The twins finally came downstairs for breakfast. The sight they saw immediately after after they got down was expected. The fact that they were getting used to their parent'ss cold shoulders doesn't add up that they liked it. They've come accustom to that fact already. Just like any normal human being it still pains them.
They stared at each other sadly. Hassana led the way first then Hussain follows. Umm ABDULRASHEED had already made their special cuisine for them. Spaghetti.
Immediately they took their seat, the maid in charge of the kitchen quickly came out to serve their food the way they normally do. Any slight mistake, the maid is in trouble. After the two maids were done, they decided to go back to the kitchen and wait till the twins finish their meal as usual.
" Hussaina have I told you about this useless girl that was brought to my department? " hassana started a conversation
Hussaina rolled her eyes " No you haven't. what did she do? "
Hassana has always been the lousy one amongst the twins.
" You remember the girl we met at a boutique one time like that? The same one who bumped into me?"
" you mean the girl who made you fell on the floor? " Hussain said then chuckled
" Whatever" Hassana rolled her eyes
" So what's up with her. Is she now in our school? "
" yes, in fact, she is in my department and you need to see how she behaves around me" she groaned " I just wish I can wipe off that annoying smirk she always wears"
" Eyya, hard luck for you "
" really? Is that the only thing you can say? " Hassana scoffed
" What do you want me to say then ?" Hussain raised a brow " look I don't have time for this small talk As you can see I'm very hungry and if we don't eat it right now it'll get cold " Hussain told her as a matter of fact
Hassana pouted " you're insufferable sometimes wallahi "
That was how the matter ended and the two both dug in.
Habeeb knocked on the door as he reached his friend's place.
" Hey, you're finally here," his friend Kabeer said the moment he opened the door. He made way for him to enter
" you need to see how I rushed to this place all because you have something important to show me " Habeeb blew out a breath
Kabeer raised a brow don't need to lie guy, you took almost two hours to get here. Always a latecomer"
Habeeb chuckles " anyways I'm here already so let's get into business "
Kabeer could only roll his eyes at him " big head " he mumbles and then went to sit on the chair opposite Habeeb.
" so? " Habeeb clasped his hands
" be patient Habeeb. First, where is the stuff I asked you to bring? "
" it's in the car"
" why is the car? Anyways I'll get it later"
" ok," Habeeb said
Kabeer rubbed his stubbles " I came about a video and was shocked when I saw who the video entails"
Habeeb was confused " what is the video about? "
" I think you should see it yourself" Kabeer played the short video and then hand it to Habeeb.
Habeeb hesitated at first but it was from Kabeer. He pressed on play and paid attention to the video.
" No! This isn't possible! I know this lady" he was perplexed " How come she was in a hotel with a man?"
" Thank you. That's what I also thought" Kabeer said " thank God you recognized her "
" yes I do"
Something got Habeeb's thinking. He was confused about how Kabeer knows her when he now her yesterday in his parent's house even if his brain had told him they've met before. The confusing thing is how Kabeer said it like they've both met her on a particular day.
" But how do you know her? " Habib asked
Kabeer looked at him like he got two heads" have you forgotten that we met her together? I thought you said you know her? If truly you remember her then you should know that we met her together ?"
" Together? I don't remember seeing her anywhere before"
Kabeer scoffed " but you just said you know her immediately you watched the video so what are you trying to tell me? "
Habeeb blew out a breath " let's not confuse ourselves. When I said I know her, I meant I know her because she works in our house. She is a maid in our house. But I have this feeling that I've met her somewhere before "
" a maid? "
" yes Kabeer"
" How is that? She also didn't recognize you? "
Habeeb shook his head " no, she didn't recognize me. Is she supposed to? "
" yes. Let me remind you how it all happened. Two years ago we were at the hospital...
Kabeer was worried for his friend. He has never seen him this heartbroken.
" let's pray for her, I know she would survive this " Kabeer tried consoling
Habeeb whose face was wet with his tears cracked even more. The love of his life was in that room fighting for her life same with his baby girl. His beautiful two years old daughter, Yumna.
His world came crashing down when he received a call about their accident. He felt like dying right at the point. When he came to the hospital, the condition he met them wasn't what he had pictured. His beautiful wife suffered a head injury and some internal bleeding. His baby girl didn't spend up to an hour before she gave up the ghost.
It shattered Habeeb's heart. He had never pictured any of this coming. His life came crashing down at that moment. He couldn't bear the loss. The worst of all was when the doctor came out of the room where they have his wife. He knew another bad news was on the way.
" Doctor please don't tell me she is dead too, please doctor " he cried out
The doctor heaved a sigh " no she isn't. But I'll like to have a word with you in my office"
They all went into the doctor's office
" Mr. Habeeb, I know this happening is taking a toll on you but I just want you to know that whatever happens is just the way Allah wants it. He gives and takes and I know that he is going to replace it with an even better one.
" what do you mean doctor!! Are you trying to tell me that my wife and daughter are not better than whatever replacement you're talking about?! " he was in rage " the same Allah took away my little angel and my wife is also fighting for her life. What is more worst than that?!. If I lose my wife too, I have nothing to live for. I'll be all alone. I can't bear the pain doctor" he broke down
" Please don't say that Habeeb " Kabeer told him
" I can't lose her, I can't. I'll kill myself if that happens. She is the only person that keeps me sane. How will I be sane if she is gone? How? " his lips trembles " please doctor save her "
The doctor took pity on him but he has no control of the situation. The only one who can save her right now is Allah and no Matter what the outcome might be, Allah has his reasons.
Kabeer noticed that the doctor has something to say " what is it, doctor? Is there something we should know? "
The doctor nodded sadly " as I've told you earlier that the patient suffered an ous injury
Kabeer nodded and waited for the doctor to go-ahead
" We've tried our possible best to stop the bleeding which is a good thing. But what got us all worked up is the excessive blood she had lost and we need a blood donor as soon as possible. The blood type we have in our bank isn't matching with hers. I'm sure you know that she is type O and we need to get a volunteer either from family or friends so we can continue with the treatment. "
" You mean if we don't get her a donor, she might die? "
" No, I didn't say that. My only advice is that we get a donor as soon as possible. The only one left is the one we're using on her right now and the moment it finishes, we need another one as soon as possible "
Habeeb was broken. Just in one day, everything came crashing down.
"Habeeb let's go. The earlier the better " he dragged his friend outside.
The moment they were in the corridor, Habeeb was hyperventilating. All was too much to take in.
" Please calm down Habeeb. Just breath in and out slowly, it'll help" Habeeb repeated the process and gradually he calmed down.
" I don't know what to do Kabeer. I'm all alone. My parent who is supposed to be here isn't even here for me. Their work is more important than their son'sisal is the only one I know who can help but he isn't in the country. He doesn't even know that this has happened. "
" Why didn't you tell him! " Kabeer was shocked" you know how much he loves your baby girl and doesn't forget that he gets along well with your wife. He'll be broken if he finds out later "
" I'll tell him but first we need to get a donor. I'm confused, I don't even know What to do. I don't think we have any type of O in my family. Most of us are A or AB.
Unknown to the two, there is a particular young lady that had been watching them from afar all this while. She felt pity for the man sitting on the bench. From all that she had gathered, it seems the man's wife was fighting for her life and they are looking for a blood donor as soon as possible.
" hey, Kalthum why is mind elsewhere? Are you sure you're OK? " her friend Zainab asked. The two came to visit Zainab's father who had been sick for the past one week now and also this day marks two months since Kalthum had lost her father. The pain is buried deep in her chest. But as she watched the two young men from afar, it awakened that pain she had longed hidden. Her father's death took a toll on her and she knew she was forever going to miss him.
" I'm fine "
Zainab was suspicious of her behavior but didn't say anything " I need to go to the restroom. will you be fine here?"
" Yeah " Kalthum nodded and forced a smile
" OK then " zainab shrugged and left
The moment her eyes went back to the two young men, Something in her wasn't settling. It was as if something is pushing her to them. She finds their conversation sad that she also wants to help them out. She knows is stupid to all of a sudden want to help a stranger but she just couldn't help the feeling. The next thing surprised her.
Kalthum stood up and ran to catch up with the two young men as they were about to leave the hospital.
" excuse me! Excuse me! " she called out as she walked faster to catch up with them.
The two young men stopped walking when they heard a voice calling for their attention.
" How can we help you " Kabeer was the one who talked
She forces a small smile " I know this might sound crazy but anyways " she sighed " I overheard your conversation and I know that you have someone in there fighting for her life. Also, I overheard that she needs blood"
Kabeer nodded then folded his arm " yes you're right" he was the one doing all the talking while Habeeb was behind him.
" I was thinking maybe I might be of help"
" excuse me?"
" yes, you heard right. I know this is crazy but I don't care, I want to help. I'm type O and I'm sure the patient is also type O right? "
" I-i-i can't believe this. Yes, she is. Do you mean it? " Habeeb finally interfere. He was speechless " you don't know how this means to me "
" yes I'm very serious "
" But why are you doing this. We've never met before and you just--oh Allah I can't believe that this-- "
She smiled " I'm doing this because I want to do this. So let's get into work
" Subhanallah!! She is the one! " Habeeb shouted out in realization
Kabeer nodded with a smile "yes she is the one. You see why I said I have something important to tell you"
" I can't believe this! but how comes she doesn't recognize me? "
" I don't know either " Kabeer shrugged
" I need to confront her about this. That lady was a God sent even though we lost Rasheeda. I'm still grateful to her and the surprising thing is that she did it for free"
" what still baffles me is this video. It's been going viral for like two days now. It says that she is a prostitute and got caught by a woman whose husband she had been sleeping with " Kabeer told him" why I believe it is because of the video. The woman beating her kept shouting 'husband snatcher' and many other hateful words"
Habeeb rubbed his chin " I know she didn't do it. Something tells me she is innocent. Even if I had met her Just once oh sorry twice, forgotten I saw her yesterday, I know she isn't that type of girl"
" well, we don't know the real story. You can't judge a book by its cover" Kabeer sang out
" I'll find out when I visit the twins"