I just relaxed on the car seat as James drove towards ngong road. He branched at Karen and entered a vast garden which looked extinguish and expensive. We occupied a private place, something like a VIP lounge and settled down. We ordered for a drink as we waited for our food to be served.
I was still shocked by his previous confession about loving me, now he was asking me to be his girlfriend.
I was concerned about my safety. You know when it comes to Joyce, one can't tell. She had already confronted me after sending me several texts.
But I wondered why James wanted me so much and he had a wife and kids.
Our food came and we ate to our satisfaction. James was really determined to have me. I was shocked when he told me to resign from my job. What was his intention? Maybe he had a better job for me. As he had told me, he had better plans for me.
I longed to hear what he had in store for me.
I was out of words when he told me he had a surprise for me.
Never once did I imagine being so close to him but I had no choice. I was falling head over heels in love with him. Joyce was partly to blame for planting such ideas into my brittle mind.
As he drove out of stedmark gardens, my questions fell into deaf ears. Atleast I wanted to have an hint of where he was taking me to.
He drove towards town then past town towards wagige.
I wondered where he was headed to.
He would occasionally steal glances via the mirror and it's like he sensed my nervousness.
"Relax girl, I am not a serial killer. Just trust me, will you? You are safe with me."
I relaxed a little bit and I assured myself that if he tried anything stupid, I was gonna apply my karate skills and save myself from his snare.
I had eaten and drunk a lot therefore I had started dozing off. It's like he saw it and told me to sleep and he was gonna wake me up when we arrived at our destination.
"Wake up sleeping beauty, we are finally there!"
His ever sweet voice started me from my sleep.
I rubbed my eyes and surveyed my surroundings.
He had parked the car in front of a vast compound and I could see a big house in front of me.
I unbuckled the seat belt and got our of the car. My eyes were fixed on the one storeyed building in front of me. My thought were elsewhere, at the glamorous brand new Audi infont of me such that I didn't see a stone infont of me. I tripped and almost fell. Was it not for James, I would have hurt myself.....
I found myself in his arms, entangled into an embrace.
I laughed at my lack of concentration. He held me by the waist and led me inside. The gate man handed him the key and he opened the main door.
Loh and behold! I was petrified by what I saw. A mammoth sitting room was infront of me, with nice furniture. The whole neighbourhood reeked of affluence!
I threw myself on to the leather couch and made myself comfortable.
"So, what can I offer you my Queen?"
He asked me.
"Wait James, who owns this mansion?"
I asked curiously.
"This is one of my houses Jackie. Funny enough, you are the only one who knows I own it. The construction just ended the other day and I furnished it."
He replied.
"Where are we by the way? I need to know just in case you plan to lock me in here forever."
I said, while giggling.
"Guess my dear, just guess!"
"Come one James, I slept through out the journey. How am I supposed to know where we are?"
He laughed heartily and came towards me.
He lifted me to my feet and I looked into his eyes. I saw the same man I saw while at Karen. A man in love!
Our lips met.
He took my lips into his and explored every bit of my mouth like his life depended on it.
He was such a good kisser.
He then entangled himself from the kiss and smiled....
"This is what you get for failing to answer my question. Anyway, welcome to Kitusuru my queen! And you know what? This is your house..... Your new home Jackie..!"
"What? If this is one of your jokes James, just stop it, I am in no mood for jokes please!"
"Who is joking here? These are your keys... Tomorrow I am going to change the ownership of the house and before you continue doubting me, lemmie give you a tour inside the house."
To say I was shocked will be an understatement. I was surprised, shocked, petrifies... Name them!
He took my hand and led me inside, introducing me to every room, as the new owner of the mansion.
He then took me upstairs to the master bedroom and other three bedrooms. I was yet to come into terms with the fact that the house belonged to me when he startled me from my reverie.
"Before you get carried away and plan to slumber into this bed, let's go downstairs for a moment. I have forgotten to show you something."
I followed him and he led me outside into the vast compound. He walked towards the shinning Audi as I lagged closely behind him.
He stood in front of it and waved the car keys and my face.
"This is yours beauty!"
"What is mine?"
I asked curiously.
The car plus the keys.
They are all yours.
"You gotta be kidding me James, this is too much for me to accept. Kindly take me back to my place please."
I said with finality.
I was yet to come into terms with the reality that everything he wanted me to have was mine.
Why was he so nice and kind to me. I didn't deserve all that. Atleast not when he had a wife and kids to take care of. Atleast he would have given the mansion and car to his wife.
I definitely doubted his generosity and kindness in general.
"Why do you want to leave Jackie? Ain't what I am giving you enough? Don't you like this mansion, this car? Ain't it your favourite? I overheard you talking to your girlfriend on phone telling her you wished you could save enough to build your mum a house and buy an Audi, your dream car? Tell me Jackie... Tell me!"
It was obvious he was pissed off.
I was sure he had ill intentions towards me an I wasn't gonna spend one more minute with him. I rushed back to the house and picked my handbag, stormed out of the house and requested him to take me home.
He threw his arms up in submission.
"Alright. Let's go."
He instructed the gateman to close the house and he drove out of the mansion silently.
All through the whole journey, he didn't say anything.
He dropped me infont of my house and unlocked the car. He gave me a signal to alight from the car. Once outside, he didn't spare me even a glance. He reversed and drove off in a supersonic speed.....
I knew he was angry but I wasn't ready to risk my life. Joyce was a crazy bitch and I wasn't ready to face her wrath....
I fumbled with the house lock but the padlock gave way.
I wondered whether I left the house unlocked. I pushed the door and switched on the lights.
Before I could move a step forward, I felt a blow, someone hit my head from behind and I fell down unconscious before I could even scream for help.....