I could see Will glaring at the door after Tobey left. After a while he turned to me his eyes scanned my face then went down and trained on my bandaged arm, immediately I saw them fill with guilt and then it changed to anger.
"That bastard!" Will spat out angrily "I'm going to kill him for what he did!" He said making his way towards me. "I'm so sorry." He murmured as he finally reached me and gently touched my face.
"It’s okay. It wasn't your fault." I said quietly.
"It was." Will whispered in a pained voice "He did that to you because of me. I should have said yes in the first place. What was I thinking dragging you into all of this and letting you get hurt?" He ran his hands through his hair in exasperation.
"What does he want from you?" I asked in a small voice. Will sighed and looked at me for a while before explaining.
"Have you heard of Grayson Inc.?" I nodded my head in confusion.
What did one of the biggest companies in the country have to do with any if this?
"You see one of the major things the company deals with is imports and exports. The country's biggest airline and most of the cargo ships work under Grayson's Inc."
I nodded taking in the information. None of it was making any sense.
Will continued to speak "I happen to be the CEO of Grayson Inc. I was the one who built the company from scratch" He finished somewhat proudly. I was baffled, my mouth hung open.
This guy was the owner of Grayson's Inc.? He must undoubtedly be one of the wealthiest men in the country!
Then it hit me like a ton of bricks.
No wonder he had looked so familiar when I had first laid eyes on him.
I'd seen him in so many talk shows and magazines!
Why hadn't I realized before?
I guess I didn't really have time to actually give it a lot of thought while I was being kidnapped.
I recalled reading his name in the country's "Top 10 List of Eligible Bachelors" in Glamour magazine. I heard Will chuckle.
Shit! I'd said that out loud.
I felt my face redden. "That still doesn't explain any of this." I said gesturing wildly with my good arm.
Suddenly Will's expression became serious and he let out a frustrated sigh.
"A few days ago Dominic paid me a visit at work. He wanted me to lend him one of my ships. He said he wanted to export some 'Delicate cargo' abroad. I'm not a fool, I know Dominic. I knew he wanted to use my containers to transport drugs, illegal ammunition, or something even worse. I refused him of course, and he's been threatening me ever since. I didn't pay much attention to it, I mean I've received threats before. I had no idea he'd go this far." Will finished bitterly.
"What now?" I asked him pointedly, he looked at me with a pained expression.
"I'm afraid I don't have much of a choice. I've agreed to give him what he wants. He said he'll let us leave once the transfer has been made." I gasped.
What he just told me was horrible I knew that whatever Dominic was planning to do wasn't good.
"When can we leave?" I asked.
"He told me that transfer will be completed in around two weeks." He said cautiously his eyes searching mine.
I felt my heart sink.
Two weeks? My father would lose his mind.
He can't think he's lost me too, not after mom, he wouldn't survive.
Not to mention Daniel, Jacob and the other Anderson's would probably be worried sick because of me. I felt homesick all I wanted to do was go home to my father and all the people I cared about.
Tears started blurring my vision. I felt ashamed for acting so weak but I couldn't help it. I'd never felt more helpless in my life.
Suddenly I was pulled into a strong pair of arms.
"Shh, it’s going to be okay." Will mumbled soothingly. I continued to sob into his chest. We stood like that for a while until I felt a little better and stepped back awkwardly.
I could feel Wills gaze on me. I looked anywhere but him. I hated looking weak in front of anyone.
"So, what's in those bags anyway?" I asked finally breaking the silence and pointing towards the two shopping bags that Tobey had left lying near the door. Will shrugged but I could see that he was curious too.
"There's a bunch of clothes and a note." he said peeking into one of the bags.
"What does the note say?" I asked curiously.
Will took out a small piece of paper from the bag "It's from Dominic." he said coldly and started reading:
"Hope you feel better darling. I'm deeply sorry for what happened between us. It was necessary however. I offer you these small gifts as an apology. I'll see you soon."
Will finished reading in an angry tone.
I felt bile rise up in my throat. From the corner of my eye I heard Will tear up the note and curse under his breath.
I was suddenly furious. "Like I said Dominic Black can go to hell! I don't need his stupid gifts. There's no way in hell I'm ever forgiving him for kidnapping and torturing me." I spat out.
Will looked at me with amusement "What do you propose we do with these?" He asked motioning to the bags.
"Just get rid of them." I said crossing my arms.
"Okay." Will said shrugging his shoulders again.
"Nothing useful here anyway just some stupid clothes and a box of chocolates."
"Wait, did you say chocolates?" I exclaimed running towards the bags quickly.
God, I was starving.
I yanked the box out of the bag and ripped it open. I plopped one of the chocolates into my mouth, but spit it out as soon as I tasted it.
"Gross! It's bitter. That's not chocolate." I said making a disgusted face. I heard Will chuckle and I scowled at him
"You told me it was chocolate." I said pointing at him accusingly.
"Its dark chocolate. It’s supposed to be bitter." Will said showing me the label on the box.
He looked like he was having a hard time controlling his laughter. My scowl deepened.
"This guy is truly despicable! He gave me bitter chocolate! Who gives people bitter chocolate!? I bet he did it to torture me." I said angrily.
Suddenly I heard Will laugh. Not a small chuckle. But a proper laugh. I almost swooned. If I thought he had looked good before he looked a hundred times better when he laughed.
His eyes crinkled at the corners, I noticed he had dimples and how they deepened as he laughed and his perfect white teeth. His Adams apple became more prominent as he threw his head back.
It was difficult to be annoyed at him when all I could think about was that how perfect he looked.
"You think he's evil because he gave you dark chocolate?" He said still laughing.
"Yeah, who likes bitter chocolate anyway?" I said trying to sound angry but failing as I couldn't hold back my own grin.
"I do." He said as he smirked and plopped one into his mouth. He chewed slowly and swallowed I noticed how his Adams apple bobbed as he did so. I felt myself blush.
Why was I noticing him so much anyway?
"Shouldn't we be trying to escape?" I asked him, raising my eyebrow.
"Yeah good luck with that?" He said still smiling.
"So you're not even going to try?" I asked incredulously.
"What's the use? Dominic told me that he'd made sure we couldn't get out and he's pretty good at keeping his word." He said shrugging and plopping another chocolate into his mouth.
"Besides, being stuck here with you for two weeks doesn't seem all that bad." He said winking. I felt the heat rise up to my cheeks.
I coughed awkwardly "I don't know about you but I'm not staying here for two weeks." I said crossing my arms.
"Oh? What do you suppose we do then?" He asked amusement evident in his voice.
"Okay. First we have to find a way to unlock this door and get out." I said determinedly.
Will arched his eyebrow and smirked, leaning against the wall studying me. I felt uneasy.
"What?" I finally asked in exasperation.
"This door can only be locked from the inside." he said, still smirking.
"Huh?" I asked, not quite understanding him.
Will rolled his eyes "It means that it's already unlocked."
I looked at him in disbelief and then tried the door handle. Sure enough the door opened.
What? Did Dominic Black have no idea how to kidnap people and keep them there? He didn't exactly live up to his name.
I started moving out I heard Wills voice asking me to come back telling me that it was useless but there was no way I was risking any chance I had of escaping. If he didn't want to come then fine. I wasn't going to wait around for him to come to his senses.
I sprinted down the hall and tried to remember the way we had come in from. Nothing looked familiar. I took a right turn and let out a relieved sigh as I saw the creaky old elevator we had been bought up in. I pressed the button and to my great relief it opened.
It was empty.
I was about to step in when I heard a voice behind me.
"Well well, look what we have here. Courageous one I see. I'm afraid you don't go any further, honey."
Before I could take another step I was thrown to the ground and my arms and legs were pinned down.
I looked into the eyes of my captor.