Precious was already finished with her lessons for today, she walked back home feeling exhausted. She climbed the stairs back to her dorm. Precious opens the door and went in before she kicked the door close as she walked to where the bed was and fell on the bed.
She exhale before her phone started vibrating from her pocket, she brought her phone out seeing it was her mom calling, Sean isn't home yet so she answered the caller.
"Hello mom", Precious said.
" My goodness you don't know how worried i was about you today, why didn't you call?",Her mom asked from the other side of the phone.
Precious sight, she hasn't been herself after all what Sean said to her this morning.
"Come on talk to me", Her mom said in a pleading tone.
" Am fine mom, i forgot to call because i was busy with school stuff",Precious muttered.
"Okay i just called to check on you if everything is okay", Her mom said. " And if you need money just call okay, even if is the last i got you know i will always give to you don't just cause trouble in school using boys to get money, don't go back to your old self",Her mom said.
Precious rolled her eyes.
"Don't even think of rolling your eyes when am talking", Her mom said.
She made a loud groan and fall her back on the bed," Argh...fine mom",Precious said as the door opened and Sean came in. "Mom i got to go, call you back later", She said.
" Don't even think of..",Her mom couldn't finish speaking when she hang up the call.
Precious stood up from the bed as Sean walked in just ignoring her.
"Hey", She said but he didn't paid her any attention. Precious sight and walked to where he was. " Look i know things haven't been going on well with us so i want to set things right",She said.
Sean paid her less attention as he went to the table in search of his drug.
"Come on listen to me", Precious said about to touch him but he turned angrily to her.
" Say what you want and leave me alone",Sean half yelled at her.
She sight,"You mentioned about me faking myself ealier and..the truth is that i don't really have any money, i got into this college through scholarship, am sorry for lying, i admit you won the deal",She said calmly looking at the ground. "Hopefully i
guess...we can still be good friends, if you want", She said raising her heads up to look at him with her hands stretched to him for a handshake.
Sean looked down at her hands then up to look at her," Is that all?",He asked rudely.
"Come on man i just told you everything about me", Precious said frowning my face.
" Still doesn't change anything i can't be friends with you",Sean said and turned back to the table searching for his drug.
She streched her body looking at his face," it because am a girl?",Precious teased.
Sean clenched his fist and said,"Yes, so leave me alone",He found the drug he was looking for the table and picked it up.
"Why do you hate girls this much?", Precious asked folding her arms.
Sean grinned his teeth and brought out three pills from the drug packet before he dropped it back on the table. He walked out from the table in search of water.
" What's that?", Precious asked as she picked up the packet of drug and reads"For more strength and..".She couldn't finish it as he snatched it from her hand.
"Give it back, don't read it", Sean said angrily and hide it.
She laughed," You realize that's drug abuse right, it isn't the right way to take drugs, it can ruin your body system",Precious said but he ignored her and opened the can of water. "And by the way what do you need superstrength for?", She asked raising one of her browns up in a suspicious manner.
" It's none of your business, why don't you focus on yourself before on others",Sean said angrily before he took in the pills.
"Speaking of that, you should take care of yourself because taking too much drug can cause alot of problems in your systems", Precious blurted out.
Sean used his hands to cover her ear," Bla bla bla i don't wanna hear mama,",He said as he walked to he's wardrope, opened it and threw the drug in before locking it.
"Did you just call me mama and said bla bla bla when am talking?", Precious asked angrily turning her gazes towards him.
" Whatever just shut up",Sean said walking to the door and it suddenly turned into a fight.
"How dare you tell me to shut up, you don't have any right to tell a girl to shut up", Precious said following him from behind angrily.
" Hearing your voice makes me sick",Sean said as he walked out slamming the door at he face.
She grinned her teeth,"Even your's makes me sick, forget about your cute face am gonna beat your ass down and you don't have any right to slam the door at my face",She continued blurting out loud even though he have left.
Sean who was outside the dorm, he was still closing his ear till he got out,"Dammit that girl makes me sick, she talks too much", He muttered under his breathe angrily as he took his hands off he's ear.
Back in the dorm Precious was still blabbering,"Oh yeah you think you are cool am gonna show you",She said as she walked to his wardrobe opened it and grab his drug. She took his drug and hide it in her bag. "Let's see where you are gonna get the powers to say shit to me", She said with a half smile feeling satisfied. " Am so bored now",She said sitting on top of the bed. She grabbed one of her book from the bed and something fell off, She stood up and picked it up seeing the two card Emily and Andrew the badboy have given to her.
"I have two dates to go, Emily had promised me cash but am not sure about the other badboy, Andrew", Precious said to herself confused as she stood up.
She walked to where her bag is and picked up the hoodie she wore last night from the ground and a huge amount of money fell out.
Her eyes widened in shock," Where the fuck did this money came from?",Precious asked herself.
She looked around before she swat down and picked up all the money from the ground. Precious counted the money still in shock.
"Three hundred dollar", She said in a whisper and quickly hide the money in her pocket. " If am able to make enough this week, then am in",She said to herself befores she picked up the phone from the bed and dialed the number.
"Hello this is Emily speaking", The calling tone said before the call was answered from the other side of the phone." Hello please who is this?",Emily voice came in.
"Uhmm..this is Precious the girl you met at school today, who wants a hook up with one of the badboys", Precious responsed and Emily gasped.
" Oh my gosh i can't believe you called",Emily said excited from the other side of the phone.
"Sure...", Precious said and rolled her eyes. " Just for the money",She said in a whisper to herself as she exhale.
"So can you show up at my place?", Emily asked.
" Sure, but there is a problem, i don't know your dorm", Precious said.
"Room twenty, i will be expecting you", Emily said giggling before she hang up.
" But i don't know...",Precious couldn't finish her word before she saw that Emily has already hang up the call. She made a loud groan,"Now am gonna find a way to get there, i barely know anywhere around the college",I said and sight out of frustration.
Precious searched for some clothes out from her luggage before she walked into the bathroom to go change.
Outside the dorm hallway,Sean stopped walking and fell down from the top and rolled down of the stairs, it was the drug he took reacting badly on him, he hates to admit that Precious was right about that, but he needed the drug so badly to gain more strength because he has been feeling weak this period. He stood from the ground, and luckily he didn't substained any injuries.
"Hey Sean", A girl passing by waved at him giving him a wink as he came out from his hostel.
He didn't gave her any attention," Stupid girls",Sean cursed under his breathe.
Anytime he imagined Precious he grew hatred for girl's in his heart.
He's phone vibrated through his pocket, he brought it out and saw his mom calling. Sean tried to ignore him but he knew he's mother, she's willing to show up at his dorm and ask him why he didn't pick up he's calls. Sean isn't ready for he's mom drama so he picked up the call and put he's phone on his ear so he could hear her properly.
"Hello Sean how are you doing, how is your health and everything, are you getting more better and i hope you aren't taking any drug that isn't given to you by the doctor, and also are you still drinking??",His mom questioned and he found it frustrating.
"Mom am fine okay, am getting much better", Sean lied.
" I know you are lying Sean but this isn't the main reason i called",His mother said and heaved a sight. "We are going to be having a family reunion nextweek", His mother said and he couldn't let her finish talking.
Sean walks to a corner and cuts in," Oh cool can i hang up now?",He asked making an attempt to end the call knowing fully well that he's mother wants him to show up there.
"Am not done talking Sean",Mother said sounding angrily from the other side of the phone. "So as i was saying, we are having a family reunion next week and i want you to show up..", She said.
" Oh great",Sean said to himself.
"With your finance", His mother added.
" What?",Sean asked in shock.
"Yes Sean, i want you to show up with the girl you want to get married to, except you want me to get you a girl myself and you know what that means...", His mother said in a threatning tone.
" But mom, am not ready for that yet",Sean asserted.
"It's not your fault if you are not ready, you know what's happening to you right now, what if you", She paused inhale and exhale. "Sean what i want is my grandchild, i don't want you to die due to your health situation now without setting up a family that can inherite your property oneday maybe if something...",
Sean cuts in angrily," Nothing will happen okay, i am just fine myself!!",He half yelled.
"Are you yelling at me Sean?", His mother asked. " Look i don't care what you maybe thinking right now but am not ready to risk anything so you better show up with your finance next week monday tonight, at the family reunion",His mother said and hang up the call.
He squat down to the ground and screamed before he ran his fingers through his hair. He wants to cry but no sign of tears was coming out from his eyes. Sean which to have a normal life but his health situation keeps on ruin everything.
A girl passing by stopped walking and turned to him,"Are you okay?",The girl asked.
Sean raised up his face and shot her an angry glare and she ran off quickly. He stood up and walked to where he's car was, he entered the car as he started the engines and zoomed off.