Thalia POV
A festival will take place this week. The celebration of thanksgiving to the god of the harvest for a good harvest this year. As everyone knows old Greece is very consistent in their beliefs of God and goddesses, I've decided to go home, in Roma, to stay away from him, from his shits and to sort out the burgeoning pain I am starting to feel.
I was happily greeted by the town I grew up in, no one knew that I was living as Princess Equija in another kingdom as the wife of the son of King Arthur Titus Cuerido
But I am sure that the marriage will not last long. As soon as Ezekiel signs the divorce paper, that I'm so sure he will, I'll be out of hell. I will return to the Philippines, and give up all the luxuries that Maurico took away ..
I need to get away too ...
"Thalia, that's deep."
I looked at the man sitting beside me, we're on top of the castle tower watching the people celebrating.
I smiled at Pleios, he's my childhood friend, best friend. Uncle Sebastian is his father, he migrated to Sicily when recruited as a royal guard.
"You know I am."
"Of course julietí"
I laughed at his joke, we used to memorize romeo and Juliet monologue before, that was the game we shared as kids. Patri wanted me and Khai to be smart kids Not rebels and cunning, we belong in the royal circle and it is a must.
But pleios somehow helped me be a norm, because with him I still experienced being a normal child who was tainted by playing under the olive trees, stumbling in the hallway playing hide-and-seek.
I missed him damn much.
"Hmm, princess?" He stares at me and wink
"You know I'm not a princess anymore."
"Thalia, everyone knows you are. Your people still belong to you and your family. Your uncle is just, power hungry animal. But most of the civilian’s loyalty is to your side"
He's right. Maurico is an animal. And I feel sorry tho, I can't fight for our right to the position that Maurico took.
"Thank you," I hugged him
"I really miss you Pleois .. I miss mama and khai. I miss everything"
I felt him hug me tightly.
"Tell me he's treating you right? Hmm? Or I'm gonna punch the bastard real hard."
I sighed.
I just can't tell him what's really going on.
"My husband's been treating me well don't worry. Everyone was nice to me."
"Princess? If only I could free you from this hell ..."
I felt my tears trickle down.
"Thalia! Thalia!"
We looked at the source of the voice. It dawned on us that Pleios' mother approached us
"Matrí what's wrong?"
With a sigh, she pointed to the hill not far from the town. The tower where we were was the tallest structure among us, the large wall attached to it served as a great wall to prevent outsiders from entering.
I could see down the hill the battalion of men on horseback, looking like warriors
"Oh God. Are they here to attack us?" Pleios' mother spoke
But no.
I think ... they look familiar.
I looked closely at the flag held in front of the foreigners and I was dumbfounded.
No ...
Its a flag of Royal of the north. The one Alpha male riding the most sturdy white horse is my husband! Ezekiel!
What is he doing here ?!
"Pleios please! Go tell Maurico the arrival of the Prince! He need to alert his men to cover me up. Nobody knows that I pretended to be Equija and married him. We need to be careful!"
Pleios moved quickly. I waited for Ezekiel to arrive in front of the large barrier wall entering our town. The tower serve as a watch place. I stood there. I watch how he halt his men and look up to where I am. He could not see me because of the big stone wall.
"Prince Ezekiel of Royal North Realm. I have come and traveled to see my wife Equija!" He shouted loudly.
Shit ...
He's here for me? Is he stupid? He hasn't been home for two weeks so I decided to stay away after he's here ??
"Thalia! The king ordered to do the celebration in the hill! The opening is clear now! He ordered to open the gates and bring them immediately to the premise of Royal castle!" said a soldier
"Prince Ezekiel of Royal North Realm. I have come and traveled to see my wife Equija!"
Ezekiel repeats, damn! I was forced to answer.
"It's me your Highness!"
I saw the smile and light on his face.
"Let them Open the gate wife! My men and I are weary and thirsty! I ... I need to see you!"
When he said that my chest throbbed.
"Open the gate!"
The guards below heard that and slowly pulled the chain that held the large stone wall that served as the door into the kingdom.
I quickly went down and met them.
Its been weeks since the last time I saw Ezekiel. He looked ragged in an early growth of beard and a bit wet in perspiration.
"Wife." He quickly got off the horse and handed it to a soldier.
"Ezekiel what ... what are you doing here?"
"I told you I'm here for my wife" I saw the sparkle and pleading in his eyes ..
Its for Equija! He came for Equija! Don't be affected Thalia!
"My my! Daughter! Why aren't you escorting your husband to the castle?"
I felt Maurico's tight grip on my shoulder.
"Father" Ezekiel bowed slightly in greeting.
"Son" he gave the son -in -law a tight hug.
"Pardon my daughter's insensitivity its in her"
Ezekiel looked at me secretly still nodding! Damn him!
"I notice that"
"Come! Bring your men to the palace, Fortunato! Tell your men to bring foods and drink for my prince's men!"
Maurico was already supporting Ezekiel to enter but I was surprised when he pulled me by the waist.
"Need my wife by my side." He whispered
What ... is he thinking now and his actions seem strange?
Damn feelings! Why am I affected by our simple closeness !?
We arrived at the palace and indeed prepared a lot of food for the guests. Other than the celebration of the festival the arrival of a nobleman is something to be paid attention to here
I just sat quietly next to Ezekiel having a good meal with his soldiers. Maurico said goodbye for a moment to watch the celebration.
"Why are you here?"
He just smiled sipping wine.
He also chewed steak calmly, unlike his soldiers.
"I told you I'm here to fetch you. Father told me that I shouldn't let my wife away from her new home without me."
Thalia. Your question has been answered. He's here because his father told him so.
I let out a deep breath
"Why wife? What were you thinking?"
He got his mischievous grin that I just saw during the time we were together.
"Princess" I turned to the speaker.
Its Pleios. He was a few steps away from me
"Yes? What is it Pleios?"
He came to me, he bowed as a greeting to Ezekiel who was watching him closely
"I received a letter from Khai" he lowered his voice
"Really !?" I could no longer hide the joy I hugged Pleios. I am forbidden to send and receive letters from mom or Khai but with his help I am free to do that.
"Thank you!" I whispered
We just broke up when I heard a bang.
Its Ezekiel. He gave Pleios a bad look
"Eer .. thank you Pleios. So much"
Pleios immediately left with an understanding nod
"Who was that?" Ezekiel's sharp question
"None of your business"
I felt the movement of his jaw as a sign of restraint
He hurriedly removed the dining handkerchief from his thigh and stood up.
"Excuse us" he said to his soldiers and pulled me out the palace.
We reached the garden and he didn’t let me go
"None of my business ?!" He shouted. I am really shock
"You were hugging another man in front of me! And my men!"
Oh. Is it about his ego?
"What the fuck Ezekiel! Did I hit some nerve? Are you stupid !?" I saw the frown on his forehead
"When I saw you flirting with another woman did you hear a word from me? Did I act like shit? When every day of our life together I hear you flirting through your phone did I tell you to stop? When every single maiden slave in your castle says you bed them did I came to you with anger? I didn't say a word with you being a womanizer and now you're pestering me over a friendly hug because of too much happiness? "
I felt hot liquid dripping down my cheek.
I am hurt!
Maybe I love him. It all started when I saw him in actual flirting with another woman. That stir some emotion within me. I render my heart for it isn't supposed to happen but, Goddamn this man is a charmer, when he looked at me in our wedding day with all the love shining in his eyes, even if im not Equija I felt it and now fuck yes! I love him!
I saw the shock in his eyes
"Are you crying?"
I did not answer
"Dame Equija I told you before I don't want to see you crying."
He hugged me tightly
"When you told me to marry you when we grow up I said fine because I hate to see you crying and ... I love you"
I felt more chest pain
He's confessing again.
His feelings for Equija and Im not her! I cried even harder.
"Shhh wife please ... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for acting like a jerk. You pushed me away then and I allowed you. But please ..."
He looked at me with pleading eyes
"The real reason why I am here is ... I want to consummate our marriage."
Even dimly because of the tears I saw the seriousness on his face
"I'm not signing the papers. Give me one more chance for our marriage please ??