Fiona got dressed feeling a little sad and used but she was determined to leave France that day, on her way out of the hotel she bumped into Jenny."hello good afternoon, it's nice to see you "Fiona was trying to keep it cordial, "ah yes I remember you, Fiona, where's Miguel? Oh wait he seemed to have just left, tsk tsk tsk oh darling, you think you're the only one? You'll think he'll be all yours? Who do you think you are he's Miguel Pharrell, the richest and classiest man alive" She was exaggerating but she also knew about Miguel's fear of commitment but that wasn't the point, she wanted Fiona gone because there could be something strong between them, something she was afraid of since Miguel never met one woman twice, she was afraid of that. "Even if he comes to you forget him, let him go he only has space for me, he is only committed to me and what I require and you just want his money ". Fiona slapped Jenny she wouldn't have it, she had enough"That's enough, you'll never understand it this time and that's fine but don't you dare call me a gold digger, there's not enough gold in any man's pocket that will make me stay with him if I didn't want him, so get that" she pulled at her luggage and walked on. Simon was there to take her to the jet and in a few hours she was back in her apartment in New York. The first week passed there was no sign of Miguel, she thought she was ready and expected it to turn out this way but it still hurt. By the third week, she became extremely nauseous. She could barely eat or keep anything in, her boss was worried so he took her to a clinic nearby, after some tests, it turned out that Fiona Reece was pregnant, their night of passion had produced a passionate baby Fiona thought to herself. Now, she had to reach out to Miguel, she couldn't wait for his six weeks disappearing act, she was done with that. She contacted Simon he was the closest she'll ever get to Miguel. "Simon por favor-please I have to see Miguel, something has gone wrong, he needs to talk to me" Miguel was sitting next to Simon when he heard the phone, he got even more scared thinking she was getting more attached to him than he expected. He waved his hands, signaling to Simon that he was unavailable. "I'm sorry Miguel is not close by but I'll leave a message" Miguel was hung up on disappearing for at least two months this time, maybe she'd reject him if it was up to two months, she was getting too attached he had thought to himself, the calls were getting frequent. Miguel was trying to self-sabotage, he knew it was stupid but he did it anyway. For six weeks Fiona tried to reach him but he wouldn't let it happen.
Two months later on a Sunday morning, Fiona heard a knock on the door, she was curious as to who it was, her stomach had a bump small enough to be noticed. She opened the door and saw Miguel she was shocked but also so excited she threw her hands around him, and he was stunned as well. "I thought something bad had happened to you ", he noticed the bump as she released her hands from hugging him. "Fiona Bonito, what's going on, did get married and pregnant in two months " he wanted to know why she had a bump. "Did you see someone else while I was busy?" "Why do you care, I tried to reach out to you but you disappeared just like the last time, how dare you try to swing anything on me?" She was upset now and almost crying. "This is your child, you had better find a way to solve this because I don't want a bastard", he came into the apartment completely shocked, he dropped into a chair wondering what he was going to do next ." if you're trying to get me to stay with you with another man's child you're greatly mistaken Fiona" his words tore at her heart and the tears continued to flow. "I cannot believe you just said that Miguel, babies happen if you have sex, just in case you forgot how that works, this, what you're doing isn't funny and if you can't accept that this is your child then you can leave because I can't listen to this ". He looked at her and immediately he felt stupid and sorry for the words that had come out of his mouth. He stood up and held her as she cried, she let him comfort her as he whispered"I'm so sorry " he was. "I can't promise you a wedding, but I can be more present, I'll give you what you want and no more six weeks, or two months acts, I'm just having a hard time, I'll be better, I'll do better for our child, please you've got to meet me halfway, you'll be in every city I'm at until the baby is born but that's as much as I can give mi amor -my love please " he looked frightened he didn't want to lose her but he wasn't ready to be fully committed in a marriage dynamic. She knew he had some type of love for her but she just couldn't understand the totality of it. He kissed her forehead "Can we work with that, please, I don't want to lose you, you have to work with me "The familiar kisses had made her weak. She seemed to have no other choice she was caught up in Miguel's world, his persuasion his charm and gentleness, how could she resist, she was already carrying his child now. Weakened by his touch "Do I have a choice?" She asked "No you don't" he replied as they continued to kiss completely consumed by each other.