Although she was surprised upon hearing it, the way he said it was too funny. So, she laughed out loud, and the man groaned in frustration. “Useless? How can you say that to a human being?”
“Why not?” Sebastian asked in confusion. “Look, I know that we have different opinions but one thing is clear. I am superior to you, and that’s it!”
Scarlet snorted upon hearing Sebastian’s announcement that he was superior to her. “The fuck that you are superior to me, sir! Do you think I will give a damn just because you are a vampire? Huh, think again!”
For the nth time, Sebastian glared at the woman but as always, she seemed to be unbothered at all. “Who are you, Scarlet? Why are you not scared of me? You should be afraid of someone like me,” he said.
Scarlet smirked and replied, “You are right. I should be afraid but I know you will not kill me.”
“I told you I will.”
“Yes, you don’t want to do it just yet. Otherwise, I’m already dead, right?”
Sebastian shook his head in disbelief that the likes of Caden Lockwood had a smart daughter. The man who visited him at the mansion as soon as he woke up didn’t appear to be smart. “I bet your mother is smart like you.”
“She is, and some other things. So, what do you want from me?”
“I told you that I need a secretary during the day. Are you familiar with being a secretary?” He asked because it would pose a great problem if she was not familiar with the job. Or maybe, he could ask Sasha to let someone train Scarlet Morgan.
“And the job description? Is it just about making coffee for you?” When the man laughed at her questions, she raised her eyebrows at him. “Look. My father may have told you that I don’t have any experience working in any company or with anyone else.”
“No, he didn’t tell me anything about you. In fact, I was surprised to see you there.”
“Liar. You went there to check on me, am I right or wrong?”
“There’s no use arguing with you, Scarlet. You are so stubborn and opinionated,” he complained.
“If you don’t like my presence here, then send me back home,” she bargained with the old vampire, but the man only shake his head to refuse.
“I can’t,” he replied.
“Because you are my insurance that your father will keep sending me food,” he stated a fact. Although Caden Lockwood has been loyal to his clan for several years, he may have a change of heart now that he’s awake.
“Blood,” she corrected him.
“Yes. Humans, to be precise,” he muttered, and then he earned a scowl. However, instead of being pissed by her always glowering at him, he was fascinated. Sooner or later, he would find out everything about her.
Scarlet took a deep breath because no matter how much she provoked him, he wouldn’t let his guard down. If only she could die at any moment, she would prefer it that way, however, Sister Theresa needed her. Otherwise, she would slit her throat immediately rather than work under him. Composing herself, despite being nervous, she smiled at him. It was awkward, but she believed that he had a kind heart, and was not that bad.
“Come on. I’ll show you to your room now. You can do anything except go out, understand?”
“Are you saying that I am your prisoner now?”
“Sebastian!” Scarlet shouted his name, and it could have been so informal or disrespectful because he turned around with a scowl on his face. “Glare all you want but I am not your prisoner, understand?”
“Just accept your fate, Scarlet. That way, your life will be easier,” he suggested.
“I’d rather die than become a prisoner,” she bluffed.
“Then, you can do it later or my men can do it for you. Just let me know when you are ready.”
What a bastard, she thought, but when he scowled at her again, she was almost convinced that he could read her mind. Could he? “You are capable of reading minds,” she announced, and when he nodded his head to confirm, she gasped in surprise. Well, she shouldn’t be surprised, after all, he claimed to be a vampire. However, what if he was just teasing her about the vampire thing? What if it wasn’t true, and the man was just a lunatic who believed to possess some superpowers?
“So, you better think twice before cursing me out inside your head,” he warned Scarlet, but suddenly, the woman laughed like crazy. He frowned at her and demanded an explanation.
“Nice try, Sebastian, but you can’t fool me. You are not a vampire but a conman, right? What kind of hypnosis did you use for my father?”
For the nth time, Sebastian groaned in frustration. Scarlet Morgan has been trying his patience and he was tired. He spent a lot of his energy just staying longer under the sun. He needed to recuperate but the silly chit tried her best to provoke him.
“We will discuss this later, but for now, you have to go to your room.”
“I’m not tired,” she remained to defy his order.
“Look at me, Scarlet,” he whispered, and she committed a grave mistake when she stared into his eyes. Then, he used his power to hypnotize the woman and said, “Go to the first bedroom you will find on the second floor and take a rest. You will stay inside for eight hours.”
Scarlet was too stunned to speak at the moment and just stared into Sebastian’s eyes. His green eyes have changed into a darker shade of green as if they were glowing before they changed into red…ruby red to be precise. As she stared into his eyes, she was mesmerized by his beauty, and he looked so damn hot with those red eyes, and he wondered what he would look like while making love to a woman.
“Go!” Sebastian screamed at the woman who, even under his spell, continued to have wild imaginations inside her head.