"Nayeon wake up." Jeongyeon shook her awake.
"What?" Nayeon was clearly annoyed of her bothering her when she was asleep.
"I think there's a storm."
Jeongyeon got up from her bed and looked outside from the window.
"Maybe it'll go away." Nayeon said half asleep.
Momo and Sana couldn't go to sleep.
Sana who's scared of thunder is hugging Momo.
Another thunder clashed.
Sana gripping tighter to Momo.
"It's going to be okay." Momo trying to soothe Sana, but still as scared as her.
Sana covered her ears.
"That doesn't look good." Tzuyu was looking at the sky from the window.
"I thought the weather said if would be sunny."
"Yeah, hope it'll go away soon." Mina tugged her arm closer.
"It'll be fine. I promise." Tzuyu smiled at her.
Another thunder crashes.
Dahyun suddenly woke up from the sound.
"A storm? Why now? Chaeyoung are you-." She looked around and Chaeyoung wasn't in her bed.
"Chaeyoung... Chaeyoung!" She called but no response.
She ran outside the room and called her name.
"Dahyun?" A voice said behind her.
"Jihyo, I can't find Chaeyoung."
Dahyun called her name again making the other girls from the rooms come outside.
"What's going on here?" Nayeon asked still looking sleepy.
"We're looking for someone, please could you help us." Jihyo pleaded.
"Sure, what does she look like?" Tzuyu asked.
"She's short and has long hair, her name is Chaeyoung." Dahyun said quickly.
"We'll take the right side of the decks." Momo suggested.
"Then us two will check the left side of the decks." Tzuyu spoke.
"Me and Nayeon will check the other rooms." Jeongyeon said.
"I guess we'll take the top deck." Jihyo said to Dahyun.
They looked around, but they still couldn't find her, rain started to pour down hard.
"Chaeyoung!" Dahyun still calling her.
"Let's check with the others." Jihyo suggested.
"Dahyun? Jihyo?" A voice came from behind them.
"Chaeyoung!" Dahyun ran up to her and hugged her tightly.
"What are you doing here?" Jihyo asked her.
The other girls arrived.
"I was just taking a photo of the storm." She pointed.
"Are you crazy?!" Nayeon said in shock.
"Uhh, who are these people?" Chaeyoung asked.
"Doesn't matter now. We have to get back to our rooms-." Water splashed them stopping Jihyo from finishing her sentence.
"We have to get back to our rooms." Jeongyeon shouted.
The ship was tilting from side to side, making it hard for them to walk straight and making them lose balance, they held onto each other for support.
They finally got to the decks.
"Is everyone okay?" Jihyo asked them.
"Wait, where's Mina?" Tzuyu asked looking around for her.
They ran out and they could hear faint shouting from outside the ship.
"Help!" Mina shouted, struggling to keep herself up. No one knew what to do until, Chaeyoung dived in head first to save her.
Jihyo tried to stop her but it was too late.
"We have to help them." Momo said.
Jihyo looked around finding a rope and a life jacket.
She threw the life jacket and lowered the rope.
Chaeyoung put the life jacket on Mina and tied the rope around the both of them.
The other girls grabbed hold of the rope.
They used their strength and pulled.
Suddenly, the wave was too strong and hit the side of the boat, knocking all the girls in the sea.