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I froze, staring at Liam, unmoving. He came closer, his eyes never leaving mine. My heart hammered in my chest as my legs squirmed to run, but somehow I was rooted to the spot.

"Hey, " Liam said as he came closer. The ever perceptive Amy picked up on our uncomfortable interaction and decided to disappear.

"Uhm, on second thought, I gotta go.. do that...uh.. thing.. Ok, bye!" Amy said and sprinted away from us. I just watched her scurrying away in dismay.

"How have you been?" Liam asked steadily. I couldn't find my voice. I just looked down at my feet. Looking at him was too embarrassing. It brings back all the cringing things that happened at the party. I was not about to relive the humiliation.

"Uh, I've been okay. Uhm, Liam, I gotta go-" I started to say and fumbled for the car door. I wasn't ready. I just have to leave. Now! Suddenly, a hand gripped my arm gently. I tried to pull away but Liam tightened his grip just a tiny bit. His hand burned into my skin, but not in an unpleasant way. It sent crazy tingles down my spine, making me almost shudder. Urgh! I'm such a hopeless case...

"Please, Hannah, we gotta talk." Liam pleaded with me. I didn't look at him, although I could feel his gaze burning on my face.

"There's nothing to talk about." I said a little too quickly. Liam sighed and held me gently by the arm. His touch felt good. I was tempted to just let him say what he wanted to say, but I was too humiliated.

"Look, first and foremost, I want to apologize for last weekend. I'm really sorry if I hurt you. And I never meant to say no. Only you were drunk and I didn't want to take advantage of you... Look, can we go somewhere and talk-"Liam started to say and I quickly cut him off.

"No, it's not your fault. I shouldn't have drunk so much. I've never been drunk before and I never will. I mean I wouldn't have tried to, to do that to you if I was sober. I mean, I know I'm your friend and you think I like Trey and all, when actually I don't anymore. But that's besides the point. You've been so nice to me and I guess I got carried away, what's with my issues with my dad, making me cling to you and think you like me more than just a friend, when you clearly don't feel the same way - (crap! What did I just say?!)Look, I gotta go. I gotta get some stuff for my dad. I'll see you tomorrow, ok!" I said as I quickly opened the car door and slipped inside before Liam could do anything. He tried to stop the door from closing, but I was too fast for him. Without looking at him, I started my car and drove off. From the rear view mirror, I saw Liam standing and staring at my car as I drove off.

In the safety of my car, I let out a sigh of relief. But I knew I won't escape that easily.


"You what?!" Amy screamed into the phone, making me push my phone away from my ear with a wince.

"God, Amy! Stop screaming in my ear!" I whined and huffed. I couldn't really blame Amy for her reaction. I was being stupid.

"Hannah, you are so exasperating! I can't believe you drunk-kissed Liam and then ran away from Liam after what you did at the party! Really!.." Amy exclaimed over the phone.

"I know. And now I'm really sorry for what I did. I shouldn't have ditched him. He'll really hate me now." I whined and hugged my throw pillow tighter in my arms as I laze around on my bed in the dorm.

"Oh, Hannah. I don't think he'll hate you. I think he'll just think you're a weirdo." Amy said and then she giggled when I cried out in frustration at what she said.

"Okay, calm down. So, changing the subject. Hailey's going away party is tomorrow afternoon, right?" Amy said.

"Yeah..I am so dreading it. After everything that happened at home, now I have to face dad. Urgh, yuck!" I complained as I rolled on my bed.

"Hey, it's for Hailey. We'll go together. Err, can I bring a date?" Amy asked mysteriously. I perked up.

"Woo, is it someone I know?" I asked with a cheeky smile.

"No, you guys don't know him. Oh, crap. I've been at the ladies forever. He probably thinks I've done a runner. Hey, I'll see you when I get back, ok." Amy said.

"Okay, okay, go get him before he bolts out the door." I said. Amy bid a quick goodbye and hung up. I hung up too and stared at the ceiling. I so dreaded going home the next day. But what choice do I have?


"Really, Hannah? You've resorted to hiding under the desks. How long are you going to hide from him?" Amy asked as she scrutinized at me trying to hunch my tall frame under the lecture desks. I groaned when I couldn't really be invisible. Damn body!

But luckily Amy and I got to class early, so we got to sit in front and I made Amy give up the seat she reserved for Liam to another student. Throughout the class, I didn't even look behind me to see if Liam was there. I knew he's behind me somewhere. He'd never missed a class. I knew I won't be able to avoid him forever, but damn it I'm going to try.

"Hey, where's Dan? Is he here?" Trey, who was behind me asked out of the sudden. I perked up. I haven't seen Dan since yesterday. Where did he go?


Liam's POV

I could see Hannah's unmistakable auburn hair. God, I miss her. I knew she was avoiding me. It's okay. I was fine with it. I have it all planned out. Suddenly my phone buzzed and I saw the name I've been waiting for flashed on the screen of my phone. I smiled and opened the text.


I stood in front of my parents' house. I could never bring myself to call it my home since it always felt like a fortress to me, trapping me in it with a cruel warden dictating my every move. I sighed and Amy came up behind me with Trey and Sean, Amy's date. Amy nudged me and I looked at her. She widen her eyes, giving me a tiny push. Hesitantly I walked to the backyard of the house where the pool was. The party would be there.

As soon as I got to the pool area, quite a few guests were already there and Liam was nowhere to be seen. I breathed a sigh of relief. I had a feeling Hailey would invite Liam. I wouldn't put it pass her to not do that. I saw Hailey talking to some of her friends. When she caught sight of me, she excused herself and ran to us.

"Hannah! You came home!" Hailey, always the drama queen shrieked as she threw herself into my arms. I caught her and laughed. It's great to see my sister. She then let me go and greeted Amy and Trey whom she knew well. She also welcomed Sean and made her way to the drinks table, getting drinks for them.

"Ooh, I'll come with you, Hails!" Amy called and pulled her date's arm, dragging him behind her. She dragged Trey along with her, although he protested. I looked at Amy quizzically, but ignored her. Suddenly, the familiar scent of cologne hit me. Liam ! Aww, crap!

"Hi Hannah." Liam said behind me. Gulping, I turned around and saw him looking at me with a small, lopsided smile on his lips. He was wearing a dark blue shirt with the sleeves rolled-up to reveal his forearm. Man, those are some forearms. So, so sexy! Eeeek!! No, no no drooling. Focus, focus!

"Oh, hey Liam!" I said a little bit too cheerful. I kinda put my hands inside my jeans pocket, trying to appear casual. Liam smiled as he came closer.

"Look, Hannah. Let's cut to the chase. I know you're avoiding me and I have a small idea why. And you really should never feel like that. And again, I'm sorry that you thought I was rejecting you. I wasn't. " Liam said his eyes looking straight at me, holding his gaze to mine. I struggled to keep my eyes on his. I was too conscious of myself.

"Liam, that's okay. Really. We can still be friends. It.. It doesn't have to change anything. We can just pretend that it never happened-" I was suddenly cut off when Liam went closer, his eyes on mine as he pulled me by the waist towards him. All of a sudden, his face came close and he pressed his lips firmly on mine, shutting me up. My eyes wide as I digested what was happening. Oh God, Liam is kissing me?! Right?! I'm not imagining things, right?! Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God..!!

Before I could do anything, Liam pulled away and looked at me with a determined look on his face. I stared at him, eyes wide open. I can guarantee that I looked like a guppy that got struck dumb.

"Are you drunk right now?" Liam asked, his right arm still around my waist. I shook my head dumbly, eyes still staring at him. My lips still tingled from his kiss.

"So, you realize that I just kissed you, right, and that you're totally sober?" Liam said as he smiled, his face just inches away from mine. I nodded my head.

"And you know I'm not taking advantage of you, right?" Liam said as he looked at my face. Again, I nodded.

"And you think this is okay?" Liam asked as he moved a little closer. I gulped nervously as I nodded my head yet again. Damn, he has such gorgeous eyes.

"And you like it and you want me to kiss you again, right?" Liam asked casually, looking at me. Dumbly I nodded and Liam's face broke into a huge smile when my eyes widen and I realized what I just admitted to. Oh, how motifying! I tried wriggling myself from his grasp. Liam tightened his hold on me as he chuckled at my obvious embarrassment.

"Look, Hannah. Um, the reason that I didn't want to kiss you that night was because it wouldn't be fair to me. You were drunk and would probably forget everything that happened. And that would really suck. Because I like you. A lot." Liam said, looking a little nervous suddenly. I stared at him, unmoving, my hands now gripping his shirt front, to keep myself from falling down, floating away, who gives an eff. Suddenly I heard girlish squeals behind me. My head whipped around and I saw quite a few people were staring at us. Amy and Hailey were both smiling really widely and clutching each other. They looked so doe-eyed and all swoony. Trey was staring at me wide-eyed, too. And then I saw dad. He was looking at me, his face a little unreadable. I looked away. Oh, God! Did he see Liam and I kissed?!

"You like me? A lot? Seriously?" Somehow it felt it was hard to believe. Why would he like me when there were so many girls throwing themselves at his feet.

"Yes. A lot. Seriously. And please stop avoiding me. I missed you." Liam said with a slight pout. Damnit, he looked so cute! I smiled shyly and nodded. He missed me! And he liked me! A lot! Inside I was positively shrieking with happiness.

"So, can I kiss you again?" Liam asked softly in my ear. I felt delicious tingles ran down my spine, making me shiver. I looked up at him and nodded. He smiled and kissed me again, his soft lips making me melt like nobody's business. Somehow, I didn't give a damn if everybody was watching. Let 'em watch. I thought gleefully as Liam pulled me closer and I heard Hailey and Amy hollering in the background, cheering me on.

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