Away from the city, I enjoy a cool breeze at the backyard of my mum's house. It is on a Saturday evening and I enjoy watching the sun set. I have my earphones in my ears listening to some cool jazz while mum is busy in the kitchen cooking for her favourite child. My bro is in a boarding school in the neighbouring village therefore mum lives all alone.
Mum calls from the kitchen
"Yes mum!"
I respond.
"Food is ready. Join me in the main house."
"Okay mum."
I take my plastic chair with me and join mum in the main house. Outs is a simple house and I promised mum that I was gonna build a bigger house for her.
The aroma coming from the table is to die for. I trust my mum when it comes to cooking. She can prepare every kind of food you ask her to prepare.
We munch on the sweet delicacy like our lives depends on it.
I help mum clear the table and I serve the juice I had brought from the city.
We share a lot with my mum and she can't stop advising me to be careful while in the big city.
Finally, sleep comes knocking and we prepare ourselves for the bed.
I was woken up by the ringing of the phone. I opened one eye and looked at the screen. It was a private number. I didn't pick. I put the phone on silent mode and went back to speed. It was long since I slept at my mum's place and I wouldn't let anyone spoil that for me.
I turned and faced the other side and within no time, I was snoring.
Upon waking up, mum had already prepared breakfast.
I washed my face and joined her in the kitchen where she was doing final touches on the breakfast.
We took our breakfast and we went to the garden to get some farm products to carry back to the city. I had refused carrying anything but mum insisted that I very at least some arrow roots and other stuff.
Back in the house, I got my phone to check the time and I found several calls from the private number, and a long text from Joyce.
This woman never gets tired. So she was the one calling me the previous night?
I sat on the bed and clicked on the text.
"I told you to leave James alone but you didn't listen to me. On Friday night he came home drunk and yesterday he didn't come home at all. I called you severally but you didn't pick. I know you were together. I am asking you for the last time, kindly leave my husband alone!"
This woman was a nut case. Now she had already concluded that I was with her hubby? How now?
I felt like telling her to do her investigations well but I remembered James had warned me never to reply to her texts.
She had spoiled my mood completely but I tried my level best to stay calm because mum is so sensitive and might notice something is amiss.
I prepared myself and mum saw me off to the bus stop. We bade each other goodbye as the bus took off to the city.
All through the journey, I was thinking about the woman Joyce. Why was she so much on my case? She knew very well I was her Hubby's PA but she kept on insisting that I was having an affair with him.
I couldn't deny the fact that I enjoyed his company. For Christ's sake he was in his late thirties and he was fun to be with. But it never crossed my mind that I can have an affair with him. I wasn't dating back then and I wasn't ready to try a married man.
His wife Joyce was a stay at home mum with two kids, a boy and a girl both under five years.
I arrived in the house late in the evening and prepared supper, took it then settled on the couch to watch a movie.
I woke up in the middle of the night with the remote on my hand. I switched off the lights and dragged my lady self to the bedroom. Mine was just a one bed roomed house there fore I had no issue acceding the only bedroom in the house.
The alarm went off at exactly 5:30 am and I lazily got out of the bed, prepared myself and took off to the bus stop. I boarded the available bus to town because I wanted to beat traffic and arrive at the office in time.
After alighting, I walked majestically towards the office.
I could spot someone at the parking leaning on her car but I couldn't make out who it was because most of us in the office didn't own any car, except the Boss and the Human Resource Manager.
I walked past the parking and I saw the lady move from the car side. I looked sideways and she was charging towards me. It was Joyce! Shit wouldn't have gotten any worse!
I stood rooted to the spot and waited for her probably to do her worst.
She stopped right in front of me and sized me, from up at the head to the legs, then up again. By the look of things, she hated me and at the same time mocked me.
I didn't care about that though.
"Look who we have here!"
She said while clapping her hands.
"What do you want from me madam?"
I asked her, staying as calm as I could.
"I Have told you several times to leave my hubby alone but you have refused to listen to my cries. By the way, where is he? Haven't you come together or are you so smelly such that he can't stand you in his car?"
She asked me, eyeing me menacingly.
"What are you talking about Joyce? I haven't seen your husband since Friday in the office. Kindly go and look for him somewhere else."
I told her and made a step forward, towards the office.
She blocked my way and looked at me straight in the car yes.
"Don't you dare walk out on me bitch! You ugly husband snatcher. I know you left with him that Friday afternoon and he came back late in the night, drunk as a skunk! You better stay away from him before I strike and I am sure you won't contain my wrath. I have my eyes on you slut. Watch your moves!"
She said, then spat on the ground and walked towards her car, swaying her little behind.
I turned back to look at her for the last time before she disappeared and all I could see was a misinformed woman who was working so hard to ruin her own home.
I wondered who could have been feeding her with all that nonsense. I then remembered the head of the department who had been on my case so much. He had been intending to take me out but I had refused. We had a beef and I was sure that he was the one feeding Joyce with all that shit.
I walked furiously to the office, cursing loudly at no one in particular!