Dive into the city of Winterville, to uncover the unending mysteries of this city, where supernatural beings are the ter...
Welcome To Winterville!
Winterville City
Wild woods, Eastern Winterville.
Deep in the wild woods, on the night of a full moon. Howling sounds could be heard at a distant, same with the unending rustling of leaves, but the most attention attracting sound in these woods was the feminine voice making silent cries for help as it's owner sped through the woods. She was panting heavily, her face all drenched in sweat.
She pulled off her blue jacket, leaving only her pink vest, which was accompanied with her blue jeans.
Her left leg collided with a log of wood and she tripped, landing roughly on the floor.
She was now exhausted, she wasn't sure she could get back on her feet. She gave out silent cries whilst staggering to get on her feet, in other continue the sprint.
But deep down she knew she needed to find somewhere safe to hide, giving the pros and cons, the terrfic wild creatures on her tail were closing in on her. She regretted ever coming into the woods with her friends, Taylor and Kamilia, now she didn't know if they were safe, or they'd been turned into dinner by those horrible looking creatures that attacked them.
Suddenly she heard thuds, giant thuds, she knew they were close, she managed to get up and tried to continue the sprint but a large figure landed in front of her, making her stumble backwards.
She screamed loudly as the creature got closer, it's head as large as the wheels of a car, it's fangs dripped it's saliva, it's eyes were glowing yellow. How could a wild animal be standing on it's feet!
She continued moving backwards, amidst screams. The Creature opened it's mouth and gave out a loud roar, it felt like it was calling on to something, or someone rather.
A slight cracking sound was heard behind the beast, and it dropped down dead. A humanoid figure was left standing as the beast went down. He had just killed the beast with one strike.
She had no idea who the man was, but she knew he was another dangerous creature, weird things are happening in just one night.
"Who...who are you?" She stammered. The man walked towards her, his mere walking steps sent shivers down her spine.
"Let me help you" The man's voice sounded like that of a teenager.
"Please don't hurt me!"
“You will return home, and forget everything ” The man's voice rang continuously in her head.
"Please don't.....please don't.....!" She couldn't complete her statement before everything went blank and she became unconscious, shutting her eyes. *Black out*
"Lucia! Wake up, you're gonna be late for school!" Her mother's voice rang in her head. The sun rays pierced through her windows, into her room, reflecting on her face.
Her eyes slowly opened up, her blurry vision cleared out after some seconds, she sat up on her bed, she was still wearing her pink vest and jeans, she felt a slight headache.
She tried remembering all that happened, but nothing came inside her head, it's like her memories of last night had been erased. She didn't even notice her mom standing by the door.
"Good morning Mom!" She greeted, getting up from her bed.
"Did you have a nightmare again sweetie?"
"N..no.mom" she stammered.
"Are you okay?" Her mom asked again.
"Yes, mom, I'm all good!"
"Alright then! Get ready, your father's waiting, he'll drop you off at school today" Her mom concluded before exiting the room.
Lucia heaved a sigh of relief, like some weight had been dropped off her shoulders, she wondered why though.
Mr Jacob Keystone, the father to Lucia Keystone, dressed in his black Italian suit, and holding a briefcase was standing beside his black ranger Rover, waiting for his daughter to come out, so they would get going. He pulled out the car keys from his pockets and opened the driver's door.
Just then, Lucia rushed out of the house, wearing a brown leather jacket and a blue top, accompanied with a black tight skirt and sneakers. Her backpack was hung on her back.
"All set, Dad" Lucia excitedly said as she rushed inside the car.
The car's engine hummed to life, and they drove away, heading towards Lucia's school.
Winterville High School,
Southern Winterville.
Mr Jacob's car pulled at the spot meant for car packing and Lucia stepped out.
"Oh, Lucia, I forgot to ask, how was last week's literature test?" Mr Jacob asked.
"Well, it went smoothly Dad, and guess what, you turned out to be a great teacher!" She commented.
"Thanks honey, now you stay safe out there okay?"
"Right, bye Dad!" She waved him goodbye as she walked away.
Mr Jacob watched as she navigated through the partitioned road leading to the main gate, he sighed before driving away.
Lucia waved at some students studying near the walls as she moved on towards her class. She had almost forgot it was a Tuesday morning, both students and teachers moved here and there, some studying, others rushing to class, the sports participants dressed in their field jerseys moved in a straight line towards the sports field.
She walked towards a canteen beside the school library and checked if she could find Kamilia and Taylor, but they weren't there.
She removed her phone from her backpack and dialed Kamilia's Number, the call wasn't going through. She was starting to get worried, she walked into the school library, whilst dialing Taylor's number, her's connected.
"Hey, where are you guys?" She asked.
"Hey nuthead, we are at the locker facility"
"You better get here fast" Taylor and Kamilia's voices came at the other end of the phone. Lucia hung up amidst laughter, they were two important people in her life, they had been friends since the first day at school.
Lucia walked into the locker facility and sighted her two naughty and adventurous friends.
"What's up big girl, you got lost?" Kamilia asked her.
"Crabhead" Lucia said and they all burst into laughter.
"Don't you think we should be headed to class, I mean it's almost past eight" Taylor said.
"Excuse me" A boy's voice came from behind them, they all turned to see a boy, probably sixteen years of age, dressed in a white sleeveless top, brown shoes, and brown trousers.
His hair was neatly combed, he had this look of confidence in him.
"How you doing pretty boy?" Kamilia teased, and they all burst into laughter.
The boy was intimidated.
"I'm sorry, we didn't mean to" Lucia partially apologized.
"Okay.....I wanted to....." He didn't even finish speaking before Taylor tapped them both.
"We should get going"
"Sorry, we have a class to attend, next time" she pleaded, referring to the boy.
'Aren't these three so weird' the boy thought.
"They wouldn't even hear what I had to say" the boy complained before walking away.
Kyle walked stealthily towards the chemistry department block, he was trailing after a set of boys, Hitler and his gang of bullies. He was donned in a black hoodie and a blue baggy trouser, he was certain that this was the pack of werewolves that attacked three girls in the woods last night, he could feel their aura. He was glad he'd managed to save them, and erase their memories in time, else, God knows what would've happened to them.
Step by step, block by block, he walked after them as they went on, laughing and discussing, they made a turn to the left and entered a corner in the second block of the chemistry department.
'What are they up to?' Kyle thought.
One of the boys looked back, but Kyle swiftly hid behind a wall, and when he stuck out his head to check their movements, they were gone! No sign of them. He had to get out of there fast, he didn't want to get in a fight with them, at least not now!
He took two steps back and in the blink of an eye, he was gone. He had sped out of there, courtesy of his vampire speed.
An eerie kind of silence dominated the scene, no one could utter a word, everyone was filled with fear and grief. Both students, and teachers watched as the cops carried the corpses of two of the school's security men away. Some students had found the bodies about thirty minutes ago and raised an alarm.
They were found, brutally murdered outside the school's clinic, their arms and legs had been pulled out, bite marks all over their bodies, everyone thought an animal did this. This was the fourth time they were having an 'animal' attack like this in two weeks.
Kyle walked towards the scene, devastated by the occurence, he scanned the area, in search of Alan, his Elder brother.
He found him, standing next to some students, dressed up in a black suit like the 90's citizens, watching the scene. He walked briskly towards him, and pulled him out of the crowd.
"What's up with you?" Alan asked, a little bit annoyed.
"I think I found out who's behind these recent killings" Kyle said.
"And who do you think that might be?" Alan asked.
"Hitler and his pack, they're growing stronger and enlarging in numbers everyday, we need to stop them?"
"Don't go there kid, the plan was to lay low and stay put, we just arrived here months ago, and you expect us to start creating problems again" Alan said, raising his voice a little bit.
"Come on brother, innocent people are dying, we have to help them?" Kyle argued.
"And after that? We attract Hitler's wrath? Huh?"
"And the weredragons, you want them to find us again?" Alan pointed out.
"Come on, these people are beneath us, they don't stand a chance against we hybrids and we're literally immortal. Kyle protested.
"Come on, we're on the run for our lives, for ten thousand years, we've barely settled down to live a life, and now that we've gotten that here, you want us to barge into something that isn't our concern?"
"How could you be so cruel brother?" He paused for a while.
"Listen, I'm doing this, with or without your help!" Kyle concluded before walking away.
"So arrogant" Alan spurted out, he hated the fact that Kyle was so sturbborn, this was what got them almost killed in their previous lives.