Precious came out of the bathroom putting on a red t-shirt and a blue jean, she walked to where her luggages were kept in the ground and opened it.
She sight,"Where am i gonna get it now?",Precious asked herself and began to search her bag.
She dipped her hand into her bag and brought out a red lipstick.
"Finally!!", She said smiling before she stood up walking to the mirror. She applied the lipglow in her lips. She smiled at herself in the mirror," I might not be beautiful but am better than some kind of random guys",She said in disgust knowing fully well she's referring to Sean.
Precious walked back to her bag, she bent down and brought out a small purse, she picked up her clothes from the ground, she had took them off few minutes ago just to have her bath, she dipped her hands into one of the pocket and brought out the cash she had saved there. Precious threw the clothes away, she puts the money in her hands inside the small purse.
She turned back to look at the mirror again,"Dam i look hot, no wonder Andrew wanna meet up with me in private",She teased and thought about it again,"For what thou, am not sure if am gonna make it to his place today, i got business",She said to herself before she grabbed the key from the table and walked out of the dorm locking it behind.
Her stomach grumbled and she held it with her hands,"I haven't eaten yet, am so hungry, maybe later",Precious said as she took the stairs out of the hostel.
At Emily's dorm, she was busy searching clothes from her wardrobe, she threw clothes out from her wardrobe in frustration.
Mia who was on the bed busy with her phone looked up at the frustrated Emily and sighed," Do you have a date?",She asked taking her gaze off Emily down to her phone. "You have been on your wardrobe for almost an hour now and even though is a date what makes it so special that you are just destroying everywhere digging for clothes when you have so much to wear", Mia said with her gaze still on her phone.
Emily turned and heaved a sigh with her hands still on her wasite ,"You won't get it, you just won't, because am going on a date with one of the badboys",She responded.
Mia rolled her eyes,"Yeah yeah yeah tell me lies i don't know, which of the badboys is willing to make out time with you",She said and scoffed.
Emily took one of her clothes from her wardrobe and threw it at her.
"Ouch!", Mia whine as it hits her head.
" Well too bad because there is a girl i met at school today that is willing to set up a date for me with one of the badboys",Emily said dramaticly waving one of her hands to the air. "For money", She added.
Mia stood up from the bed and sat up," She sounds familiar, may i get her name?",She asked dropping her phone from the bed with her eyes on Emily.
Emily thought for a bit and groan,"Arghh...i didn't even remembered her name, i forgot already",She responded.
Mia rolled her eyes and stood up,"Whatever i wish you luck", She said.
Emily laughed,"Are you saying that because of what happened last night at the bar, how Andrew didn't give you any attention for the other girl",She teased.
Mia got up from the bed and walked to the door,"It's not funny, but trust me, i may not have Andrew but am gonna have the leader of the badboys to myself, he is more richer, handsome than Andrew",She said and opened the door before she left.
Emily pouted her lips and said,"Yeah keep saying that until you believe it".
Sean drove his car to a small bar where he parked his car and stopped. He opened his car and came out, his eyes were all red as he walked into the bar. He got to the drinks core and took his seat on the high stool.
A middle aged man, cleaning a cup dropped it on the table and looked at him.
"What do you want son?", The middle aged man asked seeing he's way older than Sean.
" I ain't your son old man, just get me a drink as usual and a cigarette",Sean said coldly.
There were few people in the bar so he got their attention.
The old man half a smile and brought out a bottle of drink,"Aren't you been addicted to this too much?, see what is doing to you",He lowered his voice and said.
Sean stood up angrily,"Do you know what!!!, just give me the drink",He said angrily and grabbed the bottle of liquor from the old man's hand. "Get me the cigarette, i wanna get the fuck outta here", He half yelled.
The old man quickly went in and came in empty handed," Sorry but is finished",He said sadly.
Sean dipped his hand into he's pocket, he brought out money and threw it at the old man,"You are fucking useless, you and that girl piss me off", He said angrily and stormed out of the bar with the drink in his hands.
Sean got to his car, he opened it before he entered, locking it from behind. He dropped the bottle of liquor on the chair before he started his engine and zoomed off.
Precious stepped on the stairs up to the next dorm, she's feeling exhausted from long walk in search of room twenty, she read the boldly written number on the door and smiled.
She heaved a sigh of relief "Finally", Precious said and knocked at the door twice.
The door opened as Emily's face showed up.
Emily dragged Precious in quickly before locking the door,"Finally, come in", She said excited.
" Yeah i know",Precious said panting heavily trying to catch her breathe.
"Where you running?", Emily looked at her and asked.
" No?..",Precious responded giving her a questioning look.
She walked to her wardrobe,"Oh great, let's start now with the clothe am gonna wear",Emily said.
Precious stare around seeing how messy her room is with clothes around,"Wow..",She whispered.
She dipped her hand in and brought out a long gown,"How is this?",Emily asked and Precious gape at her. "Yeah, i ruined everywhere because i couldn't find any clothe to wear that could fit me better for the date", She said.
She furrowed her brown," Yeah that one is better",Precious said and Emily smiled.
"Oh great", Emily said excited. " I should get ready, please do have your seat while i go in and freshen up",She said and entered the bathroom with the dress in her hand.
Precious looked around before she walked to the chair closed to the mirror and took her seat.
"This is girl is so urgh", Precious said under her breathe.
Sean drove his car to his hostel and parked it at the garage at the edge of the hostel. He grabbed the drink from where he kept it before he got down from his car. Sean slammed the door hard before he locked the car with his key, he walked into his hostel and took the stairs to his dorm. As he stepped on the stairs he opened the liquor and began to drink, he felt weak as he drank more, he walked hastily till he got to his dorm. Sean dipped his hands into he's pocket but couldn't find he's key. He remembered he must has left it on top of the table.
He made a load groan and hit his hand on the door," Now i have to wait for that annoying chip to come back",Sean said angrily and fell on the ground.
Sean felt he's dying inside, he needed his drug to regain strength since the liquor isn't working. He drank from the bottle of liquor again, but it made it worst. His heart began to burn, he rested his back on the door and free his hands making the open bottle of liquor rolled out from his hands down to the hallway. He closed his eyes weakly, if he couldn't take he's drug anytime soon his going to loose his life. Sean body fell to the ground as he tried hard to breathe.
"Drug..", Sean tried to speak out.
He couldn't call for help because the hostel was empty and Precious isn't anywhere close to save him.
At Emily's dorm, Precious was still seated on the chair waiting for Emily patiently.
"She's taking forever", Precious said to herself angrily. " But if my plans isn't set already how am i gonna hook her up with one of the badboys",She thought.
She stood up and start pacing around the room. "Andrew told me to meet up with him, i can use Andrew", She said and bite her lips. " Why didn't i though of it",She said to herself angrily.
Precious opened her bag, hopefully searching for the card, she frowned her browns.
"Dammit i forgot it at the dorm", Precious said angrily.
" Is there a problem?",Emily asked from the bathroom.
"No thanks", Precious said and rushed to the door.
" I need to get it since is in the dorm or my plans isn't gonna work out",Precious said to herself.
She opened the door and rushed out of the dorm, leaving the door open, she ran through the stairs out of the main hostel heading to hers.
She nudged a guy away as she ran,"Sorry",Precious said without looking back.
Karl, whom she has nudged turned back angrily and looked her while she runs,"Watch it girl",He said angrily.
Karl grinned his teeth seeing she has gone so far and couldn't hear his voice.
"You are gonna pay this", Karl said angrily as he brought out his napkin and cleaned his shirt.
Precious got the her hotel panting and sweating already, she climbed the stairs gently as she tried to catch her breathe.
Getting to the dorm she saw a bottle of liquor on the ground, the ground is wet.
" What happened here?",Precious asked herself jn fear as she walked slowly to the dorm.
"Oh God", She screamed onseeing Sean helpless body on the ground.
Precious rushed to where he was and struggled to raise him up, she touched his nose trying to fell his breath.
" Thank God, his still alive",Precious said to herself as she quickly raised his body up. "Somebody help", She screamed but no one came around to help. " Yes, a doctor",She said to herself as she wrapped his hand round her neck and wrapped her hand round his waist. "Open your eyes please", She said calmly as a drop of tears fell down from her eyes.
Precious struggled slowly and walked him downstairs.
" Stay alive okay,am taking you to the hospital",Precious said continuously to the Sean who wasn't showing any sign of survival.