"We're back!" Nayeon announced.
The girls who stayed waved at them.
The two girls placed the some sticks down on the fire pit, they place the spared sticks at the side.
"Where's DahMoJi?" Chaeyoung asked.
"Could you stop fusing our names." Nayeon said.
"Shhh, it'll catch on okay." Chaeyoung came back.
Nayeon rolled her eyes.
"Hey guys!" Dahyun waved at them whilst carrying passion fruits.
"Wow passion fruits." Jeongyeon came and took one.
"Did you guys have to climb a big tree." Tzuyu spoke.
"By 'guys' you mean Jihyo then yes we did." Momo answered.
"I can see that now." Mina looked at Jihyo with messy hair and dirt all over her.
"You've should of been there it was-." Dahyun didn't finish her sentence when Jihyo glared at her.
"Come on I wanna eat." Sana demanded.
There were only 10 passion fruit they could find.
They all had one each and one for spare.
"Ugh... I don't feel too good." Momo moaned.
"You should eat slowly." Sana instructed.
"It's not that."
Momo's stomach started to growl louder.
"Momo... did you eat the berries that I told you specifically not to eat?"Jihyo asked.
"No..." she paused. "Okay maybe I had one."
"Momo!" Jihyo exclaimed.
"I was hungry and I thought one couldn't hurt."
"Looks like it did, what colour was it?" Tzuyu asked.
"White and it had a pink flower." Momo replied.
"Well then you're dead."
"What?!" Both Sana and Dahyun gasped in unison.
"Actually, what she ate was a Snowberry which is not that harmful to our body. But the harm of eating it is-." Mina was interrupted by Momo running into the forest, vomiting.
"-Vomiting, I'm sure she'll be fine."
Sana tried to walk over to Momo, but fell.
Tzuyu helped her up.
"Remember you have an injured leg." Tzuyu said.
"Sorry, I keep forgetting."
Dahyun offered to help Momo.
"Well this put me off to eat more." Jeongyeon said.
"Me too." Chaeyoung threw the passion fruit behind her.