Sean shoved his two hand into he's pocket and walked towards her, Precious stood still staring at him until he got to where she was, he brought out one of his hand from he's pocket and used it to close her mouth gently.
"Quit staring at me, i heard it all", Sean said.
Precious quickly got back to her senses and took her eyes off him.
Sean knew she's angry at him because of what he did that's while she didn't hesitate to take her eyes off.
Sean used one of his finger to raise her face up but Precious quickly slapped it away.
"Don't you dare touch me", Precious said angrily as she walked to the other side of the bed.
He turned, " Who's Kylie?",Sean raised a question.
She sat on the bed and brought out her phone pretending she's busy with it,"None of your business",Precious said rudely.
"Okay..", Sean said and shoved his hands into he's pocket.
Her stomach grumble hungrily, she stood up and walked passed Sean to the table, she grabbed the packaged food and walked back to the bed.
" How about i take you out for dinner to show appreciation for saving my life today?",Sean asked.
She didn't give him any attention as she opened her food to eat,"No thank you",Precious said.
"Then what do you want, a thank you or an apology letter?", Sean asked angrily seeing she wasn't giving him any attention.
"An apology will do", Precious said calmly as she began to eat slowly.
" I don't apologize okay, not even to a girl",Sean said in an angry tone.
"Then why do you care anyways and asked at the first place?", Precious asked.
" I don't care okay, i just wanna show a little sign of appreciation for saving my life",Sean angrily said
"If that's a way of showing appreciation to me, especially to a girl, i advice you to keep it to yourself", Precious said.
Sean grinned his teeth angrily," Useless bitch",He cursed and it suddenly turned into a fight.
"Ugly chipmunk", Precious cursed back.
He scoffed," Says someone who said am hot and cute",Sean teased.
She dropped her food on the bed and stood up angrily,"Is not funny at all",She said angrily and turned. "Do you think am happy staying here?, tolerating all your shit again and again, look if we can't work out been friends, i can leave and find somewhere to stay", Precious half yelled.
Sean made a smirk seeing he have won the fight, "Then what are you still waiting for?", Sean asked." You don't even have money to leave here, don't you have a dad or maybe sugar dad that could pay your rent, i bet you won't mind giving him your body because you are one ugly useless bitch",He said and half-smiled.
Precious bite her lips holding herself from crying, she ran to the door out of the dorm leaving Sean alone in.
It's already rainy outside and its getting dark, Sean knew it wasn't safe outside the dorm so he ran after her.
He made an angry groan,"This is all i get leaving with an annoying girl",Sean said angrily.
Karl and Sam stare at him in shock, they couldn't believe what Andrew just said.
"Yes, i mean it, she was drunk and i just can't do anything to her", Andrew responded looking down at his feet.
Karl and Sam laughed.
" It's not funny",Andrew said angrily and raised his head up to look at them.
"You know the rules man", Sam said and tapped him on his shoulder.
"Well i don't think i can go on with those rules anymore", Andrew said.
" What do you mean?",Karl asked as he drew a chair closer to Andrew and sat down.
"You know what?,Nevermind",Andrew said and fell on the bed.
" What's up with him?",Sam asked Karl in a whisper.
"Who knows", Karl shook his head in responsed.
At Emily's hostel, a happy Mia was happily bouncing, turning around the room.
" Mom i promise to call you back later",Mia said excited.
"Have fun girl but don't forget to get ready for the Reunion", Her mother said before Mia hang up the phone call.
Emily stood up from the bed and walked to wher Mia is standing.
" Is everything okay?",Emily asked.
"You won't believe this", Mia said as she held her breathe jumping around before she let it out.
" Believe what Mia, please tell me?",Emily asked already lossing patience.
"I told you am gonna end up with one of the badboys", Mia said and Emily rolled her eyes.
" What's it this time?",Emily asked.
"Sean mom invited me to their family reunion, she wants me to meet up with Sean so we both could get to hang out and know each other", Mia said out.
" Is that all?",Emily asked.
Mia grabbed her two hands and held it,"We can possibly end up together",She said excited.
Emily scoffed,"You know the rules, bad boys don't date", She said not showing any sign of excitement.
"Just watch and see Emily", She said and let go of Emily's hands." I will be the one to break that rule",Mia turned and said folding her hands.
Precious got outside, with the heavy rain plunging on her, she let her tears flow freely from her eye's.
"I hate it here", Precious said angrily as she cried.
The sky was all shady that anyone passing by could hardly see, apart from that no one was around because of the heavy rain.
Sean stood under the roof and sighted her from afar, he looked up at the rain and down at himself. He couldn't leave her out there since he was the cause of everything.
" Hey girl, come in",Sean yelled to her hearing from where he was.
Precious turned and saw him standing under the roof close to the hostel building,"Just leave me alone, go away is not your life",She yelled back at him and turned folding her hands.
Sean groan angrily,"You are so stubborn",He said as he ran into the rain to where she was. He grabbed Precious hand and tried to drag her in but she declined. "Come on in, you are gonna catch a cold if you stay here any longer", He said angrily but she ignored him. " Fine, you need an apology right?",He asked angrily and turned her around. "Am sorry okay, am sorry for everything i have said to you ealier i didn't really mean it, so please come inside", Sean said in a pleading tone but she ignored. " Fine then, the hard way it is",He said and quickly grabbed her up carrying her in a bridgal style.
Precious gasped seeing the way he has raised her up and she quickly wrapped her hands round he's neck. Sean didn't move but paused as his eye's met with her's and they were both losted in each other eye's. It was as if they couldn't feel anything but their heart beat, the rain was falling on them but Sean wasn't making a move to run off from the rain.
They continued staring at each other, searching for a written word in their eyes, their gaze was still on each other's eye's as they drew their face closer, slowly that they could almost feel their skin on theirs.