Madam Susan's home is located at the outskirts of the town in a village like setting. I'm glad it's far away from our pack and I assure myself that no one will be able to recognise me here at all.
Her husband Zachary welcomes me warmly since his wife had already told him about me.
They have two daughters, one who's barely six and the last born is only a year old.
“Welcome to our home my son.” the middle aged guy welcomes me as he ushers me to a couch. We're in their living room which serves as a dining room, visitors room, TV room and a sitting room.
Their house is a two bedroomed house with a kitchen and that big multi-purpose living room.
Crystal their first born girl walks to me and offers me a glass of water while Laura the one year old clings onto her mother's dress in fear. She's probably wondering who I am.
The husband who is on leave from work has already prepared a hot meal for us and after eating, madam Susan leads me to the bathroom and tells me to take a bath.
After taking a bath, she leads me to the second room where her daughter sleeps and she offers me a t-shirt and a short which I put on without hesitation.
She advises me to take a rest and we shall have a chat the following day, something I do without hesitation since I'm tired to the core.
She wishes me goodnight and she informs me that they'll share their bedroom with their two daughters so I don't have to worry about anything.
I climb on the bed and pull the duvet over. I'm already yawning and after thanking her for being kind to me, I close my eyes and snore all the way to slumber land.
It's early in the morning and sleep has left my eyes. I just can't get any more sleep therefore I sit up on bed, trying to figure out my life from here. So far, I have no idea what awaits me, I don't know if this family will accept me or not but I'm just crossing my fingers.
If all avenues fail, I'll just look for a children home and get myself a home awaiting adulthood.
“Myles,” Crystal calls from the other side of the door. “Breakfast is ready.” she announces.
“I'm coming.” I say as I climb out of bed. I'm not even hungry but I have to join the rest for breakfast.
Everyone is gathered at the living room and a table where breakfast is served is in front of them.
After greeting everyone, I join them and we take our breakfast which consists of toasted bread and coffee.
I eat to my fill and once I'm done, I thank madam Susan and Mr Zachary for the breakfast.
I stand up to help madam Susan to clear the table but she stops me, telling me that she'll do everything. Not that I have any idea how to handle the dishes but I just want to show them my gratitude.
How life changes so fast! Just a day a go, I was a prince who had several servants at his disposal. I didn't clear the dishes after eating, sometimes I took my breakfast on bed, I would give instructions here and there...
“So Myles, where did you say you're from?” Mr Zachary asks, snapping me from my reverie.
“I-I-I don't know the name of our village!” I lie smoothly. “I've been in the river for long after being swept off by the overflowing river. I can't remember anything!” I say as tears well up my eyes. I have to pull an act so as to sound real.
“Oh my son, I'm so sorry!” he apologises as he pulls me into a hug. I'm just praying that he doesn't smell my scent and perceive it because if he knows that I'm a werewolf, he might send me away thinking I might harm his family. “Can you describe your village? What is your father's name?”
“I can't remember anything at all. I don't know his name!” Right now I'm sobbing loudly and I smile inwardly when I hear ma'am Susan telling her husband not to pester me with more questions.
“Can't you see he's traumatised already. Let's give him time and see if he'll remember anything. Meanwhile, we can report to the police that we have him!”
“Police? Who's the police?” I ask feigning ignorance. Of course I know they're the human guys who go for training so as to ensure security is rendered to the people.
“You don't know them?” Crystal asks in shock. “They beat those people who break the law!”
“What? Will the beat me for getting lost and not remembering where I am from?” I ask in feigned shock. “Please don't take me to them!” I plead, kneeling down before Mr Zachary. I need to pull every possible stunt if I want to remain in this family.
“It's okay dear, the police are friendly people but they can't harm you, especially now that you're a minor and you can't remember anything about your family except your own name!” He says as he helps me up.
“Thank you sir, thank you ma'am.” I say genuinely. Deep down, I know that they'll go to the police but what I know is that they won't perceive my scent since the moon goddess assured me in the dream I had. Or was it a vision?
“Just stay here with Crystal and Laura. We need to be somewhere!” Ma'am Susan says but I'm not stupid. I know they're going to the police since they can't stay with me without their permission.
I nod in understanding as I call Laura to come to me as they leave. I start playing with her and as I do, I recall my childhood, how I'd play with my uncle Cedric, how he used to treat me well and how he suddenly changed after marrying Carina. What really changed?
Tears start streaming down my cheeks and I wipe them off when I notice Crystal's tiny eyes on me. She has tears welling up in hers too.
“Don't cry, okay?” I soothe her.
“But you're crying, why? Has someone beat you?”
“No, not at all dear. I'm okay and I'm sorry I won't cry again!”
“Promise?” she enquires, raising up her pinky.
“I promise!” I also raise my pinky and we intertwine them in a bid to take an oath.
Crystal is a beautiful child and adorable too. Her heart is full of love even in her tender age. Humans don't mature so fast like werewolves but I already love her intelligence. I can tell that she's a genius and her being the firstborn, she's already fitting into her mother's shoes perfectly.
“I don't want the bad police to take you away!” she says, snapping me from my reverie.
“Even if they take me away, I'll come back to visit you!” I assure her, praying to the moon goddess to help me so that they don't take me away.
About thirty minutes later, Mr Zachary and ma'am Susan shows up in the company of two uniformed gentlemen who I assume are the police.
My heart is beating hard against my chest as they sit on the couch next to me.
“Is he the one?” one of them asks curiously, eyeing me in suspicion. I continue playing with Laura, feigning innocent but deep down, I just want this to end as soon as it started.
“Yes, he's the one.” Mr Zachary replies.
The policeman turns to me and greets me. He then watches my reaction for sometime as if deciding whether to ask me a question or not. I don't flinch as I continue playing with my newly found friend Laura. Crystal is seated next to be, her tiny hands grabbing my pair of shorts protectively.
“Young man, what is your name?” one of the policemen asks, making me to look up.
“Myles.” I reply simply.
“Can you remember your father's or your mother's name?”
I shake my head to imply that I can't remember their names.
“What is the name of your village?”
“I don't know.” I reply desperately, hoping they'll let me be. As one of them asks me questions, the other one notes something down on a notebook.
“How did you find yourself in this town?” he persists.
“The flowing river swept me away!” I repeat the same lie I told my hosts.
They keep on asking me questions and I answer all of them, trying my level best not to give myself away.
After they're satisfied with my answers, they turn to my hosts and they start addressing them.
“This boy is stressed and that traumatic experience might have confused him and caused some temporary amnesia. You'll have to stay with him while we ask around all the villages but if we don't find his people, you'll have to adopt him or take him to a children's home!” the police officer concludes to my relief.
“It's okay officers, but we'll live with him. If there are any news, kindly let us know. This is my card.” Mr Zachary says, handing them his business card.
They chat for a little longer then leave after telling me to be a good boy!
I heave a silent sigh of relief after they leave then I continue playing with Laura, pretending that nothing has happened. I just want them to believe that I'm suffering form amnesia and I can't remember anything about myself except my name. I'm even starting to regret ever giving out my real name!
Madam Susan leaves to the town to sell her provisions and we're left with Mr Zachary at home. His leave will be over soon and he'll resume his duties as a security officer in one of the business firms in town.
Today is on a Saturday therefore Crystal won't be going to school. She's still in kindergarten but she's a genius...
“If we won't have traced your folks by Monday next week, we'll have to take you to school!” Mr Zachary says and my heart palpitates. I really long to continue learning so as to gain more knowledge.
I just nod in understanding. I can't wait to resume school!
“So, can you remember the grade you were at?”
“No.” I reply but that's a pure lie. I know I was in the fifth grade but I'm not going to sell myself out. I don't want to blow my cover.
I'm sure they'll take me to either grade four or five judging by my physical appearance. Either way, I'll be cool with anything!
The day drags on slowly but I'm glad I have people who I can share it with. Mr Zachary teaches me a lot of stuff, including giving me arithmetics to solve and I see his satisfied smile when he passes through them. I can tell that he already knows the grade to take me to, judging by his facial expression!
Madam Susan comes back later in the evening and she brings all of us goodies, including some pairs of trousers, shoes and shirts for me.
This family is a goddess-sent one and I'm sure I'll blend with them easily. All I need is for the moon goddess to guide me as she promised!