"Ow! That hurts." Sana whined.
"Sorry." Tzuyu tried to wrap her cloth around Sana's leg to stop the bleeding.
"Uh, thanks." Sana thanked.
Tzuyu blushed and bowed.
Chaeyoung was sitting next to Mina, comforting her.
"T-Thanks, for saving me."
"It's fine." Chae smiled.
"That doesn't look friendly." Mina pointed at the large volcano that towered over them.
"Let's just hope that it won't erupt."
Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Momo and Dahyun were together, just talking.
"We're stuck." Nayeon said.
"We'll get out somehow." Jeongyeon put her hand on her shoulder.
"It's getting cold." Momo shivered.
Dahyun hugged Momo trying to warm her, Momo blushed.
"It's getting dark, we should start a fire." Jihyo suggested.
"I'll come with you to get sticks." Jeongyeon spoke.
"I'll take care of the group for now." Nayeon said.
Jeongyeon and Jihyo went into the trees to find sticks.
They walked further into the forest, it was damp and wet.
"Let's get some sticks and get back quick." Jeongyeon's heart was beating faster.
"You scared." Jihyo teased.
"No, it's just I can't leave Nayeon alone." She let out a small laugh.
"Don't worry, there's some sticks here." Jihyo pointed at the ground.
They both picked some up.
"We have sticks, how do we make the fire?" Jeongyeon asked.
They came back with bunch of sticks which they laid on the ground.
The other girls came over to them.
"Sticks, now how do we make a fire?" Momo asked.
Jihyo was still thinking.
"Sun still shining, anyone has a magnifying glass ?" She said.
"Yeah okay, cause apparently people just have magnifying glas-."
"Here you go." Chaeyoung interrupted what Jeongyeon said.
"You just carry a magnifying glass in your pocket." Tzuyu said.
"Who doesn't, plus I'm surprised it didn't lost to sea."
Chaeyoung gave Jihyo the magnifying glass and set the light to the sticks.
"It's not going to work." Jeongyeon discouraged her.
"Wait, something is burning." Sana pointed.
Jihyo looked at Jeongyeon, Jeongyeon rolled her eyes.
Before they knew it, fire was alight.
They all sat down together in circle around the fire.
The sun went down and they were silent.
"Since we're here, why don't we introduce ourselves." Jihyo suggested.
The girls nodded.
"I'll start, I'm Park Jihyo, I like to sing, dance, I'm always being goofy and I have the loudest voice as people say."
They waited for someone to go next.
"I'm Yoo Jeongyeon, I love making jokes, people call me 'The Guardian Angel' because I save people, I have a huge lego set, I also do all the cleaning. That's basically it."
"I'm Im Nayeon, the one and only, I like sweets and jelly, I try to stay positive and people say I have a bubbly personality."
"I'm Hirai Momo, I love jokbal technically all foods, I hate rollercoasters because I'm scared of them."
"I'm Minatozaki Sana, I'm the clumsiest person alive, I'm scared of thunder and people say I'm good at calligraphy."
"I'm Myoui Mina, I love ketchup, people call me a penguin because of the way I walk and I learnt ballet for 11 years."
"I'm Kim Dahyun, I love chocolate, they call me 'dubu' because of my white skin and flexibility."
"I'm Son Chaeyoung, I'm a lover of art, I'm the shortest person here, people say I resemble Simba from the lion king."
"I'm Chou Tzuyu, tallest person here, I love all kinds of dogs, people have never see me cry."
All the girls were finished, they were all respectful of each other.
"We should get some sleep and try to get help." Jihyo suggested.
They all nodded and laid on the sand, closing their eyes.