" well, I just hope you have a better reason for why you're behaving like a thief or rather should I say you're about to meet a lover?" Faisal all dressed up in his work clothes folded his arms and waited for her answer.
Kalthum gasped then turned around to come face to face with him" a thief ? a lover? "
" yes a thief or a lover" he told her challengingly
She swallowed quietly " Sir- I ju_st
" you just what? Just say it already and stop wasting our time "
His attitude towards her was beginning to annoy and irritate her at the same time " I just came to get water and chips"
" oh wow " he said pretending to be amused " never knew you are a glutton. I can't imagine how you'll finish those chips just tonight. " he pointed at the four packet of potatoe chips in her hand.
" I'm not a glutton sir " she gritted out
" oh really?! Then what are you? "
" If it really bothers you that I took four potatoe chips then I guess it's best I keep it back. I'm so sorry for taking it in the first place " she said and went to return it
" Stop! "
She faced him coyly " what? I thought you said I should return it "
" I never said so miss Kalthum."
"but you called me a glutton which simply means you don't appreciate me taking anything from your extravagant kitchen. I hate it when I'm being insulted sir"
" are you talking to me like that? " he frowned and took a step forward
Kalthum saw the anger in his eyes " n-o sir I was only trying to defending myself " she took a step backwards
" Defending yourself from what? From me? " he raised a brow " tell me aren't you a glutton? You have four packet of potatoe chips in your hand and you're trying to act innocent? Miss Kalthum need I remind you that you're here to work not to glutton around like a thief or rather stop acting like a whore who is here to see a lover_"
She gasped loudly and did the most unthinkable . Kalthum slapped him right on the face
Faisal stood speechless with eyes wide in shock " did you just slapped me?"
Kalthum realized her mistake" i-i-i am so sorry sir. I wasn't thinking I just-i just _" she couldn't think of the best reply so she ran out of the kitchen leaving her boss in bewilderment.
She didn't stop running not until she enteres her room looking so disrupted almost scaring Basma who was making use of her phone.
" I'm dead.. I'm dead" she chanted to herself.
Basma quickly got down from bed " what happened to you Kalthum?Why did you race inside like that? Is something wrong? "
" I'm so sorry Basma. I did something terrible and I know it's going to end our job. Please forgive me " she broke down
Basma heart skipped a beat " what did you do?" almost raising her voice .
" I might have slapped sir Faisal " she said guiltily
" I know i was wrong. Please don't hate me right now "
" Did you just know what you just did? Kalthum how could you do that ?"
Kalthum paced round the room " I'm sorry OK. I couldn't help it when he called me a whore. I wouldn't mind if he only called me a thief but a whore? I can't take it, I couldn't so I slapped him and ran away"
" you ran away? Kalthum are you out of your mind?"
" I know what I did was wrong but he called me a whore!"
" So what?! So what Kalthum? You aren't the First Lady to be called a whore and you won't be the last either "
Kalthum heaved a sigh " I know by tomorrow my sack letter would be sent to me. I'm dead. Mom wouldn't take it likely with me "
" so you knew that and you went ahead and slapped him" Basma was so mad at her " wallahi if any sack letter is also sent to me tomorrow, I will never forgive you , I won't "
" I'm sorry Basma "
" just pray they don't send me packing because I swear to God if they do, I'll forever be your worst nightmere"
Kalthum couldn't believe what was coming out of her sister's mouth " you'll actually do that?!"
" I promise you I will" with that Basma pushed Kalthum aside and went on to climb the bed .
" Don't forget you were the one that asked me to bring chips for you and that is exactly what instigated the insult" Kalthum reminded her " I never knew you'll think of leaving me to my problem and the worst is that you're even hating on me when you're suppose to help me out here "
" Just keep shut already Kalthum! I'm not in the mood for all this right now. Just pray I don't get sent out tomorrow because I'll never forgive you"
Kalthum scratched her head in frustration. She really needs to beg him but how? She doesn't think she can even look him in the eye after what she had done to him and she is so sure that he might have given Umm rasheed an order to send her away tomorrow morning.
" what do I do? " she said to herself "Ya Allah please help me! "
Faisal was in rage. How could that good for nothing girl slap him? How dare she? . But on a second note, he also knew he went too far with his harsh words. No lady would appreciate it if they were called a whore! But that still doesn't gives her the right to slap him!he is her boss and he needs that respect .
She needs to leave and that's his final decision.
As usual the alarm went off and the two sisters woke up. They both prepare themselves for work after praying fajr prayer. The two avoided talking to each other or rather Kalthum tried talking to Basma but the latter avoid her like a plague.
" Really? So you won't talk to me?"
Basma just eyed her and left the room.
Kalthum wasn't surprised at all. She is now used to this new side of Basma. It was as if she changed to a new person when they got here and here she thought they were actually getting along yesterday before the slap incident.
Kalthum shrugged, her mind was already made up so be it if he decides to send her away. She would never regret defending herself. She is not a whore. For that reason, she would stay in her room till the person Sir Faisal might send to inform her about her dismissal comes.
Umm rasheed noticed Faisal's change of behaviour. He has been acting strangely since he woke up. The moody face and the scowl he wears says it all that something or someone had wronged him and she must find out about it.
Faisal came downstairs for breakfast " Good morning nanny" he greeted not even looking at her face. Right that moment she knew something was up.
" where are the twins? "
" They've gone to the University "
" ok" he nodded and then dive into his food
" is something wrong Faisal? "
" why? "
" you look different today and it's unusual "
" Nanny please just forget it " he told her rudely
This got nanny angry. Her Faisal has never talked rudely to her .
" No I won't not until you tell me what is wrong with you "
" please Nanny just stop it already. I'm not in the mood right now " he rubbed his forehead slightly
" I won't until you say it " umm rasheed stood her ground
Faisal gave up then burst out his anger " why didn't you tell me that aunty Turai was here the last two weeks and she got insulted by mom. Tell me? "
Nanny was caught by surprise
" oh you thought I wouldn't find out right? Imagine my surprise when I went to visit Hindatu yesterday just to find out that her mother left her the same day she came here! I can't believe you could betray my trust nanny. I thought we were a team?! But now I can see that you've decided to join hands with my parents "
" just stop talking and listen to me for once Faisal "
" Alright then, I'm listening. Let here what you have to say about it "
Umm rasheed sighed " I know hiding that from you was so wrong of me but I had to do it because I know what you can do faisal"
" what I can do? Alright then tell me what I can do?" he raised a brow
" don't talk to me like that Faisal "
" you should have thought about it before you hid it from me "
" just let me talk please " umm rasheed pleaded
" I'm all ears"
" Yes she was here to meet you but unfortunately she didn't get to see you because you'd already left for work. Instead she unluckily met your mom who hadn't left for work. Well you know how your mom can be, one thing led to another and the argument started. I don't need to go into details about that ,because you already know what the argument was all about "
" That hasn't answered why you of all people kept it away from me " an impatient Faisal told her.
" I hid it from you because as heated as the argument was, you might make a rash decision just to anger your parents "
" anger my parents ? And what is the rash decision? " he asked
" The same one you've always thought of doing. "
Realization dawned on him " but that still doesn't gives you the right to hide it from me "
" I know and I'm sorry. I don't want you to make a decision you'll regret for the rest of your life. I have always wished for your happiness and you know that faisal. You've always have the idea of marrying that hindatu girl just to save her from what she had caused herself. "
" Nanny can you please stop talking as if you know what's best for me!. Hindatu might actually be the woman for me and if I decides to marry her no one can stop me from doing that. "
" please Faisal"
" Just stop it Nanny,please"
" Don't do this to yourself. I do care about your happiness and I know it within me that Hindatu isn't the one for you and you yourself know that . I just want you to think about it son"
He blew out a breath " Fine I've heard you, I'll think about it."
" Thank you son "
Faisal decided to change the topic " Nanny have you seen Kalthum around? "
Nanny furrowed her brows " isn't she suppose to be cleaning your room? "
" no she isn't. Can you please call her for me? "
"Faisal did something happened ?"
" Don't worry nanny all would be cleared up when she gets here "
" uhm ok" Nanny nodded and left to get Kalthum
Kalthum paced round her room. It's past an hour now and Faisal hasn't sent anyone to her. Could it be that he has forgiven her? She thought .
Kalthum rubbed her neck tiredly. If she doesn't leave this room right now,she is so going to die of suffocation. Her thoughts are suffocating her, she needs to know his decision right this minute and that's what she needs to find out. She twist the door knob to leave her room and Wala she came face to face with Umm Rasheed who was about to knock.
Kalthum forced a smile and greeted " Good morning ma"
" Morning dear" umm rasheed replied " what are you still doing in your room when you're supposed to be working?"
Kalthum was surprised that she doesn't know what she did. That means Sir Faisal hasn't told her. Could that be a good sign?
" oh that . I-i-i
" you what? Did something happened between you and Faisal ? Because I don't understand why he asked me to get you"
" he said that? " it's about to happen
" yes dear, he asked me to get you but before that I want to know what happened"
Kalthum knew this was her chance to get saved " I might have slapped Sir Faisal " she fiddles with her nails
Umm rasheed paused then broke into laughter " That's a nice joke dear,You actually got me. But now let's be serious, what actually happened"
" I'm serious ma. I actually slapped sir faisal"
" what?! How? Why? "
" I know that what I did is very wrong ma and I'm ready to take any punishment from him even if it means losing my job"
" oh dear! " umm rasheed felt pity for her "why did you do it in the first place? I'm sure you have your reason"
One thing Kalthum loves about this woman is that she doesn't take sides. She only judge when she hear the two sides of the story and that really mean alot to her.
Kalthum started by telling her how she went to the kitchen to get water and one thing led to another which then led to the slap. She told her the whole truth.
" wow" umm rasheed was awestrucked " you've got some nerves dear. But you know what?
" what? "
" I totally support you. He deserves it and much more . Come let go there and give him the taste of his medicine. Just leave everything to me dear "
Kalthum smiled " Thank you so much ma"
" Don't thank me yet dear. Let's resolve it first "
" ok" she nodded
" let's go"
Faisal patiently waited for them with a mug filled with tea in one hand and a newspaper in the other.
It's so disheartening to see how the number of crime rate in our country keeps on increasing. The government really need to put more efforts in other to stop it.
" Assalamualaikum " umm rasheed greeted as she entered
" waalaikumussalam" Faisal answered
" She is here "
" Good morning sir " Kalthum greeted innocently
" Really? Did you really think that I'll have a nice morning after what you did yesterday? "
" I'm sorry sir "
"Sorry for yourself "
" Stop it faisal"
" Stay out of it nanny. You don't know what this maid did to me "
" yes I know. She told me everything "
" She still leaves Nanny. "
" No she won't. Is this about the slap or about what happened at the hotel? I know for a fact that you still aren't happy that she works here"
" Whatever the reason might be nanny, I don't care ,she must leave. Who knows what other secrets she is hiding"
Umm rasheed groaned " please just stop it already Faisal "
" I don't trust her nanny. She has to leave and that's final"
Kalthum saw that the argument was getting heated and she doesn't like it " Ma, sir Faisal is right. I also don't think I'll be able to work in a place where I'm not trusted. I think it's best I leave "
" No you can't and you won't " Nanny told her
" of course she will leave " Faisal said
Heads turn towards the door where the owner of that booming voice was standing. " no one is leaving " Habeeb repeated