I budged into his office without a simple hallo. “What the hell is wrong with you nigga? What will you get after I get a termination letter? Are you some kind of stupid?” I asked him, evidently breathless.
Jeff stood up from his desk then came to where I was standing, hands in his pocket and ogled at me. “Have you lost your mind lady? Seems you’ve not been laid in a loooong long time! Just name it. What do you want? A kiss? Maybe a good shag? Let me have you and I’ll give you everything you ever think of.”
"Stupid idiot!"
I muffled amid clenched teeth.
He got closer, too close for my liking and I wasn’t bulging where I stood. I am not a weakling and he should know that.
He grabbed me, holding me tight by my waist and I tried pushing him away. Unfortunately James our boss came and stopped by the door. Mouth agape and in a thunderous voice he bellowed,
“Get your fetish selves out of my building. You’re fucking fired! Jackline, to my office now!"
Just then the bastard released me and told me it aint over. He will do everything possible to get me even if it means murdering somebody. I on the other hand walked head down to my boss’s office. His eyes were bloodshot and was seething with anger. His breathing so hoarse. He looked at me and asked, “Is there anything I should know?”
I wondered what he was driving at.
“Would you believe me if I told you nothing is happening between us?" I asked shivering.
“For how long have you been seeing him?”
“Seeing who? Sir, I don’t even have a boyfriend and never had one if that is what you are asking. On the other hand you have no right to get into my personal space.”
He cooled down a bit after that. Sitting down, he motioned me to come closer which I obliged. “Sit down, we need to talk.” I made myself comfortable as I waited to hear what he had to say. I really hoped and prayed that it wasn’t about Joyce, because I was not ready to hear about her. That shameless bitch!
“Would you promise not to quit if I told you what is on my mind?” he asked holding his chin and narrowing his eyes.
"What could my handsome boss say to make me quit my job?" I wondered inwardly.
“Depends on what it is. If it involves your wife, well, I can’t promise much. But if not, well I don’t have a problem.” I answered trying to make myself comfortable. I was not ready for what he said next, and neither was I ready for what he did.
James stood up and came to where I was seated. He held my chin up and within no time, his sumptuous lips were on mine.
I was startled by his sudden reaction.
I tried to entangle myself from him but he was too strong for me. His lips refused to leave mine and soon enough, we were engrossed in a breath taking kiss.
I can't deny the fact that I enjoyed the kiss but at the same time I was curious.
"What was he up to?"
I asked myself severally.
I entangled from his embrace and kiss and calmly requested him to have his seat.
He obliged and pulled the seat near mine.
He looked at me straight in the eye and searched my eyes.
They were emotionless. Atleast I wasn't ready to allow them to give me away.
"Jackie, there is something I have been intending to tell you for the longest time. I have been battling with my heart to tell you but I always lack the words."
He paused a little bit, still searching my eyes.
"What is it boss? Have I not been performing my duties as your PA well? Just tell me please."
I asked him, curiously.
"No Jackie, you are the best PA I have had in a long time and I am not ready to lose you in any way. Far from that. It's about us.... I mean, I have been err... Mmmm......eeeer.... How do I say it?"
I couldn't help but chuckle at his helplessness.
"Just say it sir, I'm all ears."
I was getting impatient.
Earlier that day, I met his furious wife, now he is here, holding me captive, not willing to tell me what was on his mind!!
"Sir, if Therese is nothing to tell me, let me go back to my desk."
"You are going nowhere Jackie, not until I tell you I LOVE YOU!"
"Whaaaaat? Are you serious sir?"
"Yes, and I am willing to take you as my wife!"
"You gotta be kidding me sir. I am sure you are under some influence but you will get over it. If there is nothing else to say sir, lemmie go back to my desk."
I stood up as of to leave. I was torn between hugging him for his confession and running away, as far as my legs could carry me for fear of his crazy wife, Joyce.
I sprung up and made for the door. Before I could turn the knob, he swept me off my feet and carried me back and placed me carefully on his table. He pinned my hands downwards and he dared me to leave before listening to him.
"You are hurting me sir. Let go of my hands!"
I bellowed.
He could hear none of it.
His eyes had turned red and he looked like a possessed man.
He was obviously furious.
"How dare you walk out on me? At least you could have listened to my reasons as to why I want you in my life!"
For the first time since I started working for him, I saw a man in love.
He released his grip on my hands and sat on his seat, seemingly defeated. He cupped his face on his hands and bowed downwards, letting out muffled sobs.
At first, I didn't know what to do but I found myself at his side, holding him by the shoulders and rubbing his neck lovingly.
He lifted his head and looked at me, his eyes red from sobbing.
"Please listen to me Jackie, will you?"
"Yes sir. I will listen to you, but not in your office. Let's find somewhere else and we can talk from there. Today is on Monday and you have no appointments."
"Nice idea Jackie. Just speak to the receptionist to handle everything. I am in no mood to give orders right now. After you are through, find me in the car."
He rose up, took his car keys and left.
I followed him, organised my desk and carried my handbag and passed by the reception area to give instructions to Carol the receptionist after lying yo her that we had an important meeting with a client.
I then walked out of the door and boarded my boss's waiting car. He took to the wheel and exited the parking and drove towards God knows where........