“OH MY GOD!!!!!!” I scream so loud. I can't believe this.
Bion looks different like a beast, his eyes scorching red, hairs all over his body, his ears elongated, his mouth stretched. I look at his hands. They are hairy with claws long and sharp. He changed into a wolf.
Cold runs down my body.
“Do you believe me now?” his voice is way deeper now, all I did was nod my head.
“ Can you change back now, I am kinda creeped out” I whisper my voice lost.
“Will you listen to me now?” he asked, his speech mumbled due to the fangs.
“Hmph,” I nod nervously,
“ I really don't have a choice now, so wow me.” I add.
Slowly the hairs disappear, his fangs retract, so do his claws, his eyes dull back into the green I love. He leads me outside where we sit on the grass.
“ There are so many supernatural beings, we classify them by clans. Each clan has an alpha and beta, then there is the alpha king. He is the alpha of all alpha's, he rules the supernatural. We have clans like the wolf clan, cougar clan, tiger clan, rat clan, elephant clan, witch clan, dragon clan and so much more” he explains.
“Wow, I thought it was just wolves, vampires, and witches. I had no idea there was more.” I gasped, my eyebrows raised heaven wards.
He chuckled, such a beautiful sound. Get it together Mel.
“There are so much more than those three. Movies do no justice to the supernatural world.” he says, running his fingers through his hair.
Well, that's a lot to take in.
“What I want to know is how I am like this? How don't I know any of this? And how did you know about me being your mate?” I ramble, asking so many questions.
“Well I have just an answer to one question and that is, I knew you were my mate cause my wolf told me plus your scent changed.” he says, smirking.
“Well that doesn't say much.” I murmur slowly.
We fall into an awkward silence. I gaze around reaching for the grass, I touch them.
“Who am I?” I ask no one in particular.
“ That I have no answer to. I think your memories were wiped. Some of us do not live in the supernatural realm, we live out here with the humans according to what job we do. I work in one of the Alpha King companies as the CEO. We have branches all over the world” he says calmly.
“So my memories are wiped, that means I don't know what I am." I whisper.
“ Well, with time you will know because your scent changed so I guess your powers will come out soon.” he says stroking my hair, I feel waves of pleasure making me slap his hand. What the hell am I doing? How can I believe this crap?
“ You know it's true Mel, don't be stubborn.” that voice says again.
“ No it's not, don't touch me and I don't believe you one bit, I am not who you think I am okay just leave me alone.” I yell angrily.
Deep down I know he is right, the dude literally morphed into a freaking wolf in front of me, but I just can't believe I am one of them. I am too weak to be one of them.
“ Melanie—”
“ Don't call my name.” I snap.
“ How can you just drop this on me like I don't get it, what about my family? Are they supernatural too? Why am I just finding out?” I ask, I am so confused I need answers.
“ I don't know—-”
“ You can never know, my life is already messed up as it is. I am the laughing stock of the whole school, I can't turn my head in peace because I get bullied everyday, and if I had any powers of any sort I sure as hell won't be weak as I am.
Please just stay away from me, I have enough pains from Sabrina I don't want her to see me talking to her man as she calls you.” I interrupt again, standing up I walk away sad and depressed
There is no need to go back to class. I am just going to skip school today. I am so confused. My family seems normal to me. How can I have powers I know nothing of? What does that even mean?
“ Young lady, get out of the way.” a voice yells, jolting me out of my thoughts .
“ Sorry. ” I mumbled, still dragging my feet as they felt very heavy.
But what if it's true? What if I am supernatural? It would be so cool and frightening— hold up what am I thinking? I am not supernatural. I conclude then I start running. I do that a lot to clear my head. Looking up everywhere seems slow, I suddenly stop.
Where am I?
Whatttt!!!!!! How did I get here? I ask myself as I stare at the famous cassie's restaurant that is about an hour drive from school. So how the hell did I get here in minutes? Oh my gosh my head is spinning.
“Fuck, I am going crazy” I murmur.
“ Hey miss, are you okay?” a voice asks as I black out.
“ Your highness please I beg of you” a voice screams.
“ Elpida that's enough” an angry voice booms..
“ You dare defy me” a small girl screams, her eyes white as she stretches out her hands to the lady lying on the floor begging.
Her body begins to crack, her bones slowly coming out of her body. Her body twisting as she screams in pain.
“ Ahhh!!!! Please, your highness, I am so sorry. please!!!” she begs, I stand there watching in horror as the little girl slowly kills her with an evil smirk on her face.
“Stop, no! That's enough, you're hurting her please. ” I beg, crying too, I couldn't watch this, it's too evil. A horrible sight, how did I get here?
The little girl turns walking slowly towards me, no, no, no.
“Don't come any closer.” I yell, she laughs.
“ Who are you?” I ask very scared
“ I am you, you are me, but I am stronger, I will consume you.” Her voice is deep and scary.
“ Never!!!! You are not me.” I scream, she laughs, stretching out her hands. I feel enormous pains like my whole body is on fire.
“ NOOOO!!!!!!!!” I yell with the all my might everywhere shakes, I hear shattering of glasses
“ Calm down Melanie.” I feel someone shaking me. I try pushing off the person, but the hands remain firm.
“Open your eyes, Melanie it's Bion, you are safe.”
“ Bion?” I slowly open my eyes and hug him in tears
“ It's alright” he says, patting my back.
When I am calm, I look around everywhere. It is a mess.
“ Where am I?” I ask with a shaking voice.
“ My home,” Bion murmurs.
“ Wha–wh—what happened?” I ask confused
“ Well you ran out really fast like a vampire—--”
“ Don't even start about that shit” I snap, getting angry.
“ You passed out, I brought you here. I guess you had a memory flash before screaming awake and making a mess of my home. ” he answers, not minding my tone.
I look around, the windows are shattered, the whole place is upside down, tables broken, bulbs broken, clothes scattered, the wardrobe is open. Oh my gosh, did I really do this?
“ Bion!!!!!” a voice yells cheerfully. Oh yeah, I know that voice. I raise my head just as three guys walk in, they are Bion friends.
Origen Drakon
Lysimachos Khristos
Hypatios Khristos
“ Hey, why is this place a mess?” Origen asks, looking a bit disgusted.
Origen has deep green eyes like the forest the same as Bion's eyes. His hair white mixed with red. He is tall and handsome, well now that I think of it they are all very tall surely more than six feet.
Lysimachos has blue eyes, his hair very black, his body slender and has the lips that always screams kiss me.
Hypatios the quiet one among them has red hair, long sharp nails and always looks extremely pale.
“ Hey snap out of it, and stop drooling” Macho says with a smirk. Is it just me or do they like smirking a lot?
“ Who is she?” Origen questions looking at me seductively, it happened so fast first Origen was winking at me the next thing I know he is on the floor groaning in pain.
“ What the fhck Bion, why did you hit me?” Origen asks angrily
“ She is mine, my Mate!!” Bion growls his eyes glowing dark green.
“ WHAT???” they all yell at once.