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I fumed. A coincidence? I think not. I swallowed an angry retort as the pair in front of me giggled innocently.

"Wow, what a coincidence. Didn't think we'd see you guys here." Trey said with a huge smile on his face. Alex was smiling beside him, her eyes never leaving Trey's face.

"Yeah, and watching the same movie, no less." I said as I looked at Alex. She looked really good in a sheer cream top and skinny jeans. A 'lil slutty, but gorgeous as hell.

It made me a little uncomfortable to be there with Alex. Especially when she looked so relaxed. And how the hell did she get Trey to go out on a date with her? It's too much of a coincidence.

In the theatre, it was pretty hard to concentrate on the movie as I heard murmurs from Alex and Trey a few seats away. Even when Liam pulled me close and kissed my temple, I didn't notice it. I was too distracted.

When the movie was over, I pulled Liam who chuckled nervously at my weird antics, quickly to his bike. I really didn't trust Alex. I wasn't too worried about Trey. Alex is a different story. She looked like a woman on a mission. And that is dangerous, especially when she looks like that.

"So, I'll see you guys later. Hannah and I got plans." Liam suddenly spoke out of nowhere. I felt a surge of gratefulness and relief.

"Aww, really? Can't we join you guys?" Alex looked upset. I stared at her. Even Trey looked taken aback. He frowned, clearly did not agree with Alex.

"No, sorry. So, see you guys later!" I said and waved as we walked away. Trey waved back with a small smile while Alex looked sullen, clearly not happy. Liam took my hand and we walked to his bike.

Liam handed me my helmet. I took it from him distractedly. Suddenly, I felt Liam put his arm around my waist. I looked up and Liam caught my lips with his. I sighed as he started to kiss me softly. When he slowly pulled away, Liam smiled softly as he looked at me. I bit my lower lip. Gosh, he's so hot.. No wonder Alex was acting the way she did.

"You ok, babe?" Liam asked me as he smoothed my hair from my face. My face heated up looking at the way Liam was looking at me.

"I guess. It's just, I'm a little worried about Alex-" I started to say when Liam kissed me again. That shut me up.

"Look, I'm with you. Not her. I want you, not Alex or anybody else. Just you, ok?" Liam reassured me as he looked deeply into my eyes. I smiled as I hugged him close. He hugged me back as he kissed my temple softly.

Then we got on his bike and roared off. When I got ready for bed, I couldn't keep my mind off Alex. She seriously looked like she was up to something. The way she manipulated Trey was evident enough. I mean, I know that in spite of everything, Trey would never hurt me. He was probably roped in by Alex. And yes, he could be a little dense, so he probably did not realize what Alex was doing. Urgh, whatever. I shook my head as I tried to stop thinking about Alex. I got under the cover and tried falling asleep. I'm sure Liam will stick with me, no matter what.


"I'm so happy!" Dan exclaimed suddenly as he sat beside Amy. Both Amy and I looked at him strangely. Dan was smiling and he looked gorgeous as he used to. Gone was his scraggly scruff on his chin. He looked as gorgeous and clean-shaven as he used to before all the awkwardness between Ryan and him.

"Come on, tell us why!" Amy cried impatiently. I was impatient to know as well.

Turns out, last night some drunk guys roughed Dan up when he got back from the library. They called him a bunch of horrible names. Ryan and Trey were somehow in the area and beat up the guys good.

"Seriously, it was so great! Trey and Ryan really messed the guys up good. Well, they were drunk. And Ryan and I had a little talk about me being gay. And he said he's okay with it and doesn't care if I was gay or not. He was just surprised that he caught me in such a compromising position before. Plus, Trey was fine with it too. He just kinda went.'meh', like it was some boring news." Dan said with a shrug and a huge smile on his face. I was so happy for Dan. Not being able to talk to his twin was horrible and he was a wreck for almost 2 weeks. Thank goodness it would be over now.

After class, we had lunch with Liam and Trey and Ryan. It was great that we all were together like we always were. Although I didn't really talk as much with Trey as I did before, at least things were a little bit less awkward. But something was still nagging at me.

"Hey Trey, what's up?" I asked as Liam and Ryan were talking about some assignment they had in another class. Amy and Dan were giggling over some tumbler stuff on Amy's phone.

"Nothing much. You?" Trey asked me back as he looked at me briefly before taking a bite off his burger. I took a deep breath and went ahead with it.

"So, funny running into you and Alex yesterday. I never knew you guys were dating." I said casually.

"Well, actually we only went on that 1 date. It was okay but a little weird, since I never spoke to Alex before." Trey said as he shrugged.

"Really? So you guys never met before?" I prodded lightly.

"Well, she wasn't really in my classes. I've seen her around campus though. But when she suddenly asked me out, out of the blue, I thought, what the heck?! We're both single and gorgeous." Trey said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and shoved his shoulder. Trey grinned. Then he looked at me.

"You know, Hannah. I.. Um, I'm sorry for all the weird things between us. I'm actually glad that you're happy. I know Liam really treats you well. I just wish you don't hate me and we stop being friends. That would totally suck!" Trey said suddenly as he looked sheepishly at me. I smiled and punched him lightly on his shoulder. He chuckled and took another bite from his burger.

All in all, things were looking up. Except for that annoying nagging feeling that just won't go away. I hated it. And it made me paranoid. Like I am about to lose something. And somehow I have a feeling that it would be Liam. I don't know, I just do.


Liam's POV

"What are you doing here?" I was surprised to see Alex, hanging around my dorm room door. The hallway was pretty quiet since it's Saturday night. I had just finished studying in the library with Hannah and we were planning on going out for supper and then, maybe hang out in her dorm...whatever. I don't really care what we do and where we do it. As long as she's around, I'm game.

"Hey, Liam. I'm ..uh, waiting for Trey. He's coming soon. He told me to wait for him here." Alex said smoothly as she smiled at me. She stood up tall and cocked her head to the right. I may look nice, but I have a nasty, sarcastic mind. I knew she's trying to look all cute. Not working. Not even a little.

"Really? That's weird. I thought he's with Ryan and Dan. I just saw them outside the library." I said warily, eyeing her distrustfully. Alex looked pale a little, but she recovered quickly. She just shrugged and smiled as she slithered closer to me. She tried groping for my arm, but I shook her hand off. She looked hurt a little, but I couldn't care less. I pushed her away from the door a little to open it and she gasped a little at my rude behavior. One thing I've learnt about girls like her, you cannot treat her nice. She would never get the massage. And she would only try harder. Girls like that are pathetic, but if I tell her, I bet she won't listen. She would think of it as a challenge and she would try everything under the sun to get what she wants. These girls are like a virus that you can't really shake off.

"Look, Liam. I just want to talk. You can't really ignore me. That's not fair. I liked you first before that fat-" Alex started to get into a tirade when I finally cracked. I gripped her arm to stop her from continuing and looked at her straight in the eyes. She stared wide-eyed at me.

"Don't you ever, ever, talk about Hannah like that. Ever! Got it?!" I said through gritted teeth. Alex looked visibly shaken. She gulped and I let go of her a little roughly. Alex, being waif-like and tiny, almost fell backwards. Knowing that she would fall, I quickly caught her by the waist. She grabbed the front of my shirt and pulled herself up. Before I could do anything, Alex pulled me hard to her and caught my lips with hers. I struggled to push her away, but I couldn't do it without hurting her. Suddenly, I heard a gasp and something dropped on the floor. I wrenched Alex off me and saw her triumphant smile. Fearing the worst, I looked behind me and all blood drained from my face when I saw Hannah standing there, her face looking horrified and her eyes started watering from unshed tears. I pushed Alex away from me as hard as I could, not caring whether she fall flat on her ass or hurt herself. I couldn't give a shit what happens to Alex. Not when Hannah was looking like she had just had the rudest shock of her life.

"Babe-" I started to say and turned to her when Hannah turned and ran from there. I quickly ran after her. With my long strides, I caught her at the staircase and grabbed her arm. She almost fell so I caught her waist and she fell against me. I wrapped my arm around her waist from the back, trying to stop her from leaving. Hannah tried to get free.

"Let me go!! Get your hands off me!" Hannah said pitifully as she tried getting my arms off her waist. I closed my eyes and tried to calm her.

"Hannah, baby..Please, please. It's not what you think. Please believe me. Just let me explain,..please baby.." I begged pathetically, trying to calm her and to make her listen. Hannah seemed like she was not listening. She had started to cry in earnest now. She wasn't struggling anymore, but she didn't even look at me when I turned her to face me. I looked at her tear-streaked face as I kept a grip on her waist. I won't let her run. If she leaves without hearing me out, that's the end.

"Baby..She kissed me out of nowhere. I didn't kiss her. I tried to push her off, please believe me ? baby. I would never do that to you. I just want you. Not anybody else. Didn't I tell you that before? I mean it. Just you!" I looked at her as I begged her. Hannah was hiccuping but she seemed a little calm. Her red face looked so forlorn and her eyes looked so sorrowful that it took everything I had not to just pull her into my arms and make everything better. I tried to hold her closer but she pushed me off and she stepped back. My arms lay empty at my sides as I looked at her.

"I gotta go. I just..I gotta go." Hannah said and she turned and walked off. I ran after her but she suddenly turned and cried.

"Leave me the fuck alone!" And she turned around and walked off angrily. I stared after her, feeling my heart broke when I saw Hannah walking away. And Alex chose that precise moment to saunter towards me with a secret triumphant smile on her lips. I couldn't believe I thought she was nice before.

"Well, that was interesting." Alex said, making my blood boil.

"Do you think you can do this just so I would like you back?! Are you insane?!" I cried in disbelief as I stared at Alex looking smug.

"I never said I want to seduce you! It's never about that. Do you think I would just sit back and let you choose that hippo over me? Me?! Look at me! No fat bitch is ever going to win over me! Ever!." Alex said challengingly. I suddenly grabbed her arm and pushed her against the wall, none too gently. Alex winced a little, but I was beyond caring. I looked at her petty, selfish face.

"If I lose Hannah, over this, over you, I will destroy you. I will make sure you never get to have a moment's peace. Your name will be in the mud. Don't think I won't tell anybody what you did, Alex. Everybody will know what a calculative, petty, selfish little bitch you are." I spat and then pushed off her. Alex looked stricken and her eyes were wide like saucers. I glared at her and walked away back to my room, knowing full-well it would not do us good if I go to Hannah's dorm to beg for forgiveness. I have to give her space, at least for tonight. I will see her first thing in the morning and beg for her forgiveness until she forgives me. It would take a lot but I would do anything to get her back. I suddenly realize that the thought of losing her made my heart beat very uncomfortably fast. No, I won't lose her. Not ever. I promised myself as I walked back to my dorm room, feeling drained of energy.

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