Winterville High School
Just outside Mr Connor's office which was located in the arts department's first block, Lucia was scrolling through messages on her Hangouts and replying them, using it as a medium to pass out time whilst waiting for Kamilia and Taylor to finish their meeting inside Mr Connor's office.
When someoene tapped her from behind, she turned to see the guy who bumped into her the previous day, staring at her, amidst broad smiles. He was clad in a black shirt with blue stripes and black jeans, accompanied with black sneakers. His scent dominated the air around her, he had this 'aura' of attraction around him.
"Hey!" He called out.
"Oh scared the butt outta me" she replied.
"I'm sorry about that, your friends must be having a hard time in there right?" He joked.
"Definitely, I'm sorry have we met before, you kinda look familiar" She asked politely.
"Nope, by the way I'm Kyle, Kyle Rogers" He extended his hand for a handshake.
"Lucia Keystone" she shook hands with him.
"So, I was wondering if we could go grab lunch later at Crowntime, together?!"
"Uh.....uh..... great! Yeah! That would be nice" She stammered, not knowing whether to turn down the request or not.
"Alright then, I'll see you there!" Kyle concluded before walking away, beaming with smiles.
Lucia was stunned, did she just accept to go out on a lunch date with him?
"Hell yeah!" She rejoiced as her heart beat rate became faster.
Kyle walked past the main entrance gate of the school and headed towards the main road leading to his street when he sighted one of Hitler's pack member on his trail. Why was he following him?
Instead of taking the main road that led straight to his street, he took another narrow path that looked more like a shortcut. He turned to see if the boy was chasing him but he was gone, then everywhere was quiet and calm and this gave him a strange feeling. The air in the surroundings became tensed. He looked around but no one was there, yet he could feel the presence of someone.
He turned to keep going but this time, he saw a guy, dressed in a black jacket, standing in front of him.
"Who are you?" Kyle asked, this wasn't the guy he saw earlier, what was going on? He could tell that this guy was a vampire, but what did he want with him.
"You're not one of us are you?" Another came behind him. Kyle turned to see four more guys behind him. Kyle could see shiny rings on their fingers, he figured these were day walking enchanted rings that allowed vampires to walk freely under the sun.
The first one walked towards him, as if he was trying to sniff out something.
"You're a vampire, but you're not like us! You're something else, now tell us what you are!" He shouted at the top of his voice, his fangs and claws protracted, same with the others.
"You'll have to catch me first" Kyle said and took a step backwards, before speeding away in a blur.
The vampires chased after him, tail to tail as he sped past buildings, roads, and led them into the wild woods, where no one could notice them fighting, in order not to attract the attention of supernatural hunters, the worst enemies of supernatural beings.
As a Vampire/Werewolf hybrid, Kyle was faster than them, but he had to come up with a plan to escape them, or else!
He arrived in the wild woods and hopped on tree branches, from one branch to another, using it as a distraction against his pursuers but he didn't notice a clawed fist coming for his chest.
The vampire's fist collided with Kyle, sending him down to the floor. He quickly sprang up and Maintained a stance as they surrounded him.
"Nowhere to run now!"
"Fine! You want a fight? I'll give you one!" Kyle shouted as his eyes glowed green and his claws and fangs protracted as well.
He sped towards a vampire and dug his claws into his neck, before flinging him away like a ragdoll. He weaved a punch from another vampire and sent his claws right through his chest, pulling out his heart.
The first vampire charged at him, with both his claws aimed for his neck, he sped out of the way in evasion and retaliated with a swift kick to the lower abdomen which sent the latter flying into a tree.
He grabbed the last vampire attacking by the neck and dug his fangs inside, boring a hole through and throwing him away. Kyle had Superior strength and speed, there was no way there were gonna stand a chance against him.
He walked towards the Vampire he just bit, the latter was sprawling on the floor, groaning to the excruciating pains.
"I am a Vampire/Werewolf hybrid, you can't survive the bite of a werewolf so stop trying to heal" Kyle taunted as he looked around him. Three of the vampires were dead, but the first one was nowhere to be found.
"Looking for me?" The vampire's voice came from behind him.
Kyle turned to see six more vampires standing where the vampire once stood, the one he bit was long gone. These vampires looked more vicious, their ferocity could be seen in their dark eyes which also portrayed their anger.
"You wanna die? Come on!" Kyle shouted as he braced for impact.
But the vampires began backing down, their growls stopped, they all wore perplexed looks.
Kyle heard creaking sounds behind him, and he turned to see Hitler and ten of his pack members standing behind him, their eyes all glowing yellow, but no claws or fangs.
"What's going on here?" He too was perplexed.
Hitler stepped forward and spoke.
"I know what you and your pawns did Andrew! Now I don't need to tell you that tonight there's gonna be a full moon, and you know what that means, so I suggest you back down!" Hitler spoke boldy.
"We've got unfinished business Hitler, I'll be back" Andrew, the leader of the vampires replies and whistled, then he and his gang of daywalkers sped away, crushing the dry branches and leaves on the floor.
"Can someone please explain what's going on to me!" Kyle demanded.
"Leave us!" Hitler gestured for his pack members to leave, and they left, like they were never there.
Kyle gave Hitler that look of mistrust.
"Look, i know you think we're your enemies but trust me we're not!"
Hitler began.
"We're the good guys?" He added.
"You except me to believe that? After all the people you've killed in school?!" Kyle retorted.
"No, trust me, we didn't kill those people, the daywalking vampires did?"
"You and I both know werewolves can't transform fully until the night of the full moon, and we also can't transform in the day!" Hitler explained.
"So you're saying the vampires framed you?"
"No, all I'm trying to say is, there's a war going on out there, between the vamps and we wolves, and you have to pick a side" Hitler replied, walking closer towards Kyle.
"And what happens if I don't?" Kyle shot back.
"Then, you go extinct!"
At the mention of the word 'extinct', Hitler vanished.
Kyle laughed at the fact that Hitler was threatening him, a hybrid, he wasn't even afraid of what he might do to him.
Lucia was already at Crowntime restaurant, located in the southern part of Winterville. She was donned in a blue fancy gown and a black heels, accompanied with a blue head-band. Her pink lipgloss complimented her beauty on an absolute scale.
She was frustrated, angry, and disappointed at the same time. Kyle didn't show up at 2:00pm and now it was five minutes to 3 o'clock and he still hadn't shown up. Did he forget or he probably isn't interested in her anymore? She had already reserved a table for them. She even noticed some of Winterville high school's students enjoying their scheduled lunch dates with their partners while she was alone.
She wished she had his contact, she could've called to know the reason why he bailed.
"This is totally hopeless" she stood up in annoyance and walked out of the restaurant.
Just outside the restaurant, she sighted Kyle approaching from a distant.
She didn't even wait for him to reach her before she walked briskly away.
Kyle on noticing this, hurried after her.
"Hey slow down" he called out to her but she ignored him and continued walking.
"Come on, I can explain" he tried to reason with her but she had already boarded a taxi which drove away at max speed.
"Ah f*ck!" He cursed inwardly.
'See what those bastards caused me'
'Why was I acting like a child, I should've ended them quickly!' Kyle blamed himself for the misfortune.
"I'm really sorry about that man" he heard Hitler's voice behind him.
"You again, what do you want?'
"Chillax dude, I just want to help" Hitler said, with beaming smiles.
"We could go clubbing tonight you know, and you could try inviting her" he added.
"How do I even get to see her, I don't have her contact or adresss" Kyle shot back.
"Well, I do!"
"And try not screwing up this time" Hitler added, giving Kyle a 'trust-me' look.
Kyle was still not convinced, one minute, Hitler was threatening him and now, he wanted to be friends with him.