lot of things were so similar to the memories that I and Alex had and I couldn't help but be reminded of him and that was what brought about the sad and gloomy personality you saw.”
Beth promised to support her and also help her throughout the healing process. She also advised her to try to put behind the memories of Alex and start a new life afresh as those memories won't help her but continue to trigger the depression and hurt.
They all bid each other a goodnight and went into their various rooms to take a night rest.
Simultaneously, while all those were taking place at the Beth's mansion. Cole went to a bar after dropping Mariana at home. Anyone could see how tipsy he was but he still called a waiter and ordered for more bottles of alcohol as he emptied the content down his throat. He was trying had to divert his mind from thinking about Mariana but subconsciously, he kept on thinking about her. He wondered how she was fairing and coping with the death of her boyfriend. He couldn't believe that even after Alex death that the love Mariana had for Alex would be so strong and unwavering. He could only see the true meaning of the vows, till death do us part. But, since they were not married he wondered what kind of vows kept them this far.
But now that Alex isn't alive anymore he couldn't help but be selfish.
“How could she not see! How could she be ignoring his feelings ! He screamed as he threw the glass into an empty corner of the bar.
Hearing the sound of a shattered glass, everything stood still as everyone turned towards his direction. At this venture, you could hear some distant murmurings among the crowd as some people were pitying him while some were cursing him but Cole didn't seem to mind any of those as kept on wallowing in his pitiful and sorrowful world.
Seeing that he was drunk or should we say emotionally depressed they all hissed and left him behind to wallow in his sorrows.
Some group of hefty men could be seen rushing towards Cole. They bowed their heads and apologized for being late but Cole didn't give them a reply which only gave them cold feets.
He stood you and dragged his drunken body out of the bar. His chauffeur rushed to the car and opened the door for him to enter. He went into the car, started the engine and zoomed off with the other men following behind them in another vechicle.