Throughout the class, Trey was acting a little weird. Dan, who was behind me, even texted me.
Dan: Hun, what's up with jock boy Trey? Gone all grabby and smooshing himself against you. Did I miss something? Did something happen over the weekend?
Me: Well, I'm not sure. Last night he took me out for supper and we hung out until midnight. And he was all physical, like kissing my cheek, holding my hand...I dunno what's with him.
Dan: Well, maybe he has finally realized he likes you??
Me: I dunno. I hope so..??
Dan: What about the delish Liam??
Me: Well, I guess we're just friends. But yeah, he is like really nice.
Dan: If it was up to Liam, all the way.???
I smirked and glanced at Dan. He cocked his eyebrows suggestively. I kinda rolled my eyes. Just then, Prof Portman cleared his throat. I gave my whole attention to him.
"Okay, so let's talk about the mandatory field trip that you have to go to this month for that 40% of your grade. Let me remind you again that we're going to the Ikunuwata Forest Reserve for flora samples. Please inform your next of kin of the trip, should you fall off a cliff or break your legs in the ravine. And it's also mandatory to camp there. Nobody stays in the resort. I repeat, no one will stay at the resort. Except me. Because I'm the professor, not you. M'kay? And here, please take these packing instructions and rules and regulations. You'll need it. Ms West, please help me pass these out." Professor Portman said as the Teaching Assistant, Alana West took the papers and handed them out.
A few students groaned. Myself included. I hate the outdoors with a passion. Bugs and dirt..urgh. And I do not love animals. Like at all. I don't go "Aww, what a cute gwizzly bear??" Nope, not me. All I see a mobile killing machine that can rip me apart in a minute. I know, I am the coldest bitch ever to walk the earth. So, saying that I am dreading this is an understatement. The loathing of anything nature is so deep in me that I actually went to see Prof Portman about replacing the trip with a thesis instead. He laughed and looked at me like I was mental. And then he said "No, f**king way."
I looked at the paper distastefully. Urgh...camping sucks. I hate anywhere that requires me to go hunting for the bathroom and mosquitoes...I groaned as I put the paper on my desk.
"I take it you hate camping." Liam said with a smirk on his face. I glanced at him and he chuckled.
"Urgh...I hate it...Kill me now, please.." I groaned as I put my face in my hands.
"Hey, I'll protect you, babe! I was a boy scout in school." Trey said as he pulled me close and hugged me by tbe shoulders.
I looked at him and smiled, although it was weird. Trey is acting really weird. I caught Dan's eyes and he smirked. I ignored it. Trey's paying a close attention to me. I should be happy, right?
Seriously, we're supposed to be walking into THAT?! I stared at the entrance of the dense woods. I sighed unhappily. I trudged towards the woods. Urgh, bugs, here I come..
We had to walk around the wooded area and gather samples if plants and bugs. Urgh...Amy was supposed to be my buddy, but since she's just as squeamish as me, I voted we find partners who won't scream at the sight of a bug like an annoying whiny sissy me..heh heh. I thought of asking Trey to be my partner, but he was nowhere to be found. I sighed as I walked dejectedly, absently picking up any plant sample I saw, not caring what it was. Suddenly, I heard a rustling. I froze and my eyes darted everywhere. Crap, what was that? Suddenly, I felt a presence behind me and a growl. I did not waste anytime. I took a deep breath and screamed my head off as my left hand kinda grabbed whatever that was growling by my neck. My fingers closed around something like a face and pulled. Another scream, positively male was heard.
"Argh!! Ow, ow, ow!! Let go!" Trey?! My head whipped around and I saw Trey, grabbing his reddened cheek, and glaring at me. I heaved a breath and looked at Trey apologetically.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry. Why did you scare me?" I demanded.
"I was just fooling around. Ouch...I think I'm bleeding.." Trey moaned as he cupped his cheek.
"Aww, I'm sorry." I said sympathetically. I touched his cheek and felt feverish suddenly. Trey looked at me. In a really weird way. I stared back at him. Suddenly, without thinking, I leaned forward and pressed my lips against Trey's! It was brief but it took my breath away. Trey's eyes were wide, from shock probably. I pulled away and gulped. Shit. He looked stunned.
"Hannah, there you are!" Amy's voice rang from a distance suddenly. We both stepped back, Trey did't look at me at all. Suddenly, I didn't feel so good. Oh God, did I make a mistake, kissing him?!
'Hey Amy!" I greeted her while Trey just stood there, not saying anything.
"Where have you been? Liam and I were worried." Amy said as she went closer to us. Suddenly, I noticed Liam looking at us.
"You shouldn't have worried. Hannah and I are fine. Aren't we, babe?" Trey said suddenly as he put his arm around my shoulders. He pulled me closer, his eyes staring at Liam. I saw Liam looked at us. He smiled at me. I smiled back, but I felt uncomfortable.
I don't know why.
"Come on, we gotta get going. It's getting late." Amy said as she turned and walked to base camp. Liam gave me a smile and walked behind Amy. Trey walked after them, leaving me behind. I quickened my steps and caught up with Trey. We were silent. It was a little uncomfortable. Did I make a mistake by kissing Trey? Shit..I think I did.. But he was like giving me signals that he liked me. Didn't he? I was so confused.
"Hannah, come on. What are you dreaming about back there?" Trey said as he beckoned for me to come with. I shook myself and smiled awkwardly as I walked towards Trey. He turned to walk and I followed dumbly behind me. I have to know what the heck is up with me. And with Trey who' s all hot and cold. Mayne I'll give him time to digest it. Maybe he needs a little time to adjust to what had happen just now..