"You don't understand, the full intent of my plan, baby I!!! want to be your soul provider", Fiona Reece was singing to Micheal Bolton's soul provider, it was one of the songs that kept her sweet, feminine, and sensual. She was working as a cashier at a coffee shop and taking her last shift for the evening. She was putting away the money and recording the total amount of money that had come in for the day. Her boss was fond of her because she was pleasant and always on time, he would give her a ride home when it was her shift and she was always grateful for it.
"Fiona dear, all set?" her boss called out "In a moment please" she replied, he was already going out of the coffee shop. She hurried out and locked the glass doors and in a few minutes, she was in the car with him. "Any special plan for tonight ?" , "Oh yes, I'll be going to the club Monet tonight", "a club that seems unlike you ? " he was a bit surprised "I hope you're not judging me, it's not all the time you know but I heard everybody who is anybody goes there maybe I might get lucky and find a man who is a soul provider and not trying to weaponize his money against me " she winked at him. They had developed that type of dynamic, in a way they had become like father and daughter and her boss had let it happen but she was also careful not to overstep, that was one of the many things he liked about her.
They talked about the dress she was going to wear, he had suggested she curl her hair and let it fall out instead of making it into a bun and "red lipstick" he sounded like he had suddenly remembered "It is always a classic trust me works every time " she laughed "thank you " as the car stopped right Infront of her apartment which was one month due. She got out of the car and went right in as she started to put herself together, she took a shower, got out, dried herself, and applied her lavender body oil on her skin, "hmmm lavender" she was soaking off the smell she felt guilty sometimes for spending that much money on her skincare but right now she couldn't care less. She took a while doing her makeup and she found herself imputing all of the suggestions her boss had given her and when she was done she looked stunning. She was ready, she came out hailed a car, and in a few minutes, she was at Club Monet. Ladies were allowed to go in without paying it was just for tonight a friend had given her a heads-up because there was no way she would've been able to afford to pay to get in. She said hello to the man at the door and off she went, she walked around a bit she had seen the redhead hold on to Miguel Pharrell before but she hadn't seen his face, neither did she know who he was but she did think his sky blue shirt looked nice, she had quickly looked away as she didn't want to pry, little did she know this was the man that would sweep her off her feet. She found herself dancing to the El Campo del Deseo soundtrack that was playing, it was a very sensual moment for her, the song was Spanish so she sang along, danced, and loved every moment of it. Miguel Pharrell had spotted her and he was walking downstairs towards where she was, she had her hands stretched out following the rhythm of the music as she felt a presence behind her, he was tall and gentle, his hands gently touching hers, slowly trying to be in sync with the sensual moves of the petite lady in front of him. Still having her back against him she whispered "That's quite bold trying to seduce a lady you barely know" She continued to move her body from left to right, he loved the tone of her voice, it was soft, girly, and playful "why would anyone dare to be a coward around you bonito-pretty ?" Miguel Pharrell tried to move closer he loved the smell of lavender on her "Oh tu hables Espanol- you speak Spanish" she asked, he replied "Si-yes" She turned around to see who was whispering to her, he was handsome, "Blue shirt" she thought to herself and almost said it out loud. Miguel Pharrell looked at her a little confused and smitten at the same time. They had stopped dancing now, the music was changed to something more upbeat. "Is there something wrong? I don't understand you seem to almost say blue " he asked with his brown eyes subtly questioning as well. She blushed a bit "Oh no no I thought you came with a redhead? " she was teasing and slowly retreating from the crowd of people who were now dancing in upbeat moves. He followed her and when they had gotten to more quieter part of the club, standing by a corner, he asked "How much of that did you see ?", He didn't want her to think he was a player or any of that sort "a little I think? " She smiled, "Looks like you've had eyes for me eei, anyway it doesn't matter, I'm here now" he winked at her, "that's quite arrogant don't you think ", "What? Arrogant? Look at these hands " he stretched out his hands "and these eyes do they look arrogant to you? brown eyes they say is usually a feature of the humble and sexy bonito-(pretty), por favor-(please)" she laughed at him "you're impossible ", "no, I'm Miguel, Miguel Pharrell and you're very beautiful and almost unreal " he touched her hair as he said it. "no I'm not, I'm Fiona Reece" she replied and he laughed "ah I see what you're doing Fiona, trying to hurt my feelings ?" "You started it", they were both laughing now.
It was getting late "How does dinner sound to you?, I could get wine, you know something fancy". "Hmm fancy, what else?" she was touching the collars of his shirt and caressing his neck now. "Anything else you'd like ". They both left the club and hopped into his Mercedes," when you said fancy, I didn't think it was Mercedes fancy you meant", "A little here" he caressed her neck to her lips," A little there" he moved closer to kiss her "you know" she was breathless " you'll get us killed, please keep your eyes on the road" she smiled. He drove to a hotel by now they were both well aware of how the night would end.
He drove to a middle-class hotel, they got out of the car, and hand in hand they walked into the hotel. While trying to find the receptionist he made her twirl and she was laughing now as they made their way to the counter. "We'd like a room and a dinner tray ordered to the room," Miguel said while kissing Fiona's hands. "Alright here is your access card to the room, a tray would come in five minutes" the smart-looking receptionist replied. Miguel and Fiona thanked the receptionist and immediately they closed the door, he lifted her off the ground, his lips found hers, his hands ran through her hair and then her neck and then the bare skin that peeked out of the slit on her dress, her whole body was craving him as he was craving hers. His mouth gently found her neck as she held onto it and ran a hand through his hair. "Room service!", They were interrupted by the hotel dinner service, he didn't want to leave her but somebody had to go and get the food in. "One second " Miguel pulled away to get to the door, the tray rolled in it was filled with food and a bottle of red wine. He took out the glass, poured out wine, and offered it to Fiona, she took a sip from her glass, "Such lovely lips " Some of the red wine had spilled on her lips but she was unaware that Miguel was. He put down the bottle and slowly nibbled on her lips adding shivers down her spine, Miguel knew exactly what he was doing, he unzipped her dress, and in a short while they had sex, very passionate sex. For Fiona, it was love at first sight, all of those details and tailor-made kisses from Miguel to her couldn't have just been a one-night stand, it had to be love at first sight. For Miguel, it was a happy moment, one that was passionate, one that had been enough to win the challenge Simon gave him. Fiona Reece had fallen asleep it was 3 a.m, he took a picture of her in her sleep, paid for the hotel and the food, and left some money on her bed just above her head like he was paying for a session with a prostitute and drove away in his Mercedes before she woke up.