Basma waits for his response but she got non surprisingly, instead he just gave a curt nod then left.
Kalthum can finally breath freely.while he was here, her breathe kept hitching here and there.
After Sir Faisal was far from listening ear, Basma turns her burning stare on Kalthum who also matched her gaze.
" why are you looking at me like that? " Kalthum asked with folded arms.
Already Basma had ended the call with their mother the moment she saw Sir Faisal standing.
" What were you two talking about?" Basma eyed her
" it's non of your business "
" of course it's my business! Have you forgotten that I'm your guardian here? and that means I should know everything about your movement in this house "
Kalthum let out a sarcastic laugh " Really now? And since when did you became my guardian? Last I checked you said you don't want anything to do with me so what changed? "
Basma huffed " you don't get to ask me that "
" look Basma, I'm sure you're here to hand over your phone to me cos mom had called right? You've got no right to ask any questions and don't you worry, I'll give mom a call" Kalthum left a fuming Basma.
Basma wasn't having it, so she ran to attack Kalthum from the back which result to her fall. Basma pounce on her with every fiber in her, she was seeing red.
Kalthum who just recovered from the sudden fall, finally over powered her sister. She also pounced on Basma the same way she was pounced on. Kalthum was tired of being the bigger person, she was tired of making Basma walk all over her. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
" you don't get to beat me like that. I'm tired of all your shenanigans. I'm tired of trying to make you understand and I'm tired of letting you control me. I don't know who you are anymore!" Kalthum said each words with all the anger she has in her.
The two sisters freeze in their position. Basma quickly pushed Kalthum away from her body. Kalthum quickly stood up
" Ma"
" what is all this rubbish?" umm rasheed asked confused
Basma saw that as an opportunity to act like the victim. She broke down in tears all of a sudden " Nanny, you saw what happened. I don't know what came over my sister. She has been attacking me since we started working here. She treats me like her junior sister when infact I'm the senior one. Please help me nanny, please take her away from me, from us. Her anger issue is becoming something I don't really understand anymore. At home we thought she was going to change after coming here but instead the situation kept worsening. Please help me Nanny "
Since Kalthum was the one on top of Basma when Nanny came, her lies looks believable.
" is that right Kalthum? " Nanny asked sternly
" i-i -i
" you see what I'm talking about nanny? She also can't believe what she has done. She needs help "
Kalthum was short of words. She just couldn't comprehend What was going on. Was her sister indirectly calling her a psycho?
" that's not true " Kalthum finally found her words " I'm not crazy, believe me Umm rasheed "
Umm rasheed huffs " I don't even know what to believe anymore but what I'm definitely sure about is, I'll deal with the two of you tomorrow morning " she dismissed
Basma smirked secretly hoping this will be an opportunity to send her sister home.
Some may say, University isn't that hard but actually depends on the course you study for it to be hard. People see it as if the hardest courses in the University are that of science courses. what these people fail to understand is that there are lots of other courses outside science courses that are much more hard to study. This conversation had been going over and over in Hussaina's head, aside from being a rich and spoilt brat, she is gifted with knowledge. She has what it takes to bag a first class or less a second class upper.
An argument concerning this issue arose among her click of friends who aren't art student. She hates the fact that, they think that art and social science students are lower to them and the funniest of all is that this friend she is talking about are dumb to the extent that they can't even survive a semester without ending up having six carryovers.
Aside from her friends, she knows that other people think that way too. She only want people to know that being a science, art or commercial students has it own pros and cons. The way science students think that their courses are hard that's how it is with other courses from other faculties. All courses in this world are important and have also added and will continue to add economical value to this world so no one has the right to say his or hers is better than others or even have the right to look down on others. It's more like saying You've never tried something but you're already judging without even trying. People will never change.
" what have you been thinking about ?" hassana asked her twin as she came out of the bathroom. She left her sister staring into space before she entered the bathroom and now she is still doing the samething.
Hussaina snapped her head up to meet her twin's gaze " it's nothing. I was only thinking about the argument that unfolded in school yesterday "
Hassana stares at her sister like she's got two heads " is that why you've been spacing out?! Oh please forget about it. You know What always comes out Basira's mouth are always jargons."
Hussaina yawned hungrily " I know ". Hussaina has always been the nicest twin but never shows it until one gets to know her better.
" by the way I've got some gist for you " hassana grinned widely .
" and what's that ?" Hussaina asked quizzically
" Remember that guy from accounting class? The cute guy I once told you about "
Hussains raked her brain to remember " you mean Saddam? The guru? Your crush? "
" bingo!. Yes him "
" What about him? " Hussaina asked confused.
" He is going to be tutoring me!" she squealed out like it was the most beautiful thing she has ever said
" Really? " hussaina didn't get why hassana needs a tutor when infact she is an average.
" aren't you happy for me ?"
" I don't get why you need a tutor Hassana? Don't get me wrong here"
" oh please, have you forgotten that I'm not good in accounting , which is one of the course a business admin student must offer"
Hussaina rolled her eyes " for goodness sake you're an average in that course. Just say it out loud that you just want to be friends with him and you're only using this tutor of a thing as a cover up"
" fine " Hassan huffs " you got me there"
Hussaina chuckles " don't forget that I know you more than you know yourself Hassana".
" Be fun for once" Hassana slumped her shoulders and move forward to sit on their king size bed " he won't notice me and that is the only option I have for him to notice me "
Hussaina was surprised " you can't just force a relationship on someone . Maybe he is even in a relationship "
" I don't think so. I've never seen him with anylady that I don't know of"
Hussaina brows shot up in surprise " Subhanallah! are you now stalking him? "
" of course not. Words goes around, remember "
" you'll never change. Anyways have you two made arrangements about this tutoring of a thing? "
Hassana nodded " yes. He'll be coming over to tutor me every Monday and Friday"
" wait! do you mean he will be coming here as in to our house !"
" of course silly " Hassana chuckles
" and he agreed?"
" yeah" Hassana nodded with a smile " I was also surprised, I didn't expect him to agree "
" Today is Friday, does that mean he is coming today? "
" yes, he is coming " Hassan nodded excitedly
" well, that's good for you. I hope you've told yaya Faisal about it? "
" Trust me ,I've already done that "
" okay then " hussaina climbs down the bed " my stomach has been grumbling nonstop for food.I'm heading to the dinning room, are you coming? "
" sure, let's go"
To Basma surprise, her plan didn't work. Umm rasheed had decided to give them a warning but promised to send one of them home if it repeat itself. Because of this, Basma has been sending daggers with her eyes at Kalthum, who in return winks triumphantly at Basma .
Kalthum couldn't believe it. Umm rasheed is just the best. She gave her sister one last wink then catwalk to the kitchen. Her action annoys Basma the more.
Kalthum picked up the tray containing coolers of food and went to set it on the dinning table. When she finished cleaning Sir Faisal's room who by the way left so early, another maid who took a liking on her begged her to help in the kitchen which she kindly agree.
The twins where already seated in their seat. " Good morning " Kalthum greeted as she drops the tray on the table.
" what's good ab_ OW! "
" Morning "
Hassana being the rudest one out of the twins wanted answering rudely but unfortunately was kicked on the leg by her other twin, the less rude one, hussaina.
Kalthum smiles at the less rude one as she prefers to call her then walk back to the kitchen to bring the last tray.
There was a knock on the door
Kalthum wanted going to open the door but got stopped by the rudest twin
" I'll get it myself " Hassana said sharply
Kalthum shrugged and made her way back to the kitchen.
" Saddam? You're here? " Hassana said immediately she saw who was by the door
Kalthum freeze at the mention of the name saddam
A tall handsome Fulani guy stood by the door with a small smile on his face " I'm sorry I came early. The thing is I have a plan in the afternoon which I forgot to mention "
" not at all, I'm okay with whatever you decide. Come in" hassana opens the door wider for him to enter " infact you came on time, we were about to have breakfast "
At 11am? He wanted saying but refrain himself
" I hope I won't be a bother? " he asked like the gentleman he is
" Not at all" she smiled and directed him to the living room after he greeted her other twin" have your seat "
Saddam nodded and took his seat
" I'll just go up to bring my books"
" No wait! " Saddam stops her " it's not right to miss your breakfast just because I came. Please go have your breakfast first, I'll be here waiting "
" erm, then you must come over to join us " she said shyly
He shook his head " I've had my breakfast but thanks for the offer anyway. So please do have your breakfast and I'll be here waiting " he assured her with a charming smile of his own
" okay" she nodded and gave him one last smile before walking over to the dinning table.
Kalthum knew her eyes weren't deceiving her. The person right there in the living room was actually Saddam her neighbour back at home. He was her friend not until she found out that he has a crush on her, so since then, she had been avoiding him. Now that he is here, she is surprise.
" What are you looking at?" Basma annoying voice said " oh wow isn't that Saddam? " her brows shot up in surprise
Kalthum sighed irritably and turn around to leave but the unexpected happened. Basma had already called out his name.
" Saddam it's me Basma and here is Kalthum " Basma waved as she held Kalthum in place with her other hand
" at least now he can see the worthless piece of maid you are. I'm sure whatever crush he has for you will be out of the window after seeing you in a maid dress and worst is that the twins her is friends, his class, not a maid like you " Basma whispered with a triumph smile.
" Kalthum? " Saddam was already up. Since they weren't that far he walked to meet them.
" yes here is Kalthum " Basma turned Kalthum around with a wide smile " Kalthum, won't you say hi to your friend here "
Kalthum wish she could wipe off the smirk on Basma annoying face " h-i Saddam"
" well, I think I should leave you two to catch up. It was nice seeing you Saddam " and with that Basma left happily
" What are you guys doing here Kalthum? A maid? How is it possible? " Saddam couldn't help but ask.
Kalthum smiled tightly at him " what do you mean by that?"
" please don't get me wrong here Kalthum. I'm not trying to insult you. I'm only surprise. This explains why I haven't been seeing you "
Kalthum took a deep breath to calm herself " Now that you know I'm a maid you can go back to your seat. My boss won't appreciate it if we are seen together "
" wait Kalthum" he held her hand " I'm sorry if my words hurts you, I didn't mean it that way. You know I've always liked you and that won't change even if you're a maid "
Her eyes shoots up to meet his, surprised. She didn't expect this from him " i-i-i really don't know What to say to you Saddam "
" No, you don't need to say anything now. Just th_
" I can see you've finally met our maid " Hassana interrupted. She stood beside Saddam with a wide smile. Kalthum already knew that smile was fake
Saddam cleared his throat " she's a friend of mine "
Hassans almost choked on her saliva " a friend? "
" yes we've known each other way back " he explained even if he doesn't need to.
" oh wow" Hassana couldn't help but say then send an angry glare at Kalthum.
Kalthum knew it was time for her to leave " I'll just excuse you two"
" wai-
Saddam wanted stopping her but got interrupted
" yes you should " Hassana said with a sickening sweet smile but Kalthum knew other wise so she ran for her life